Published on 8 Nov 2013
A nuclear clean-up team in Fukushima is preparing to move the fuel rods from one of the power plant's reactors to a safer location. It's the most hazardous undertaking at the Japanese facility since it was crippled by an earthquake and tsunami, two and a half years ago. To discuss the clean-up procedures as well as the safety situation around the Fukushima power plant, Kevin Kamps, a nuclear waste specialist for the Beyond Nuclear Organization, joins RT.
TEPCO's initiative to remove the nuclear fuel rods from storage pools has been criticized by Japanese scientists, as such an operation has never been undertaken in the country before. Members of the media and TEPCO employees walk past radioactive water storage tanks in the H4 area of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on November 7, 2013.
Though such an operation has never been performed in Japan before, it has to be done, because it is too dangerous to keep nuclear fuel in pools once it has leaked, given the seismic problems facing the crippled plant. Journalists and Tokyo Electric Power Co. employees walk down the steps of a fuel handling machine on the spent fuel pool inside the No.4 reactor building of TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on November 7, 2013.
The fuel evacuation will take up to 18 months and TEPCO has promised that the process will go ahead with maximum safety. Tokyo Electric Power Co. employees dressed in protective suits stand next to a protective wall made of steel pipe sheet pile installed along the coast facing nuclear rector No.1 to No. 4 buildings, Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, on November 7, 2013.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) starts preparations to remove all fuel rod assemblies from the No. 4 reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, which was crippled by a tsunami in 2011. A TEPCO worker wearing a protective suit and a mask walks through the Seismic Isolated Building at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant on November 7, 2013.
TEPCO's task is to extract over 1,500 nuclear fuel rods stored in special water pools in the nuclear power station. A TEPCO employee uses a survey meter at the devastated nuclear power plant in Fukushima prefecture on November 7, 2013.
The spent fuel pool inside the No. 4 reactor at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
- The radioactivity of the rods stored at the Fukushima power plant is 14,000 times higher than what was released by the 1945 Hiroshima atomic bomb.
...Any mistake could potentially lead to the release of a huge amount of radiation into the atmosphere...
Japan's Nuclear Energy Safety Organization has approved TEPCO's plan to extract the rods. Workers wearing protective suits walk among radioactive water storage tanks in the H4 area, where radioactive water leaked from a storage tank in August, at the Tokyo Electric Power Corp's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, on November 7, 2013.
Bilder från RT: http://rt.com/in-vision/fukushima-remove-fuel-rods/fuel-nuclear-rods-fukushima/
***Fukushimas bränslestavar innehåller 14 000 gånger mer radioaktivitet än Hiroshimabomben
Eftersom det inte finns några atombömber eller ngnsin gjort så måste den här fukking skima vara oändligt mkt mer radioaktivitet än bömben...
SvaraRadera...Nu finns det ju fortfarande en och annan som tror på A-bomber, så för dessa kan det ju ändå va en intressant jämförelse. Detta samtidigt som övrig media inte precis överarbetar sin rapportering...
Radera‘It’s a crime what’s happening at Fukushima’
SvaraRaderaRT 2013-11-08
It is beyond tragic that people resettling near Fukushima have to figure out how bad the contamination there is, with Japan’s government allowing it to happen, Kevin Kamps, a nuclear waste specialist from the Beyond Nuclear organization, told RT.
RT: According to experts, Reactor #4 was so damaged in the 2011 catastrophe that any major earthquake could now result in its collapse. How real is that risk – and what could the consequences be if they don't get these rods out?
Kevin Kamps: Yes, it’s been a strange race against time, that’s taken 2 1/2 years now, because they had to rebuild the infrastructure of the unit 4 building which was so badly destroyed by the explosion.
Now they are ready to go with infrastructure and a crane to lift these hundred ton loads of radiated nuclear fuel assemblies out of the pool down to the ground and try to get them into a ground level pool.
It’s a very risky operation, as your reporter reported, because the fuel itself could be bent, it could be damaged, it could be corroded. They used salt water at one point to cool the nuclear waste in this pool, which could have corroded the assemblies.
They could break apart; they could crumble when they go to try to remove them. Even the director of the nuclear regulation authority of Japan has warned that this process should not be rushed; they should not try to force these assemblies out of their storage channels. But they have to get them out before a bigger earthquake takes the building down, the cooling water would drain away, and the waste with them will catch on fire.
There is no radiological containment around the pool and if this waste would catch fire it could be 10 times worse than Chernobyl. That’s how much radioactivity is stored in that pool. Just in terms of the radioactive cesium content. [...]