torsdag 28 november 2013

USA: 52-årig man filmade poliser - arresterades och fick sin hund ihjälskjuten

USA-polisen arresterar en oskyldig åskådare för att han filmar dem. Därefter skjuter de mannens hund. Se videon som avslöjar en av alla tusentals onödiga situationer som skapas av poliser...

Cops arrest man for filming them and then kill his dog 

Publicerad den 2 jul 2013

Police arrested Leon Rosby, 52, near the scene of a SWAT barricade in Hawthorne, California. Officers were responding to an armed robbery, and claimed Rosby was disturbing the crime scene by playing loud music and videotaping the showdown with his cell phone.

After officers arrested the suspected robber, they motioned to Rosby and told him to put the dog in his car. He complied, leaving his Rottweiler in the backseat with the windows open. As the man was being handcuffed, the dog started barking loudly and jumped out of the window.

While barking, the dog approached the police, and video footage shows the 130-pound animal lunging at one officer. One police officer took out his gun and fired four shots at the dog, fatally wounding the animal.

USA: 52-årig man filmade poliser - arresterades och fick sin hund ihjälskjuten

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