tisdag 19 november 2013

Myten om det exceptionella USA - debunkad av ledande FN-medarbetare

Dr. Howard Steven Friedman, en ledande statistiker och  hälsoekonom inom FN, intervjuas på RT angående myten om det exceptionella USA. Dr. Friedman är även författare till boken: ‘The Measure of a Nation...

Drömmen om det exceptionella USA var kanske bara en dröm?

Publicerad den 3 aug 2012
The concept of “American exceptionalism,” which traditionally places the US ahead of the rest of the industrialized world, should be dramatically reconsidered as the health and wellbeing of US citizens are sacrificed in the name of profit.


This is according to Dr. Howard Steven Friedman, a leading UN health economist and statistician, and author of the book ‘The Measure of a Nation.’

Friedman says that America – birthplace of the ‘American Dream’ and once an exceptional nation of freedom, equality, opportunity and high living standards – has long since lost many of these qualities. The richest one-third of the American population now rules the lives of the rest, he argues.

Howard Friedman: I was initiated by a conversation with my cousin when we were discussing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. He had been defending the current system in America, saying that it is the best in the world. I asked him, “how do you know that?” and his response was, “I have no idea.”

Just a couple of days afterwards I was doing some of my work at the UN and I was looking at some human development reports and it dawned on me that the data to compare the US with other wealthy countries is readily available. You can look at it, you can see how we’re doing. And from there you can identify if we’re doing better or worse. And, if we’re not doing that well, what are the lessons we can learn from other countries?

- So when you do the comparison, what you find is the US is not doing that well. On health, safety, democracy and equality we’ve got some of the lowest levels. 

For education we’re roughly in the middle. One of the disappointing factors is, we used to be one of the best in most of these categories...



Top 5 Ways America is Exceptional

Publicerad den 18 nov 2013
Abby Martin defends the notion of American Exceptionalism, highlighting the categories where the US truly is exceptional, from obesity to war making, but not in the areas that Americans should be proud of such as literacy and environmental protection.

Wake Up America: The Rise of the Police State

Publicerad den 2 aug 2013
Wake up America. The USA is becoming a police state.
Visit http://www.policestateusa.com

The movie clip in the final minutes is called Gray State.
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Myten om det exceptionella USA - debunkad av ledande FN-medarbetare

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