Publicerad den 14 nov 2013
Abby Martin remarks on a recent ACLU
report highlighting the shockingly high number of people serving life
sentences without parole for non-violent crime, calling out state laws
that leave judges without options when setting these mandatory
Ladda ner rapporten från ACLU (PDF):

RT 2013-11-14.
Over 3,200 people in the United States are serving life sentences without parole for non-violent and often petty offenses – and taxpayers are paying billions to keep them locked up, according to a new report.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) report, titled ‘A Living Death,’ relays the stories of thousands of people impacted by the United States’ “late-twentieth-century obsession with mass incarceration and extreme, inhumane penalties” which leaves them likely to die behind bars even though they are far from being serious or violent offenders.
From possessing a bottle cap smeared with heroin residue to working as a middleman in a $10 drug sale, the ACLU says that punishment thought to be reserved for the most violent criminals in the US is also meted out to others - oftentimes for minor crimes.
Of the 3,278 people across the country serving life sentences without parole, the vast majority surveyed by the ACLU - 83.4 percent - received the punishment that was mandatory under sentencing laws, leaving the judge no other choice.[...]
“- The number of people serving death-in-prison sentences after being convicted of nonviolent crimes is not known but it is most certainly higher than the number of prisoners serving formal life-without-parole sentences for nonviolent crimes,” the report states.
All in all, the totals reveal that the US is sentencing 400 percent more people to life without parole than it was 20 years ago.
“The explosion in life without parole sentences is part of a larger, failed approach to criminal justice – an approach characterized by unnecessarily and unproductively extreme penalties,” the ACLU says.
“The result? An aging prison population that costs more and more to lock up as their health deteriorates, strapped state budgets, and too many people locked up for too long.”
The report calls on state and federal sentencing laws that mandate or allow life without parole for non-violent crimes to be abolished. In addition, it calls on state governors and the Obama administration to commute those with outsized sentences.
In addition, the ACLU touts alternative solutions, including shorter prison terms and more drug treatment and mental health services.
“Life without parole sentences for nonviolent offenses defy common sense and are grotesquely out of proportion to the conduct they seek to punish,” the report concludes.

Läs mer:
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I knew about the thousands of cases of children in India becoming paralyzed after receiving his polio vaccines.
I’ve researched the African children coming down with the mysterious “nodding” disease” immediately after vaccination.
I’ve listened to the interviews where Bill Gates calls his vaccine campaign “population control”. But like most things, we don’t really believe it until we actually see it.
- During my time in Uganda, I saw it.[...]"
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A high school student suffered a brain injury and remains in a medically-induced coma after a Texas sheriff’s deputy tasered him without cause following a skirmish in a school hallway, the boy’s mother claims in court.
Maria Acosta has sued Bastrop County, its school district and Randy McMillan, a Bastrop County sheriff’s officer and school resource officer, according to Courthouse News.
Noe Nino de Rivera, Acosta’s son, suffered a “severe brain hemorrhage” when McMillan Tasered him after the boy, known as N.N., had intervened to halt a fight between two females at Cedar Creek High School on Wednesday, November 20, Acosta claims in a federal lawsuit.
"I'm called to the school and they say you have to get to the hospital," Acosta told KXAN last week. "(They said) your son is alive. I say, 'what do you mean he's alive?'"
Her son “stepped in to break up the fight” before police could arrive, Acosta says in the suit.
McMillan and another security officer arrived to break up the fight upon being called by school officials. Acosta says her son “diffused the situation” by the time they arrived on the scene.
McMillan told N.N. to step away, and he did so with his hands raised, but McMillan tasered him nevertheless, Acosta alleges.
Immobilized by the Taser, N.N. fell and struck his head on the floor, at which point McMillan handcuffed the unconscious boy, 17.
Acosta says school officials initially “delayed in calling for medical assistance even though N.N. was in an obvious emergency medical situation.
"Eventually, school officials called for EMS and N.N. was airlifted to St. David's Medical Center, where he immediately underwent surgery to repair a severe brain hemorrhage and was placed in a medically induced coma."
The lawsuit claims that "N.N. remains in a coma, and has not been able to communicate with his family since his hospitalization." [...]