
Source: Rick Falkvinge | Falkvinge
The Swedish citizens will get all
their phone calls and e-mail traffic wiretapped in real time not just by
the Swedish NSA branch, but also by police, customs, the tax authority,
and others. These plans were revealed today by the Ny Teknik
magazine, sending shockwaves among civil rights activists.
This follows a previous law change that gave the Swedish NSA branch, the FRA, realtime access to all Internet traffic that crossed the country borders – effectively wiretapping everybody warrantlessly all the time.
Circumventing the entire legislative process and every democratic shred of oversight, the Swedish Police are demanding voluntary agreements from telecom operators to give the Police and other Swedish authorities direct and real-time access to phone call data, mail traffic, and much more. This is not just the slippery slope into an Orwellian society that civil rights activists have warned about: this is a slippery precipice.
We’re now officially past the point where “national security” (and the the ever-present disgusting child porn/terrorism argument) is used to justify bulk warrantless wiretapping of everybody, all the time. We’ve arrived at the point where the Police justify the complete elimination of entire classes of civil liberties with nothing more than “because it can be done, and we want it”.
The authorities that would get direct real-time access to most communications aren’t just the Police, but also the Customs Office, the Security Police, and the Tax Authority (!!).
A key difference between a functioning democracy and a police state is, that in a functioning democracy, the Police don’t get everything they point at. While the border between the two is arguably a lot of gray area, and subject to a lot of polemic, it can no longer be reasonably stated that police powers are under checks and balances.
Vidareläsning på svenska
- Ett helt automatiserat system där Polisen, Skattemyndigheterna, Tullverket, Åklagarmyndigheten, Säkerhetspolisen och övriga brottsbekämpande myndigheter, på egen hand går in och hämtar trafikdata hos företag som lagrar surf-, mejl- och samtalsuppgifter.
- Det är snart verklighet i den tidigare demokratin, Sverige...
- Uppgifter om bland annat människors mejl och telefoni inom landets gränser kan polisen och berörda myndigheter så snart som systemet är färdigtestat, hämta direkt.
Det innebär att brottsutredare, underrättelsetjänster, etc, i landet snart själva kan gå in och omedelbart hämta ut uppgifter.
Vem som ringt vem och när, vart ett mejl eller ett sms har skickats, var en person befann sig när ett visst telefonsamtal gjordes och andra uppgifter...[...]
This follows a previous law change that gave the Swedish NSA branch, the FRA, realtime access to all Internet traffic that crossed the country borders – effectively wiretapping everybody warrantlessly all the time.
Circumventing the entire legislative process and every democratic shred of oversight, the Swedish Police are demanding voluntary agreements from telecom operators to give the Police and other Swedish authorities direct and real-time access to phone call data, mail traffic, and much more. This is not just the slippery slope into an Orwellian society that civil rights activists have warned about: this is a slippery precipice.
We’re now officially past the point where “national security” (and the the ever-present disgusting child porn/terrorism argument) is used to justify bulk warrantless wiretapping of everybody, all the time. We’ve arrived at the point where the Police justify the complete elimination of entire classes of civil liberties with nothing more than “because it can be done, and we want it”.
The authorities that would get direct real-time access to most communications aren’t just the Police, but also the Customs Office, the Security Police, and the Tax Authority (!!).
A key difference between a functioning democracy and a police state is, that in a functioning democracy, the Police don’t get everything they point at. While the border between the two is arguably a lot of gray area, and subject to a lot of polemic, it can no longer be reasonably stated that police powers are under checks and balances.
Vidareläsning på svenska
Avlyssnings-Sverige slår till 2013:
"- Polisen, Skatteverket, SÄPO, Tullverket, Åklagarmyndigheten och andra s.k. brottsbekämpande myndigheter är på väg att få direktåtkomst till delar av Sveriges data- och telefontrafik."
- Ett helt automatiserat system där Polisen, Skattemyndigheterna, Tullverket, Åklagarmyndigheten, Säkerhetspolisen och övriga brottsbekämpande myndigheter, på egen hand går in och hämtar trafikdata hos företag som lagrar surf-, mejl- och samtalsuppgifter.
- Det är snart verklighet i den tidigare demokratin, Sverige...
- Uppgifter om bland annat människors mejl och telefoni inom landets gränser kan polisen och berörda myndigheter så snart som systemet är färdigtestat, hämta direkt.
Det innebär att brottsutredare, underrättelsetjänster, etc, i landet snart själva kan gå in och omedelbart hämta ut uppgifter.
Vem som ringt vem och när, vart ett mejl eller ett sms har skickats, var en person befann sig när ett visst telefonsamtal gjordes och andra uppgifter...[...]
Swedish Regime To Give Police, Customs, Tax Man Realtime Access to People’s Phone, Mail...
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