
NRC i Holland var först att rapportera nyheten. Översättning från holländska till engelska:
- The American intelligence service - NSA - infected more than 50,000 computer networks worldwide with malicious software designed to steal sensitive information.
Documents provided by former NSA employee Edward Snowden and seen by this newspaper, prove this.
(...) The NSA declined to comment and referred to the US Government. A government spokesperson states that any disclosure of classified material is harmful to our national security.
According to a profile by Matthew M. Aid for Foreign Policy, it's a highly secret but incredibly important NSA program that collects intelligence about foreign targets by hacking into their computers, stealing data, and monitoring communications. [...]
‘NSA:s sleeper cells’ can be activated with a single push of a button
The malware can be controlled remotely and be turned on and off at will. The ‘implants’ act as digital ‘sleeper cells’ that can be activated with a single push of a button. According to the Washington Post, the NSA has been carrying out this type of cyber operation since 1998.
The Dutch intelligence services - AIVD and MIVD – have displayed interest in hacking. The Joint Sigint Cyber Unit – JSCU – was created early in 2013. The JSCU is an inter-agency unit drawing on experts with a range of IT skills.
This new unit is prohibited by law from performing the type of operations carried out by the NSA as Dutch law does not allow this type of internet searches.
The NSA declined to comment and referred to the US Government. A government spokesperson states that any disclosure of classified material is harmful to our national security.[...]
Aktivisten Jeremy Hammond avslöjade myndigheternas grova kriminalitet
- fick 10 års fängelse som tack
Publicerad den 15 nov 2013
RT's Anastasia Churkina reports from
the Manhattan courthouse where hacker and activist Jeremy Hammond was
sentenced to a maximum time behind bars of 10 years for breaking into 5
million emails of private security firm Stratfor and leaking the
information to Wikileaks. The emails Hammond got hold of revealed that
the company was spying on human rights activists on behalf of
corporations and the U.S. Government. ***
NSA har infekterat 50 000 nätverk globalt med virus och skadlig kod - cyberterror XL
--NSA hacked over 50,000 computer networks worldwide - report--
SvaraRaderaNovember 23
The US National Security Agency hacked more than 50,000 computer networks worldwide installing malware designated for surveillance operations, Dutch newspaper NRC reports citing documents leaked by Edward Snowden.
The latest round of revelations comes from a document dating from 2012 that shows the extent of the NSA’s worldwide surveillance network.
Published by Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad, it points out more than 50,000 locations, where the NSA used ‘Computer Network Exploitation’ (CNE) and implanted malicious software into the networks.
According to the NSA website CNE “includes enabling actions and intelligence collection via computer networks that exploit data gathered from target or enemy information systems or networks.”
Once the computer has been infected, the ‘implants’ act as digital 'sleeper cells' that can be remotely turned on or off with a single push of a button, the Dutch paper reported. The malware can remain active for years without being detected, the newspaper added. The malicious operations reportedly were carried out in many countries including China, Russia, Venezuela and Brazil.
The hacking is conducted by the Tailored Access Operations (TAO), a special unit within the NSA tasked with gaining access to foreign computer systems.
According to the Dutch media, one of the examples of the CNE operation is the reported attack against Belgian telecom company Belgacom that was discovered in September 2013. The attack was previously reported to have been carried out by British intelligence agency GCHQ that worked in cooperation with its American counterpart.
GCHQ injected malware in the Belgacom network to tap their customers’ telephone and data traffic. The agency implemented a technique known as Quantum Insert, placing Belgacom’s servers in strategic spots where they could intercept and redirect target traffic to a fake LinkedIn professional social network's website.
Public sources show that TAO employs more than a thousand hackers. The task force has been active since at least 1998, according to Washington Post.
Documents acquired by the NRC newspaper also reveal that NSA spied on the Netherlands from 1946 to 1968. However the report does not indicate the specific intentions.
Dutch interior affairs minister Ronald Plasterk has recently confirmed that the NSA monitors mail and phone traffic in the Netherlands and exchanges data with Dutch security organization AIVD.
-NSA: Not Only Snooping But Infecting Computer Networks Worldwide-
SvaraRaderaKurt Nimmo
November 23, 2013
Not only does the NSA snoop your personal communications, the agency also excels at infecting computer networks with malicious software.
Edward Snowden, the former NSA analyst roundly excoriated by government as a dangerous leaker, has revealed that more than 50,000 computer networks worldwide have been infected.
A management presentation shows how the surveillance agency uses “Computer Network Exploitation” (CNE) in more than 50,000 locations. “CNE is the secret infiltration of computer systems achieved by installing malware, malicious software,” reports the Dutch website, NRC.nl.
The NSA has a special department dedicated to malicious hacking. Tailored Access Operation, or TAO, has more than a thousand hackers hired to go after targeted networks.
In August, the Washington Post reported that TAO had installed an estimated 20,000 “implants” beginning in 2008 and by the middle of last year the number had jumped to 50,000. The implants act as “sleeper cells” that are controlled at will.
“Computer hacks are relatively inexpensive and provide the NSA with opportunities to obtain information that they otherwise would not have access to,” write Floor Boon, Steven Derix and Huib Modderkolk. “The NSA-presentation shows their CNE-operations in countries such as Venezuela and Brazil. The malware installed in these countries can remain active for years without being detected.”
NSA referred inquiries about the revelations to the U.S. government. A government spokesperson said the disclosure of classified information endangers U.S. national security.
mer leksaker
...Och för varje år så ökar upplösningen i utrustningen ordentligt.
RaderaMen Sheeple har ju inget att dölja:)
--Map Shows The NSA's Massive Worldwide Malware Operations--
SvaraRaderaNovember 24, 2013
Source: Atlantic Wire
A new map details how many companies across the world have been infected by malware by the National Security Agency's team of hackers, and where the companies are located.
Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad reports the NSA uses malware to infect, infiltrate and steal information from over 50,000 computer networks around the globe. This new, previously unreported scope of the NSA's hacking operation comes from another PowerPoint slide showing a detailed map of every infection leaked by former contractor Edward Snowden.
The practice is called "Computer Network Exploitation," or CNE for short, and it's carried out by the NSA's Tailored Access Operations team. A yellow dot on the map signifies a CNE infection. The NSA plants malware within a network that can flipped on or off at any time. Once a network is infected, the malware gives the NSA unfiltered access to the network's information whenever it's most convenient. The Washington Post previously profiled the team of "elite hackers" who make up the NSA's TAO division.
The British intelligence service liked this strategy too, NRC Handelsblad reports, because they successfully duped a Belgium telecom company with a fake LinkedIn account. A strip at the bottom says the map is relative to relative to the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, and Canada, the "Five Eyes" nations that share intelligence.
The bulk of CNE operations take place in Europe, South American and Asia. Some are speculating CNE operations focus on Internet service providers, telecom giants and other similar companies to better facilitate massive information collection.
Where the NSA's team of hackers fit into the organization's greater intelligence gathering structure is presently unclear. But another new document, a February 2012 memo leaked to The New York Times about the NSA's goals for the future, shows exactly how extensive the NSA thought its intelligence gathering would become. They wanted everything: