- Jodå, en hel del människor tycker det är mycket bra polisarbete, enligt kommentarer på nätet...13-årige Andy Lopez i USA sköts 7 gånger på 10 sekunder av polisen när han var på väg till en kompis med sitt leksaksgevär. 1000-tals människor som absolut inte tyckte det var speciellt bra polisarbete demonstrerade i efterhand mot polisens dödsskjutning av pojken...
RT 2013-10-25
The shooting death of a 13-year-old California boy believed to be carrying an assault rifle unfolded in no more than 10 seconds, police said. Andy Lopez Cruz, who was later found to be carrying a plastic replica, was struck by seven bullets.
In that time, a total of eight rounds were fired by one of the two sheriff’s deputies who confronted the teen, with two of the wounds – one in the right side of his chest and the second in his right hip – proving fatal.
Lt. Paul Henry, of the Santa Rosa Police Department, told the San Francisco Chronicle that Cruz was also shot in his right wrist, left biceps, right forearm, right buttocks and right hip.
It took another 16 seconds for the deputies to call for medical assistance, according to a timeline of events released by police investigating the fatal shooting in Santa Rosa on Tuesday, Reuters reports.
At approximately 3pm Tuesday, a 24-year-old deputy of the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office and a rookie deputy he was training spotted Andy, donning a blue hoodie and shorts, walking on Moorland Avenue with what they believed was an assault rifle in his left hand.
Police say the deputies – who have not yet been officially identified – got out of their squad car and took cover behind the open doors. The senior deputy twice shouted, "Put the gun down," before Cruz turned to his right, the Sheriff’s Office said.[...]
Publicerad den 12 nov 2013
Abby Martin speaks with Arnoldo
Casillas, attorney for the family of Andy Lopez, a 13 year old who was
killed by Santa Rosa police while holding a toy gun. They discuss the
community reaction to Andy's death and the lawsuit to hold officers
accountable for the murder.***
Publicerad den 31 okt 2013
More than a thousand people gathered this week in Santa Rosa, Calif. to protest the death of a 13-year-old boy after a county sheriff shot and killed him. Police say Andy Lopez was carrying a pellet gun that looked like an AK-47 when they confronted him. Witnesses say they heard the sheriff's deputies order Lopez to put down the gun twice. One of the deputies, Erick Gelhaus, opened fire when Lopez turned around, shooting the boy seven times. Ameera David talks to RT's Ramon Galindo about the controversy surrounding the shooting incident. ***
Är det bra att polisen avrättar barn som bär på leksaksgevär? - 13-åring sköts 7 gånger
-U.S. Points Out that Only Tyrants Treat Journalists As Terrorists … While Doing the Exact Same Thing-
SvaraRaderaNovember 4, 2013
Source: Washington’s Blog
The U.S. government is targeting whistleblowers in order to keep its hypocrisy secret … so that it cankeep on doing the opposite of what it tells other countries to do.
As part of this effort to suppress information which would reveal the government’s hypocrisy, the American government – like the British government – is treating journalists as terrorists.
Journalism is not only being criminalized in America, but investigative reporting is actually treated liketerrorism.
The government admits that journalists could be targeted with counter-terrorism laws (and here). For example, after Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Chris Hedges, journalist Naomi Wolf, Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and others sued the government to enjoin the NDAA’s allowance of the indefinite detention of Americans – the judge asked the government attorneys 5 times whether journalists like Hedges could be indefinitely detained simply for interviewing and then writing about bad guys. The government refused to promise that journalists like Hedges won’t be thrown in a dungeon for the rest of their lives without any right to talk to a judge
After the government’s spying on the Associated Press made it clear to everyone that the government is trying to put a chill journalism, the senior national-security correspondent for Newsweek tweeted:
Serious idea. Instead of calling it Obama’s war on whistleblowers, let’s just call it what it is: Obama’s war on journalism.[...]
Source links:
-TSA union calls for armed guards at every checkpoint-
SvaraRaderaNovember 3, 2013
Source: USA Today
The union representing airport screeners for the Transportation Security Administration says Friday's fatal shooting of an agent at Los Angeles International Airport highlights the need for armed security officers at every airport checkpoint.
"Every local airport has its own security arrangement with local police to some type of contract security force," said J. David Cox Sr., president of the American Federation of Government Employees, which represents the screeners. "There is no standardization throughout the country. Every airport operates differently. Obviously at L.A. there were a fair number of local police officers there."
TSA behavior-detection officer Gerardo Hernandez, 39, was killed in Friday's shooting, and two other agents were wounded.
Law enforcement officers at LAX shot and wounded the alleged shooter, 23-year-old Paul Ciancia, in Terminal 3, preventing what could have been a much larger tragedy.
TSA officials said Saturday that they don't anticipate a change in the agency security posture at the moment, but "passengers may see an increased presence of local law enforcement officers throughout the country."
Every commercial airport is required to have an airport security program that is approved by the TSA. But the agency said it is up to each airport authority and their local law enforcement partners to ensure the plan is implemented.
-Child Killing Cop Returning To Police Force-
SvaraRaderaDecember 10, 2013
Source: SF Chronicle
The Sonoma County sheriff's deputy who shot and killed a 13-year-old boy outside Santa Rosa after mistaking the youth's toy gun for a real rifle was expected to return to work this week, according to a published report.
Erick Gelhaus has been on leave since the Oct. 22 shooting of Andy Lopez Cruz, who was carrying a replica AK-47 pellet gun near his home.
Gelhaus went through a mental health screening and is returning to desk duty, theSanta Rosa Press Democrat reported. The sheriff's office did not return calls from The Chronicle seeking comment.
Critics of Gelhaus, outraged that the deputy will be back on the job, are planning to march in protest Tuesday evening. They said the department should wait until outside investigations of the incident by Santa Rosa police and the county district attorney's office are complete.
"To return Gelhaus to work is such an insult to the community," said Jonathan Melrod, one of the protest organizers. "Many people view this as salt in the wound because of the nature of what happened, the killing of a child."