2013-11-26. De årliga protesterna utanför "folkmördarskolan" vid Ft. Benning lockade i år tusentals personer. På "School of Assassins" har 11 av världens mest brutala diktatorer har fått sin utbildning av USA. Hela 64 000 soldater har också utbildats i den ädla konsten av tortyrteknik eller s.k. utökade förhörsmöjligheter - vilket låter bättre i mainstreampropaganda. En hel del av demonstranterna utanför skolan är överlevande efter de utbildade diktatorernas tidigare folkmord...
Publicerad den 25 nov 2013
Breaking the Set's Manuel Rapalo
travels to Fort Benning, GA for a massive rally aimed at shutting down
the School of the Americas; a US Military training facility that is
notorious for breeding some of the worst human rights violators in Latin
Publicerad den 25 november 2013
The 23rd annual protest drew about 1,700 people, but no one was arrested. The message of the rally was to end congressional funding of a military education facility known for human rights abuses throughout Latin America. RT's Meghan Lopez talks with "Breaking the Set" producer Manuel Rapalo about the history of WHINSEC and some of its most notorious graduates.

Tusentals protesterade mot ökänd USA-skola som utbildat folkmördare och torterare
--CNN and MSNBC lose almost half their viewers in one year--
SvaraRaderaSource: News Busters November 27, 2013
It’s been a tough year for the liberal cable news outlets.
Data released Tuesday show CNN shedding 48 percent of total viewers since last November and MSNBC dropping 45 percent.
The numbers were even worse in the all important demographic of people aged 25 to 54 as CNN’s ratings dropped 59 percent and MSNBC’s 52 percent.
-LA Sheriff’s Department hired dozens of officers with histories of misconduct-
SvaraRaderaDecember 03
The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department hired dozens of officers despite the fact that background checks turned up instances of serious misconduct on and off duty.
The news surfaced after an investigation of sheriff’s files by the Los Angeles Times. The newspaper found that 188 of the 280 individuals hired by the department in 2010 had been rejected from other law enforcement agencies, including nearly 100 who displayed evidence of dishonesty, such as falsifying police records.
About 92 of the officers hired had previously been disciplined for misconduct by other police agencies, and 29 were previously fired or compelled to resign following allegations of misconduct. In some cases, an applicant had fired their weapon accidentally, solicited prostitutes, or even had sex while at work.
After the Office of Public Safety was disbanded roughly four years ago, the Sheriff’s Department absorbed its responsibilities, which included patrolling hospitals, parks, and other county buildings. The Sheriff’s Department was not required to hire anyone from the disbanded police force, but it eventually took on 280 officers.
Law enforcement officials in leadership positions, including Larry Waldie, County Sheriff Lee Baca’s second-in-command at the time, told the Times they were not aware of the misconduct uncovered by the background investigations. [...]