Lite sammanställd information om foliehattarnas favoritämne - Chem Trails och vidare info om dagens utbredda och världsomspännande klimatmanipulering & konstgjord miljödesign, även kallat
- Geoengineering.
- Geoengineering.
Den som vågar påstå att Chem Trails är något annat än kreativa molnformationer på himlen, idiotförklaras vanligtvis omgående och tilldelas en foliehatt av en synkroniserad mediemaskin.
Naturligtvis skulle aldrig världens rikaste familjer, deras politiska ledare, storföretag och krigsindustrin någonsin våga komma på den idén att för egen vinning, spraya kemikalier på himlen för att påverka vädret eller experimentera med naturen på något annat sätt...
... Dessa empatiska förebilder hade naturligtvis, ärliga som de är, talat om det för alla?
- Eller hur Mr. Sheeple?
Bl. a. The Guardian har försökt att göra det som riktiga journalister en gång i tiden gjorde, nämligen att undersöka saker och inte per automatik idiotförklara alla som oroar sig. Här får man en viss inblick i hur långt den "officiella" forskningen kommit.
Nu förtjänar väl vissa "sanningssökare" sina foliehattar, men värt att nämna, är att många foliehattar är betydligt intelligentare än den hjärntvättade pöbel som viljelöst tror på alla regeringssanktionerade lögner i mainstreammedia... :)
Geoengineering projects
around the world - map

At war over geoengineering
At least four countries – the US, Russia, China and Israel
– possess the technology and organisation to regularly alter weather and geologic events for various military and black operations ...
– possess the technology and organisation to regularly alter weather and geologic events for various military and black operations ...
Few in the civil sector fully understand that geoengineering is primarily a military science and has nothing to do with either cooling the planet or lowering carbon emissions (Report, 6 February).
While seemingly fantastical, weather has been weaponised. At least four countries – the US, Russia, China and Israel – possess the technology and organisation to regularly alter weather and geologic events for various military and black operations, which are tied to secondary objectives, including demographic, energy and agricultural resource management.
Indeed, warfare now includes the technological ability to induce, enhance or direct cyclonic events, earthquakes, draught and flooding, including the use of polymerised aerosol viral agents and radioactive particulates carried through global weather systems.
Various themes in public debate, including global warming, have unfortunately been subsumed into much larger military and commercial objectives that have nothing to do with broad public environmental concerns. These include the gradual warming of polar regions to facilitate naval navigation and resource extraction.
Matt Andersson
Former executive adviser, aerospace & defence, Booz Allen Hamilton, Chicago
---the Guardian---

Scientists Warn Geo-Engineering
Can Kill Billions of People
Cassandra Anderson October 2, 2012
Geo-engineering is an umbrella term for deliberate climate intervention that includes spraying the sky with aerosols to reflect solar radiation away from Earth in order to cool the planet and to save the environment and humanity from the effects of supposedly man-made global warming.
There is evidence that this program has already been implemented for many years using unidentified chemical aerosols, known as chemtrails.
A geo-engineering/ chemtrails experiment using a balloon to spray sulfur particles into the sky to reflect solar radiation back into space is planned for New Mexico within a year by scientist David Keith. Keith manages a multimillion dollar research fund for Bill Gates.
Gates has also gathered a team of scientist lobbyists that have been asking governments for hand-outs to for their climate manipulation experiments with taxpayer money.
Geo-engineering is touted as a last-ditch effort to save people and the planet from global warming. But the truth is that geo-engineering can alter rain cycles leading to droughts and famine that could result in billions of deaths!
Therefore, Bill Gates appears to be using his concern over global warming to cloak his real intent of controlling weather and/or depopulation.
Mount Pinatubo Model for Geo-Engineering Drought, Famine & Death
The Mount Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines erupted in 1991, spewing 22 million tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2) into the upper atmosphere/stratosphere. A 2008 study from Rutgers University based a model on Mount Pinatubo sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions and applied it to geo-engineering; the scientists said that they expected overall global cooling, but some regions would experience an increase in greenhouse gases and warming, as was recorded after Pinatubo erupted.
Based on the SO2 volcanic model, the scientists reported that geo-engineering aerosols sprayed in tropical or Arctic regions are likely to disrupt African and Asian/Indian summer monsoons, threatening the food and water supply for billions of people!
Additional negative consequences include ozone depletion, reduced strength of hydrological cycles resulting in decreased river flow and soil moisture.
While the scientists, led by Alan Robock, who performed the experiments appear to believe in man-made global warming, they do have stern warnings against the dangers of geo-engineering.
2012 Geo-Engineering Study
The Max Planck Institute conducted a study of geo-engineering models based on volcanoes, but the study was unrealistic because it used climate models with 400% more carbon dioxide than the pre-industrial era.
However, their results showed that geo-engineering will cause a strong decrease in rainfall (a 15% loss in North America and Eurasia and a 20% decrease in South America). Overall, global rainfall would be reduced by 5%.Unless one considers the financial benefits (government and private grants), it is bewildering why the academia would support geo-engineering.
Geo-Engineering Can Cause Warming
Geo-engineering can actually cause global warming when tampering with clouds in the upper atmosphere/stratosphere.
The Gates-funded scientist lobbyists propose spraying sulfur dioxide 30 miles above Earth and the New Mexico experiment proposes spraying 15 miles above surface- both of these fall within the parameters of the upper atmosphere/stratosphere.
The troposphere is the lowest portion of the Earth’s atmosphere, extending an average of 4 to 12 miles above surface. Clouds that are in the lower troposphere are generally thick white clouds with a high rate of albedo or reflectivity of the sun’s rays away from Earth that produce a cooling effect.
However, the experiments are to be conducted above this level in the upper atmosphere/stratosphere.
The upper atmosphere is called the stratosphere and extends as high as 31 miles above the Earth’s surface. The clouds in the higher stratosphere are generally thin, have a lower albedo reflective rate and act like a blanket that traps heat.
Both experiments propose dumping SO2 in the upper atmosphere/stratosphere, creating a heat-trapping blanket that would theoretically increase warming. This is the opposite of Gates’ stated goal to cool the planet.(Note: most long-distance planes fly at 6 miles above surface, in the lower atmosphere/troposhere)
What About the EPA?
Given that the EPA claims that sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissionscause health problems and early death and that they are shuttering coal plants over emissions, you may be wondering why the EPA isn’t screaming bloody murder over Gates’ SO2 aerosol-spraying experiments.
The answer can be found on the EPA’s own websitewhere they promote giving regulatory power over geo-engineering/chemtrails to the UN and/or developed countries that fund the programs.
The EPA is abdicating power to international interests. Bill Gates’ failure to address the EPA’s dire warnings of the dangers of SO2 is proof that he is aware that the EPA’s claims are grossly overstated or that he doesn’t really care about the environment and has ulterior motives.
Global Warming and UN Control
Global warming is a ruse that claims that life on planet Earth is in grave danger- this alarmism is used for political gain. Global warming is a hoax based on manipulated science from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
The UN currently is assuming control over geo-engineering through its Convention on Biological Diversity treaty that declared a moratorium on experiments, except in some cases.
Geo-engineering is either a risky adventure to test ignorant theories or a scheme to control weather, water and food supplies.
Bill Gates’ record as a depopulation enthusiast supports the argument that geo-engineering is a weather domination scheme that may be used as a weapon threatening the lives of billions of people.
----HAARP----(part 1&2)
(2010 video)
HAARP stands for The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The goal of this program is to further advance our knowledge of the physical and electrical properties of the Earth's ionosphere which can affect our military and civilian communication and navigation systems. The HAARP program operates a world-class ionospheric research facility located in Gakona, Alaska.
(VIDEO) A short documentary on how Haarp operates using concentrated radio waves on the ionosphere to affect weather and as many believe--start earthquakes.
Author Nick Begich refers to it as "Military's Pandora's Box".
Is HAARP capable of affecting the weather?
(text från HAARPS hemsida)
The HAARP facility will not affect the weather. Transmitted energy in the frequency ranges that will be used by HAARP is not absorbed in either the troposphere or the stratosphere - the two levels of the atmosphere that produce the earth's weather.
Electromagnetic interactions only occur in the near-vacuum of the rarefied region above about 70 km known as the ionosphere.
The ionosphere is created and continuously replenished as the sun's radiation interacts with the highest levels of the Earth's atmosphere. The downward coupling from the ionosphere to the stratosphere/troposphere is extremely weak, and no association between natural ionospheric variability and surface weather and climate has been found, even at the extraordinarily high levels of ionospheric turbulence that the sun can produce during a geomagnetic storm.
If the ionospheric storms caused by the sun itself don't affect the surface weather, there is no chance that HAARP can do so either. (??? Reds. Anm.)
----HAARP Documentary----
In Depth Documentary On HAARP and Everything Its Used For.
Mer inom samma ämne:

Government Scientists Propose “Geo-Engineering” Earth’s Upper Atmosphere
Scientists Admit Climate Cooled in the Last Decade, Cite Sulfur Pollution from China
The Government Is Already “Geo-Engineering” The Environment
Geo-engineering: The Backstep BS Disinfo Dance
TIME Article Pushes Geo-engineering Agenda
CBC documentary tackles geo-engineering and ‘past aerosol experiments’
U.S. Government Mad Scientists Geo-Engineer Atmosphere
Geo-Engineering: Killing Off The Useless Eaters
Solar activity may be to blame for unusually cold winters
New Proposals To Fight Global Warming Would End Civilization, Kill Billions
Scientists to Create “Artificial Volcano” In Bid to Geoengineer Climate
- Free your mind…
…and the world will follow!
…and the world will follow!
Publicerat som Information. Texter och bilder tillhör sina respektive upphovsmän
Submitted on 2012/10/09 at 11:36 pm
SvaraRaderaMycket bra artikel Under mattan !!
HAARP och jordbävningar är väl det jag är lite mest fundersam runt, det jag undrar är vilken våglängd man nyttjar för använder man långvåg är det hopplöst att få över ngn mängd energi.
Jag tror det är betydligt enklare att frigöra latenta potentiella energier i jordskorpan med sprängladdningar smart placerade än att försöka göra det med radiovåg ?
Gällande chemtrails är jag ej oroad över sprayning med svavelsyra, det är inte särskilt farligt även om det självklart inte är bra att vara fågel och flyga in i ett sådant moln.
Man nyttjar svavelsyrans hygroskopitet för att fälla ut vatten ur luften. Al föreningar är mkt värre liksom barium, dessa riskerar anrikas i vattendrag osv.
Där behövs studier. Att man sprayar Bariumsalter har förmodligen syftet att man vill skapa en konstgjord jonosfär att studsa strålning mot eller undersöka radarsignalers växelverkan med desamma osv.
Det värsta här är väl att “det inte händer” så det finns inget att undersöka, det är ju bara idioter som tror på chemtrails enligt pravdan. Så status quo.
Submitted on 2012/10/10 at 4:46 am | In reply to Zeke Varg.
SvaraRaderaDet förekommer ju ibland att massvis med fåglar "trillar ner från himlen…"
Istället för att sätta in detta i löjeväckande bibliska sammanhang borde man t.ex. titta på flygtrafiken i området vid tillfället, eller på andra experiment under beteckningen “Geoengineering.”
Haarp verkar ha stora förutsättningar för att skapa kedjereaktioner i naturen som de inblandade absolut inte vill kännas vid.
Sen kan man givetvis inte lita på ett enda ord de säger när militären är inblandad…