måndag 29 oktober 2012

Grekland ger EU-stödet (dina skattepengar) till vapenindustrin

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Greklands EU-stöd

- The Greek arms anomaly
­RT 2012-10-26 
Greece continues to be one of the world’s biggest arms importers, despite having little chance of meeting the deficit reduction targets pegged to its International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout loan, according to a preliminary report by the organization’s debt inspectors.  

The IMF report will likely recommend more austerity in Greece, in addition to 89 other stalled reforms Athens has failed to enact.  

Despite the push for cuts in other spheres, the Greek government continues to spend a considerable portion of its budget on arms, amounting to 7 billion euros in 2011.

- From 2002 through 2006, Greece was the world's fourth-largest importer of weapons.

- Despite the country’s ongoing debt crisis, it remains the tenth-largest military importer.

* * 
As a proportion of its GDP, Greek defense spending is nearly double that of any other EU member. The country also has a less-than-transparent procurement process and a reputation for budgetary corruption, RT's Peter Oliver reports.  

Long-running tensions between Greece and Turkey are believed to be the main reason behind Athens’ high levels of military spending. Following Turkey’s 1974 invasion of Cyprus, Greece has spent an estimated 216 billion euros on arms.  

“Greece still considers that it is facing a threat from Turkey. And that we need to maintain credible military forces to deter that threat,” Thanos Dokos, the Director-General of the Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy told RT.

 Germany, one of Greece’s main creditors in the IMF bailout and a leading voice for eurozone austerity, is also one of Athens’ biggest arms suppliers. Greek military imports account for some 15 percent of Berlin's arms exports.

Greek journalist arrested over exposing politicians' alleged tax evasion


- The Greek arms anomaly forts...

Exactly one year ago, the EU agreed to several extreme measures to combat the ongoing economic crisis, to mixed results. But despite its unique economic distress, Greece shows no sign of cutting back its considerable military budget. ­
A year ago to the day, EU leaders met to tackle debt troubles that German Chancellor Angela Merkel described as Europe’s worst economic crisis since the end of WWII. The EU spent a month negotiating the deal, which was proclaimed to have saved Greece by writing off half the country’s debt, which at the time amounted to 160 percent of its GDP.  
The second aim of the package was to protect other European countries from financial instability. The EU decided to more than double the eurozone bailout fund, also known as the European Financial Stability Facility.  

A handful of nations expressed skepticism of the deal at the outset. Now, a year later, consensus has emerged that the eurozone crisis shows no sign of abating, and the financial and business climate across Europe has significantly worsened.

- But as the crisis worsens, some nations, like Greece, have chosen to spend more money on the military while simultaneously slashing social programs.

Greece could descend

into civil war - expert

RT 2012-11-08  
Greece risks sliding into a civil war, unless officials in Athens follow Iceland’s example and default on the country's loans, journalist Charlie McGrath told RT. ­ 

Charlie McGrath from Wide Awake News says Greece needs to admit to bankruptcy and start fresh from scratch.  

“The financial health is not going to change in the country until they realize that they are in default – that they are bankrupt – and tell the banks that are holding their debt, and the European Union and the ECB, that they’re going to default,” he stressed.
undermattan.blogg - Grekland ger EU-stödet (dina skattepengar) till vapenindustrin

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NAZISTORGANISATION 3:e största parti i Grekland

Published on May 21, 2013
As austerity bites harder in Greece, the far right Golden Dawn party is gaining in popularity, and drawing increasing comparison with the Nazis.

For more on Evan Williams' report, go to the SBS Dateline website... http://bit.ly/16KUIxG

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