lördag 27 oktober 2012

NWWO - New World War Order

Ordning ur kaos. De kommande världshärskarna behöver en global fiende för att kontrollera mänskligheten i "New World Order..."

Bertrand Russell:
World Government or 'Extinction of Humanity'

Publicerades den 15 maj 2013 TRUTHstreammedia
Lord Bertrand Russell (Fabian socialist, Royal Society, peacenik) threatens that without a single global government, human life could be extinguished under the threat of (nuclear) war or return to uncivilized barbarism; yet without the power of an identifiable external enemy, people are psychologically adverse to unifying under such a one world system.

Ergo, advocates and architects of One World are looking for a compelling enemy to achieve global cohesion and submission to a planetary authority...
From: The Impact of Science on Society (1951):

"Communications have been hitherto the chief factor limiting the size of empires. In antiquity the Persians and the Romans depended upon roads, but since nothing traveled faster than a horse, empires became unmanageable when the distance from the capital to the frontier was very great. This is on the point of disappearing with the improvement of the long-range bomber. There would now be no technical difficulty about a sing world-wide Empire. Since war is likely to become more destructive of human life than it has been in recent centuries, unification under a single government is probably is probably necessary unless we are to acquiesce in either a return to barbarism or the extinction of the human race."

"There is, it must be confessed, a psychological difficulty about a single world government. The chief source of social cohesion in the past, I repeat, has been war: the passions that inspire a feeling of unity are hate and fear. These depend upon the existence of an enemy, actual or potential. It seems to follow that a world government could only be kept in being by force, not by the spontaneous loyalty that now inspires a nation at war." p. 26

New World Order:
Blueprint of Madmen (TRAILER)

The film begins with a humorous intro, mocking the false sense of power carried by those who serve the system in the name of spotting a terrorist.

Alex Jones portrays an everyday citizen snitch in the service of government, reporting on potential terrorists who pay for coffee with cash or use the Internet in a cafe. He’s part of the “federal family” that “Big Sis” Janet Napolitano speaks of– part of a self-feeding paranoia that assumes anyone can be a terrorist anywhere, anytime.

The FBI’s recent Communities Against Terrorism campaign embodies this, by continuing to paint a broad brush nationwide that demonizes ordinary citizens, returning veterans and political activists as potential terrorists and domestic extremists.

Forget the fear. Routine activities in life pose more danger than the Pentagon’s shadow puppet al Qaeda.

EndGame - HQ full length version

For the New World Order, a world government is just the beginning.

Once in place they can engage their plan to exterminate 80% of the world's population, while enabling the "elites" to live forever with the aid of advanced technology.

NWWO - New World War Order

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