onsdag 10 oktober 2012

People do not really want to be free

- People do not really want to be free...

(- Who wants to live forever?)

- I am not doing or advocating anything illegal. 

The government is welcome to read my forum posts and preserve them for posterity: 

- At least someone reads them!

- I rather enjoy having this captive audience!

We live in a society where the government is above the law. Since criminals have infiltrated the government, I am at the mercy of criminals.

- I accept that, and use what latitude I have to campaign against war and tyranny.

The main problem is that people do not really want to be free.

- People do not want to have to think for themselves. They do not want to feel their own feelings, dream their own dreams, live their own lives.

- They want the Authorities to do everything. They rather enjoy being plugged into the Machine, parroting its media, feeding on its lies.

People have lost their will to LIVE. 

- Human beings have lost their will to BE.

Av: R.W. Emerson II på RT

art by: Luis Royo


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