tisdag 15 november 2011


OCCUPY WALL STREET 15 November 2011

Source: Al Jazeera and agencies
En domstol i New York har beordrat polisen att dra sig tillbaka och låta demonstranterna återvända till Zuccotti Park.

(Engelsk text) Just hours after Zuccotti Park, which Occupy activists have been camping in for just under two months, was emptied in a pre-dawn police raid, the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) obtained a court order allowing demonstrators to return with their tents to the park.

But the city's Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the park would remain closed while officials reviewed the legal situation.

OCCUPY WALL STREET 16 November 2011

Source: Al Jazeera and agencies

Occupy-demonstranterna återvänder till Zuccotti Park. Efter ett domstolsutslag tvingades polisen i New York att öppna avspärrningarna i parken. Aktivisterna har nu återtagit delar av parken men hindras fortfarande att  sätta upp sina tält eller att ta med sig utrustning och förnödenheter in på området.

OCCUPY WALL STREET 18 November 2011
Source: Al Jazeera and agencies

1000-tals människor samlades I New York för att markera att det nu är 2 månader sedan protesterna på Wall Street började... Minst 177 personer omhändertogs av polisen.

OCCUPY WALL STREET 20 November 2011

This incident took place at UC Davis. See below for video of this incident, as well as more examples of state repression against the 99% movement across the U.S.

*TRIGGER WARNING: Graphic images.
Such incidents are unfortunately common. Brutal repression has long been a daily reality for people of color, trans and queer people, criminalized drug users, sex workers, and other marginalized communities. But now that the 99% and the Occupy movement are standing up for social and economic justice, we all are subject to those same violent tactics of repression.

99% Choir Goes Caroling

On December 22nd, the 99% Choir walked into Bank of America's Seattle headquarters, sang appropriately updated carols, and posted foreclosure notices citing bribery, fraud, and extortion. Thanks goes to The Other 98% , The Backbone Campaign, Washington Community Action Center, and the Seattle Labor Chorus for this action and video.


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