En äkta Svensk Banan-Prinsessa: Karin Olsson, Expressen :)
Expressens kulturchef
skriver i "the Guardian"
Expressens s.k. kulturchef Karin Olsson skrev om Julian Assange den 4: november 2011 i The Guardian. – Tanken på att Assange själv kanske kommer att läsa artikeln är speciell, sade hon då. ... Förhoppningsvis har Mr Assange bättre smak än så...
I artikeln beskriver damen, som verkar vara på en personlig vendetta mot Assange, honom som en antisemitisk looser. Hela hennes skrivande fylls av simpla uppenbara personangrepp.
Utdrag ur Karin Olssons artikel i blå färg


Editor: Människor som anser sig kunna tala för ett helt folk är antagligen patetiska loosers eller diktatorer. Eftersom Karin Olsson troligtvis inte är diktator satsar vi på alternativet.

You can blame Sweden for lots of things – filthy weather, overrated crime novels, Ikea furniture – but to claim this country is the CIA's accomplice, with an extremist law on sex crimes, irritates even his most loyal fans, of whom there are still a few.”
Editor: Att Sverige 2008 betalade ut 6 miljoner kronor i skadestånd till 2 tortyroffer som CIA hämtat och bortfört på svensk mark är säkert inget man håller reda på som kultur-chef för Expressen.
I maj 2005 fällde FN:s kommitté mot tortyr sitt utslag i fallet. Kommittén konstaterade i sitt prejudicerande beslut att svenska statens agerande tillsammans med CIA stred mot artikel 3 i Konventionen. 2008 betalade svenska staten ett skadestånd på 3 miljoner var till offren.
Assange och Wikileaks har avslöjat att Sverige har ett nära samarbete med NATO som kan liknas med att Sverige är en fullvärdig medlem. Om man då inte kan se en koppling mellan CIA och Sverige jobbar man antagligen som kulturchef på något Bonnier-ägt företag.


Editor: Karin Olsson antyder här att en övervintrad radikal vänstern från 70-talet skulle vara okunnig inom It-området samtidigt som hon nedvärderar och förknippar denna fantasi med Assange, allt i samma mening. (=Timbros manipulationsteknik för Marionett-Muppar.)

The journalist who wrote this later became the WikiLeaks representative in Sweden and Norway, while his father – the notorious antisemitic propagandist Israel Shamir – ran the site's dealings with Russia.”
Editor: Svensk press låtsas ofta konkurrera för att läsarna skall manipuleras till att tro att detta verkligen är fallet samt att Bonnier med vänner inte totalkontrollerar hela media.
Alla med någorlunda grundläggande IT-kunskap har för länge sedan fattat den bluffen. Aftonbladet tillåts bara ha enstaka artiklar med vänstervridning för att locka läsare.
Att kulturchefen för Expressen antyder att Aftonbladet nuförtiden skulle vara ”leftwing” är som taget ur Kejsarens nya kläder.
Det krävs nog att ett litet kinesiskt barn berättar sanningen för Karin Olsson...
“The notorious antisemitic propagandist Israel Shamir” är en före detta Jude som inte ville vara förknippad med sionismen och istället började sprida propaganda mot Sionist-judiska intressen.
Besvikelsen blev tydligen extra stor i Svensk Israelvänlig Bonnier-media och bland alla som är intresserade av Israels interna problem.


Editor: För alla oss andra är detta ”antisemitiska problem” tydligtvis skapat av en tidigare jude mot andra sionist-judar. I svensk statskontrollerad media framställs detta medvetet manipulativt för att skuldbelägga alla i Israel Shamirs omgivning.
Kritik idag mot Israel och judar blir per automatik antisemitisk i svensk media... (som av en händelse ägs till 95% av judar...)
Vad antifeministiskt slem är för något vill antagligen ingen veta eller uppleva…
Om t ex en muslim ställer till problem för andra muslimer bryr sig sällan några svenska s.k. Journalister överhuvudtaget.
Journalister i Sverige bryr sig inte heller det minsta när Judar i stor skala sprider antimuslimsk hat-propaganda.
Detta förekommer organiserat på partinivå i Sverige och den svenska riksdagen.
- Naturligtvis finansierat av skattebetalarnas pengar...


The noted leftwing commentator Dan Josefsson admitted recently that Assange was not the radical hero he had supposed, but "a solitary and shabby libertarian who wants to tear down democratic societies".
Editor: Roligt att Karin Olsson anser att Dan Josefssons kritik av Assange är en viktig referens för henne.
- Samme Dan Josefsson -”The noted leftwing commentator”, fick den 8 november år 2000 Stora Journalistpriset av Bonnier.
Dan Josefsson tackade nej till priset och 50 000 kronor. Motiveringen till att Josefsson tackade nej var enligt honom själv följande:
”The noted leftwing commentator”, Dan Josefsson skrev också 10 november 2010 i Aftonbladet:
”Skälet är att det finns allvarliga skäl att tvivla på hur djupt familjen Bonniers engagemang för god journalistik egentligen är.”Källa: Josefsson.net 2000-11-09
”Bonniers grepp över medierna, bokbranschen och svensk film saknar motsvarighet i den så kallade fria världen.
Trots det, eller kanske just därför, undgår Bonnier år efter år granskning.” - Dan Josefsson
Om ”The noted leftwing commentator”, Dan Josefssons åsikter är referensram för Karin Olssons åsikter, så är damen ännu mer patetiskt löjlig, eftersom hon då medvetet arbetar under ytterst tvivelaktiga journalistiska förhållanden i en öststatsliknande mediaorganisation…
”Welcome to Sweden and have a banana Mr Assange…”
*Karin Olssons Artikel i sin helhet HÄR
*English Translation (PDF)
*Swedish Originals (PDF)
Kommentarer från "the GUARDIAN"
- Typiska Engelska Kommentarer till Karin Olssons Artikel:
4 November 2011 4:08PM
Sweden used to be a country to admire, now it is something of a joke.
Assange may not be particularly likeable, but the "charges" are ludicrous based on the published reaction of the women at the time alone, quite apart from the fact that they were dismissed by the original prosecutor anyway, do not apparently constitute a crime by the legal standards of most of the rest of the world, that he offered to discuss them at the time there and ever since elsewhere, and that they dovetail so perfectly with a campaign to impugn and neutralise him on the part of the US and its loyal allies.
Everyone's time is wasted chasing the man who brought us evidence of atrocious atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan on bogus charges of bad sex (for that is all that the published evidence so far would seem to credibly indicate).
Congratulations to the Swedish 'justice system' and Swedish militant 'feminism' for such sterling service to the cover up of mass murder and other real crimes, and for making Sweden into an utter laughing stock and nonentity of a country. Utter shame upon you. From hero to zero indeed.
3 November 2011 7:34PM
The press can destroy anyone and this article is cheap and miserable and quite frankly patronising about what we do and don't understand about the country and its, now non existant liberalism and moralities
Lets wait for the next turn of events and see if Sweden will appear to be so cool - its a country where the key politicians and industrialists are totally hand in glove with American power politics
This was clear the minute Sweden stepped into its EU tenure of presidency in 2009-10 and it's cronyism for US globalisation strategies. I don't see any difference now, while great companies like Saab and Volvo have been asset stripped and gone to the wall - you can make a scapegoat out of Assange but it won't change a thing in Sweden's immoral adventures

3 November 2011 10:44PM
There are a lot of claims made in this editorial, but few of them are backed by facts.
For one thing, the Swedish government has a documented history of going along with some of the more controversial CIA programs, including the practice of "extraordinary rendition". In one case, this involved allowing the CIA to kidnap someone from Sweden and take them down to Egypt, presumably for torture.
I got this information from Amnesty International, and you can read it for yourself:
There are some other documented irregularities, mainly surrounding Sweden's reluctance to commit to never extraditing people to places they might be tortured. They have also bounced asylum-seekers back to Iraq and Eritrea, for example, which likely didn't end well.
If Sweden is OK with CIA extraordinary rendition, there is no reason to believe that they wouldn't go along with extraditing Assange to the US.
Sweden needs to ban allowing torture in law and publicly promise not to extradite Assange to the US to regain any kind of credibility in this situation in the eyes of the world. Let's stop pretending that Sweden's internal economic morality somehow means that all of their policies are above reproach, because they really aren't when it comes to US interests.

3 November 2011 7:25PM
This article is one of the most deceitful things I've read about this whole debacle so far.
First, the idea that Sweden's justice system is above reproach is utterly laughable as the conduct of the police and the prosecution in relation to this case demonstrates.
On more than one occasion prosecutor Marianne Ny has lied about the fact that Swedish and UK law would not permit her to question Assange in Britain. Several expert witnesses including former prosecutor Sven-Erik Alhem and former judge Brita Sundberg-Weitman have rebutted this assertion with the latter saying she couldn’t understand why Ny didn’t question Assange in the UK, "since doing so would be in accordance with the rules set forth under the terms of Mutual Legal Assistance," a claim backed by the International Judicial Assistance act.
Then there’s the police’s failure to follow standard procedure during the preliminary interviews (for e.g. the complainants weren’t separated for the initial interview thereby allowing their stories to cross contaminate, and at least one interview was not recorded on an audio or video device); the prosecution’s failure to disclose evidence despite repeated requests by the defence under Sweden’s criminal procedure code; the selective leaking to the media of interview transcriptions; and I could go on, but the list of infractions by the prosecution is almost endless.
Second, if Sweden isn’t the USA’s puppet, why have they been holding informal discussions about Assange’s onward extradition to the United States and why do they have a bilateral extradition treaty with America that gives the US judiciary priority over their own?
Third, as far as gender politics go, it is true that feminism has shaped Sweden’s political and cultural landscape more than other countries, but not always in a positive way. Why, for example, isn't Consent an issue in determining rape or sexual assault?
According to some, feminism in Sweden has taken on an extremely militant character and influenced its law and politics to the point that, when it comes to a man accused of rape or sexual assault against a woman, the presumption of innocence all but goes out of the window for some people. I turn again to the words of Brita Sundberg-Weitman:
"Marianne Ny, unlike other prosecutors, has made various statements [...] in which she regards the prosecution of men, even without sufficient evidence, as in the public interest ’pour decourager les autres’ [to deter others].
She is a high profile prosecutor who is also a crusader on gender issues and the international attention that this case has received may have made her intransigent and, in my view, overly harsh and disproportionate in attacking Mr Assange by way of this EAW rather than by using the Mutual Legal Assistance provisions to obtain his evidence and, indeed, accepting his proffer of evidence by way of video link or Scotland Yard interview suite or attendance at the Swedish embassy."
Karin Olsson’s article is typical of the selective and biased journalism that seems to be everywhere these days and which passively defers to authority instead of holding it to account. That so much of the press has consistently ignored basic truths about the mishandling of this investigation because they don't fit the dominant narrative is something we should all find terrifying.

Editors notes: Det finns ungefär 400-500 fler liknande ärliga kommentarer. Sen finns det också ett litet antal av de vanliga BETALDA kommentarerna som lagts dit av de anti-demokratiska intressen Karin Olsson och hennes herrar företräder.
---Sweden vs. Assange---
- Media climate in Sweden - News -
3 November 2011:An opinion piece called From Zero to Hero featured in the Guardian’s Comment Is Free section, which is moderated by the daughter of The Guardian Editor Alan Rusbridger. The article was sindicated to the Canberra Times under a less hostile title (-Assange’s view of Sweden cost fans).
The article was commissioned by The Guardian according to the author, Karin Olsson, the culture editor of the Swedish tabloid Expressen. This is the Bonnier-owned tabloid that was tipped off and broke the story of Julian Assange’s arrest hours after the two complainants entered the police station.
Olsson’s article is hostile and argues that Sweden’s view of Assange is basically uniform: "The Swedish view of Julian Assange, who lost his appeal against extradition to face sex allegations on Wednesday, has changed in a year from the James Bond of the internet to a paranoid chauvinist pig." Other quotes featured are:
- "[Julian Assange’s] attempts to depict Sweden as a banana republic that would ship him on to the US is another sign of how desperate Assange has become."
- "Sweden’s relatively high measure of sexual equality and consciousness in gender questions is a matter of national pride. That a dodgy hacker from Australia started knocking it was not popular."
The article also makes an interesting admission about the ’talk about it’ (prataomdet) campaign, a campaign that started online after the story of his arrest broke and quickly got wind in the media.
The campaign was ostensibly about ’grey areas’ in sex - but according to Olsson herself, the campaign was deliberately against Julian Assange (the campaign organisers vehemently denied this):
- "Last Tuesday two women journalists who started a Twitter campaign against Assange’s contemptuous remarksabout Swedish women were nominated for the most prestigious prize in Swedish journalism." Olsson does not specify which "contemptuous remarks" she is referring to.
- The only remark which has often been cited about Sweden, feminism, and Saudi Arabia was reported on 27th December 2010 - the campaign started four months earlier. It was started by, among others, two friends of complainant AA’s. One of them spent time with AA and her friend, a witness for the complainant in the investigation against Julian Assange, before the complaint.
Another great Under Mattan Opinion
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