Polisen sköt rånoffrets hund. En amerikansk farmare ringde polisen om hjälp efter ett rån. Tre timmar senare så dök polisen upp och det första de gjorde var att skjuta offrets älskade hund. Mannen som begärde hjälp tänker nog sig för minst två gånger innan han ringer polisen nästa gång...(video)
Publicerad den 23 apr 2014 av: ThinkOutsideTheTV
--Texas Deputy Who Shot Dog Indicted on Animal Cruelty Charge--
SvaraRaderaInformation Liberation- May 11 2014
The former Rains County deputy fired for shooting and killing a dog during a burglary call has been indicted on a felony animal cruelty charge.
Ex-deputy Jerrod Dooley said although the Australian blue heeler named Candy was barking as he drove up, he believed the dog was friendly.
[...]Dooley’s lawyer, Pete Schulte, has previously said he thought the shooting was justified and said Dooley’s lack of training from the department was a factor in the shooting.