måndag 12 maj 2014

Innevånarna i Albuquerque försökte arrestera Sheriffen - "Dina poliser är terrorister" (video)

Mary Hawkes på bilden är ett av många dödsoffer för den amerikanska polisens militarisering och deras regelrätta dödspatruller, som dagligen avrättar civila som bara är misstänkta för bagatellbrott...

- The Only Thing The Police Don't Shoot Is Video...

Publicerad den 9 maj 2014
In the few weeks since the Albuquerque Police Department's propensity to shoot and kill the public was put in the national spotlight after a homeless man was killed on video, 3 more killings by the APD have taken place and the citizens commandeered a city council meeting, threatening to arrest Sheriff Eden.

Ethical questions have also arisen about the cozy relationship between newly retired Police Chief Schutlz and TASER. Over $2 Million of body cameras have been ordered but none were turned on when a 19 year old girl, Mary Hawkes was killed recently. As the Military Industrial Complex expands its new profit center — the Police State Industrial Complex — we see the same pattern of revolving doors and influence peddling.


Don't Like Police Shootings? — SHUT UP!

Publicerad den 9 maj 2014
After Albuquerque citizens took over a city council meeting protesting the number of people the police department is killing, the council responded not with reforms but with greater security and more rules for meetings.

But it's not just Albuquerque where the police are out of control. A 20 yr old man was severely beaten in NY, possibly because the police didn't like being filmed and a 17 yr old was killed by police as part of a drug sting operation.





Protesterande människor försökte arrestera Sheriffen i Albuquerque

Publicerad den 5 maj 2014
Angry protesters took over Albuquerque City Council Monday night calling for immediate change at APD and the ousting of both Albuquerque's Police Chief, Mayor and more.
Innevånarna i Albuquerque försökte arrestera Sheriffen - "Dina poliser är terrorister" (video)

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