Medias flitiga exponering av "Cirkus Boko Haram" lägger grunden för kommande krig i Afrika. Om media och eliten på något märkligt sätt brydde sig det minsta pyttelilla om några svarta exotiska flickor på andra sidan jordklotet, så lät de förmodligen inte miljoner små svarta flickor dö regelbundet av t.ex. svält, sjukdomar eller amerikanska trygghetsbomber..? ...eller? - Lee Ann på Infowars går igenom det klassiska korrupta upplägget den "presstituerade" mainstream använder för att "rädda våra flickor" i Nigeria... (video)
RT 2014-05-09
Nigeria’s armed forces had more than four hours warning of the attack on the school by hardline Islamist group Boko Haram in which 270 girls were kidnapped, but failed to take any action, says Amnesty International.
I det oljeproducerande långt-bort-landet Nigeria, ser vi nu en ny medvetet överexponerad media-terror-såpopera-händelse, där slutmålet för övningen är ännu en västlig militär aktion "av humanitära skäl".
RT 2014-05-09
Nigeria’s armed forces had more than four hours warning of the attack on the school by hardline Islamist group Boko Haram in which 270 girls were kidnapped, but failed to take any action, says Amnesty International.
I det oljeproducerande långt-bort-landet Nigeria, ser vi nu en ny medvetet överexponerad media-terror-såpopera-händelse, där slutmålet för övningen är ännu en västlig militär aktion "av humanitära skäl".
Publicerad den 14 maj 2014
One of Africa's largest economies and oil producers, Nigeria is now center stage in a cartoonish terrorist threat and an advertising campaign designed to pull the heartstrings of "humanitarian intervention" liberals. A military plan to intervene will be rolled out in typical fanfare.
Flashback: Bilderberg Agenda includes "Africa's challenges"
Questions Surrounding confusing Boko Haram Timeline
We're falling for Obama's Wag The Dog moment
Halbig: "Sandy Hook: Biggest Illusion Ever, Perpetrated By The DHS -

Veternas Today 2014-05-14
Republican Senator John McCain says the United States should send troops to Nigeria to rescue over 200 girls abducted by Boko Haram takfiri militants.
“If they knew where they were, I certainly would send in US troops to rescue them, in a New York minute I would, without permission of the host country,” McCain said in an interview with The Daily Beast on Tuesday.
“I wouldn’t be waiting for some kind of permission from some guy named Goodluck Jonathan,” the senator added.
In April, Boko Haram committed mass abduction of teenage schoolgirls from Chibok school in northeastern Borno state.
Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan said that he believed the girls remained in the country.
On Tuesday, the special duties minister, Taminu Turaki, said the government was ready to hold talks with the militants about the kidnapped schoolgirls.
- McCain said that the UN charter authorized military intervention on behalf of the girls because their abduction rose to the level of “crimes against humanity.”
“The United Nations Charter recognized crimes against humanity, this fits into the category of crimes against humanity, and that gives any nation the license if they can to stop a crime against humanity, the same reason we should have if we could have freed the people at Dachau or Auschwitz,” McCain said.
The hawkish senator said there is no need for the Nigerian government’s permission for a military intervention.
“I would not be involved in the niceties of getting the Nigerian government to agree, because if we did rescue these people, there would be nothing but gratitude from the Nigerian government, such as it is,” he said.
“If we rescued these young girls, it would be the high point of the [President Barack Obama’s] popularity.” [...]
When US First Lady Michelle Obama appeared in a picture supporting the 276 schoolgirls kidnapped in Nigeria, she was praised for taking a stand against Boko Haram. But others quickly subverted her message and turned it into an anti-drone campaign.
Publicerades den 16 maj 2014
The hashtag 'Bring back our girls'
quickly spread on the web, even attracting the undoubted clout of
America's First Lady. But, as well as raising awareness of the
kidnappings of 276 Nigerian schoolgirls, Michelle Obama has
inadvertently sparked an online anti-drone campaign. Gayane Chichakyan
reports.READ MORE:
'My husband kills kids with drones'

EuroMaidan Nightmare: How the Odessa Massacre Was Engineered in Ukraine
enligt info Flickorna var rövade bort för organ stöld, som är blomstrande business just nu - beställnings jobb från US-Rael .....
SvaraRaderaMay 22, 2014
Source: Phantom Report