[Uppdaterad] - Ett par nya videodokumentärer om Ukrainas nya demokrati. Filmerna avslöjar de EU & USA-sponsrade upprorsmakare, som västlig media beskriviver som "Euro-Maidan -aktivister"...
The horrendous crimes committed against fellow Ukrainians are not mentioned.
Neo-Nazis heralded as Nationalists and Ultra-Conservatives are tacitly supported by the self proclaimed "international community".
In turn, the Western media is complicit in fostering the support of an illegal proxy regime integrated by Neo-Nazis.
The crisis is casually blamed on Moscow. But the lies are being confronted by World public opinion. The credibility of Obama and his European allies is being questioned.
Rebirth of Fascism in its purest form in today's Ukraine.
U.S. warmongers along with EU/NATO politicians have installed (through violent, artificial revolution) a pro-fascist junta government in Ukraine which unlawfully armed Ukrainian Neo-Nazis and are now trying to start a civil war within the country.
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, May 8, 2014

Publicerad den 8 maj 2014 av: GlobalResearchTV
The following is a short documentary about many of the people that have been described as "Euro-Maidan activists" and their activities inside Ukraine that the US, Britain, France, Germany, Poland and the European Union have supported.
Are the claims against that they are fascists or neo-Nazis and ultra-nationalists legitimate and accurate or are these claims, as the US Department of State says, Russian propaganda?
Viewers should decide for themselves after watching the footage.
For more research, analysis, and articles on the crisis in Ukraine please visit Global Research, the webpage of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), at the following address: www.GlobalResearch.ca
To read more about the diverging media coverage in Russia and the the West about the situation in Ukraine click the following article's link:
Are the claims against that they are fascists or neo-Nazis and ultra-nationalists legitimate and accurate or are these claims, as the US Department of State says, Russian propaganda?
Viewers should decide for themselves after watching the footage.
For more research, analysis, and articles on the crisis in Ukraine please visit Global Research, the webpage of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), at the following address: www.GlobalResearch.ca
To read more about the diverging media coverage in Russia and the the West about the situation in Ukraine click the following article's link:
The Right Sector Neo Nazis which are an integral part of the coalition "government" are depicted by the NYT and the Washington Post as True Patriots and Nationalists.
The horrendous crimes committed against fellow Ukrainians are not mentioned.
- Realities are twisted upside down.
- The CIA is involved in training and advising Right Sector Brown Shirts.
Neo-Nazis heralded as Nationalists and Ultra-Conservatives are tacitly supported by the self proclaimed "international community".
In turn, the Western media is complicit in fostering the support of an illegal proxy regime integrated by Neo-Nazis.
The crisis is casually blamed on Moscow. But the lies are being confronted by World public opinion. The credibility of Obama and his European allies is being questioned.
Rebirth of Fascism in its purest form in today's Ukraine.
U.S. warmongers along with EU/NATO politicians have installed (through violent, artificial revolution) a pro-fascist junta government in Ukraine which unlawfully armed Ukrainian Neo-Nazis and are now trying to start a civil war within the country.
Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization, May 8, 2014

The infamous anti-Russophone and anti-Russian Iryna Farion, an MP in the Rada for Svoboda, bluntly and without any hesitation tells the media that the coup-installed Yatsenyuk regime in Kiev should take the opportunity to kill all the Ukrainians protesting against the new regime.
The US-supported Ukrainian ultra-nationalist politician even says that the Ukrainian protesters opposed to the US-supported regime in Kiev are "aliens" that need to be killed as a means of cleansing the country.
For more news and analysis on Ukraine please visit the Centre for Research on Globalization's webpage GlobalResearch.ca
Inside the Verkhova Rada or Ukrainian Parliament any deputies who dare speak against the regime and its policies are silences and beaten up. This is the US-supported freedom of speech that has been brought to Ukraine, Nuland-style.
In reality, the regime is trying to impose martial law in the parts of Ukraine opposed to it and using the disguise of anti-terrorism operations to use violent force against unarmed Ukrainian protesters.
For more articles and reports on Ukraine, please visit Global Research at www.GlobalResearch.ca
Click the following link:
The US-supported Ukrainian ultra-nationalist politician even says that the Ukrainian protesters opposed to the US-supported regime in Kiev are "aliens" that need to be killed as a means of cleansing the country.
For more news and analysis on Ukraine please visit the Centre for Research on Globalization's webpage GlobalResearch.ca
Publicerad den 10 maj 2014
Welcome to Nulandistan. Democracy flew out the door of Kiev in February 2014. Any semblances of a functioning democracy are disappearing day by day.
Brute force is being used against civilian protesters opposing the unelected Yatsenyuk regime that is backed by the US and the EU. Yatsenyuk's coup-installed regime has cracked down on media freedoms, sent the Ukrainian military to attack anti-coup protesters under the pretext of NATO-backed anti-terrorism operations, and started purges and witch hunts all over Ukraine.
Brute force is being used against civilian protesters opposing the unelected Yatsenyuk regime that is backed by the US and the EU. Yatsenyuk's coup-installed regime has cracked down on media freedoms, sent the Ukrainian military to attack anti-coup protesters under the pretext of NATO-backed anti-terrorism operations, and started purges and witch hunts all over Ukraine.
- The regime's officials have begun to glory Hitler's invasion of Ukraine and Eastern Europe too.
Inside the Verkhova Rada or Ukrainian Parliament any deputies who dare speak against the regime and its policies are silences and beaten up. This is the US-supported freedom of speech that has been brought to Ukraine, Nuland-style.
In this video MP Petro Symonenko is pushed and prevented from speaking just for daring to condemn the use of the Ukrainian military against civilian protesters by Yatsenyuk's regime. Before being silenced, Symonenko made the key point of noting how the ultra-nationalists were serving foreign interests and not the national interests of Ukraine.
A atmosphere of intimidation and bullying is the new order of the day in Nulandistan and politicians opposing the regime are regularly threatened and beaten, some to the point of near death.
For more articles and information about the US-supported coup in Ukraine please visit Global Research at www.GlobalResearch.ca
A atmosphere of intimidation and bullying is the new order of the day in Nulandistan and politicians opposing the regime are regularly threatened and beaten, some to the point of near death.
For more articles and information about the US-supported coup in Ukraine please visit Global Research at www.GlobalResearch.ca
Publicerad den 10 maj 2014
The Ukrainian businessman Gennady
Balashov is seen here telling supporters of coup-installed regime of
Arseniy Yatsenyuk that the protesters in the eastern and southern parts
of Ukraine must all be killed on March 10, 2014.
Balashov calls for the blockage of natural gas from Russia to the the countries of the European Union and for deliberate attempts of provocation against the Russian Federation.
Balashov discourages dialogue and directly calls for bloodshed. He calls for ethnic cleansing, more properly termed as genocide, in places like Crimea, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk. Anyone that opposes the coup-installed regime in Kiev he says must be murdered.
Balashov calls for the blockage of natural gas from Russia to the the countries of the European Union and for deliberate attempts of provocation against the Russian Federation.
Balashov discourages dialogue and directly calls for bloodshed. He calls for ethnic cleansing, more properly termed as genocide, in places like Crimea, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk. Anyone that opposes the coup-installed regime in Kiev he says must be murdered.
- He mentions that this includes murdering anyone that wears the orange and black St.George's Ribbon, which is a ribbon that is displayed to commemorator the end of the Second World War and the defeat of Nazi Germany.
The St. George's Ribbon has now become a
distinguishing mark of the anti-coup protesters in Ukraine, because to
them the US-supported February 2014 coup represents the reemergence of
the threat of fascism.
Balashov states: "We must block the pipeline. We must not allow natural gas trade. Only this can stop the invaders. We must block the pipeline and let them send Alpha to shoot everyone there.
Balashov states: "We must block the pipeline. We must not allow natural gas trade. Only this can stop the invaders. We must block the pipeline and let them send Alpha to shoot everyone there.
These people are on the foreign territory. Crimea,
Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk are the Ukrainian cities. If they wear
the St.George ribbon, if they tear down our flag, we must shoot them in
the head because they are enemy. We should not talk to them or educate
To read more about the real nature of the violent coup that the US and the European Union supported in Ukraine please visit Global Research at www.GlobalResearch.ca
To read more about the real nature of the violent coup that the US and the European Union supported in Ukraine please visit Global Research at www.GlobalResearch.ca
Publicerad den 10 maj 2014
The so-called Euro-Maidan "democrats" are killing those that are protesting against them, denying them the rights that Euro-Maidan claimed legitimized its takeover of power.
- Unarmed Ukrainian civilians were killed in Mariupol by orders of the coup-installed Yatsenyuk regime, which is supported by the US and EU, on May 9, 2014.
In reality, the regime is trying to impose martial law in the parts of Ukraine opposed to it and using the disguise of anti-terrorism operations to use violent force against unarmed Ukrainian protesters.
For more articles and reports on Ukraine, please visit Global Research at www.GlobalResearch.ca
Click the following link:
Publicerad den 10 maj 2014
The so-called Euro-Maidan "democrats" are killing those that are protesting against them, denying them the rights that Euro-Maidan claimed legitimized its takeover of power. Publicerad den 10 maj 2014
Unarmed Ukrainian civilians were killed in Mariupol by orders of the coup-installed Yatsenyuk regime, which is supported by the US and EU, on May 9, 2014. In reality, the regime is trying to impose martial law in the parts of Ukraine opposed to it and using the disguise of anti-terrorism operations to use violent force against unarmed Ukrainian protesters.
For more articles and reports on Ukraine, please visit Global Research at www.GlobalResearch.ca
Click the following link:
Unarmed Ukrainian civilians were killed in Mariupol by orders of the coup-installed Yatsenyuk regime, which is supported by the US and EU, on May 9, 2014. In reality, the regime is trying to impose martial law in the parts of Ukraine opposed to it and using the disguise of anti-terrorism operations to use violent force against unarmed Ukrainian protesters.
*This raw footage from Mariupol shows how unarmed Ukrainian civilians are killed in the name of phony anti-terrorism operations by order of the Yatsenyuk regime in its efforts to gain control in the parts of Ukraine that do not recognize the illegal coup that took place in February 2014.
For more articles and reports on Ukraine, please visit Global Research at www.GlobalResearch.ca
Click the following link:
*Take Action: - Stop funds for neo-Nazis in Ukraine! Not another Odessa massacre!
- Thousands of people in the United States have joined the effort
--Answer Coalition - May 8, 2014--

Allt som media döljer om demokratiaktivisterna i Ukraina - på 10 minuter + många extra videos
Fascismen i Ukraina förvandlas till en masshysteri. Carl Bildt, du är medansvarig!!
Radera...Om det finns mer information om videons ursprung (plats, datum, upphovsman etc.) och om språket kan verifieras (t.ex att översättningen stämmer) så blir den ännu intressantare att publicera...
men det ser inte ut som "ett skämt"
Hej, här är länken till originalfilmen, texten är på tjeckiska, som jag översatte https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrlTx4J2oKorlTx4J2oKo
RaderaÖversättningens riktighet kan du kolla med någon som kan ryska/ukrainska
Flera av mina video finns på: http://www.youtube.com/user/frasse2221
Hej "Frasse".
RaderaHar nu använt din video i den här artikeln:
kollar mer på de andra vid tillfälle.
-US – NATO – Kiev Absurdity Continuing in Ukraine-
-Kiev Junta Prepares Massacre of Odessa Citizens by Gangs May 9 2014-
SvaraRadera"False flags are a longstanding US tradition. They go way back. They are used often."
“Russian military uniforms and fake IDs of Russian officers have been taken to the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk,” said VOR"
A Ukrainian official said on condition of anonymity: “The task is to stage an attack on Ukrainian border guards by people dressed in Russian military uniforms and make a video of it.” “The SBU (Ukraine Security Service) has transferred about 20 personal bodyguards of Dnepropetrovsk Region governor (Igor) Kolomoisky from Kiev to Donetsk.” “(T)he group” will team with (neo-Nazi) Right Sector” hoodlums. It’ll “accompan(y) a cargo of about 200 sets of Russian military uniforms and about 70 (blank]) IDs of Russian military officers.”
Ukraine is not a member of NATO. NATO has no business in there. The same holds true for Georgia, where the USS Taylor just made port. http://www.blacklistednews.com/U.S._Warship_Docks_In_Georgian_Port_Near_Russian_Border/35091/0/38/38/Y/M.html