
All Out Assault On Libertarians Both Online And On The Streets Continues
2014-05-08 Activist Post
Daily attacks on Libertarian sites are not a coincidence. They come just weeks after the mainstream press made much to do about "super flaggers."
Yesterday Josie The Outlaw's Facebook page was taken down. And just a few hours ago Adam Kokesh's page was deleted by Fedbook.
When will it stop? And what's behind the madness?
Alex Jones' material has been censored multiple times.
Mark Dice's YouTube page was taken down.
Then Stefan Molyneux's YouTube page. (see Anarchast here)
Then Josie The Outlaw's Facebook page. (see Anarchast here)
And now Adam Kokesh's Facebook. (see Anarchast here)



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-Grand jury charges former Blackwater guard with murder over killing of Iraq civilians-
SvaraRaderaBLN 2014-05-10
A grand jury has charged a former Blackwater Worldwide security guard with murder for his alleged role in a 2007 shooting of unarmed civilians in Baghdad, according to an indictment made public on Friday.
A federal appeals court last month effectively ended a manslaughter case against the guard, Nicholas Slatten, but prosecutors had signaled they might seek a new indictment against him.