Neo-nazisten inom den röda ringen på bilden, avrättar brända och skadade överlevande människor efter den nazist-anlagda branden i Odessa, genom att krossa deras huvuden med ett stort stenblock...
Massmordet i Odessa utfördes av samma fascistkrafter som eliten i USA & EU hjälpt till makten i Ukraina, under det vanliga orwellska temat "-ökad demokrati". Mainstreammedia mörkade och rättfärdigade givetvis gärna Neo-nazisternas senaste massmord i Odessa för att passa krigsindustrikomplexets obligatoriska CIA/USA-agenda i media.
- Se video för fler detaljer...
Massmordet i Odessa utfördes av samma fascistkrafter som eliten i USA & EU hjälpt till makten i Ukraina, under det vanliga orwellska temat "-ökad demokrati". Mainstreammedia mörkade och rättfärdigade givetvis gärna Neo-nazisternas senaste massmord i Odessa för att passa krigsindustrikomplexets obligatoriska CIA/USA-agenda i media.
- Se video för fler detaljer...
RT 6 maj 2014
WARNING: You may find some of the footage disturbingUkraine's southern city of Odessa has declared the 2nd of May a day of remembrance scorched into its memory by vicious street clashes and a raging inferno. As RT's Irina Galushko reports people are living in fear of further violence and persecution.
UKRAINE LIVE UPDATES: http://on.rt.com/1q9y34
InfoWars 6 maj 2014
- CIA and FBI Work with Fascists in Ukraine as "War in Europe" Unfolds - Arms Cache Most Likely Kept in Texas by the C.I.A.
Kiev and Right Sector Kristallnacht Odessa
***Veterans Today 2014-05-05
US Media Covers Up Mass Murder in Odessa
Ron Paul Institute 2014-05-03http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/peace-and-prosperity/2014/may/03/us-media-covers-up-mass-murder-in-odessa.aspx
Publicerad den 6 maj 2014
Reactions on what happened in Odessa vary across different parts of Ukraine, from grief in the south-east to indifference and even celebration in the west.***
***- Radicals set the building with innocent people inside on fire in Odessa, then strangled the survivors and finished them with bats, while police did nothing to prevent the bloodshed. That’s the scary picture a survivor of the massacre told RT.
“First of all, nobody expected such cruelty, and secondly, it was too late to escape,” Tatyana Ivananko told RT’s correspondent Alexey Yaroshevsky about the Odessa tragedy on May 2, after which at least 46 people died in flames, when radicals set ablaze the local House of Trade Unions with anti-government protesters trapped inside.
According to the witness, pro-autonomy activists wanted to hide from the radicals by barricading themselves in the building.
Publicerad den 7 maj 2014 av: diana.hYtube

Publicerades den 15 maj 2014
This video put together by the
Oriental Review Open Dialogue Journal in Russia documents how the Odessa
Massacre was engineered by the US-backed Yatsenyuk regime and its
ultra-nationalist thugs.
To read a related article from Oriental Review please click here:
To read a related article from Oriental Review please click here:
Bloodbath in Odessa guided by interim rulers of Ukraine (UPDATED May 15)
Sveriges & USA:s elit finansierade Neo-Nazister och al-Qaida - när ni tittade på Let's dance
Det finns ondsinta tungor som säger att vår media här i väst blivit i nivå med gamla CCCP:s propagandaapparat. Angående rapporteringen om Syrien, Ukraina, Libyen, Irak etc så är det förmodligen en förskönande beskrivning av verklighetsförankringen i dagens västliga PRAVDA-mainstream...
http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2014/05/sveriges-usas-elit-finansierade-neo.html ***
Massmordet i Odessa - Ett samarbete mellan USA, EU, Neo-nazister, Huliganer & Media
-The IMF goes to war in Ukraine-
SvaraRaderaMay 07, 2014
The IMF has approved a $17 billion loan to Ukraine. The first $3 billion tranche should be arriving this week.
It’s essential to identify the conditions attached to this Mafia-style “loan.” Nothing remotely similar to reviving the Ukrainian economy is in play. The scheme is inextricably linked to the IMF’s notorious, one-size-fits-all “structural adjustment” policy, known to hundreds of millions from Latin America and Southeast Asia to Southern Europe.
The regime changers in Kiev have duly complied, launching the inevitable austerity package – from tax hikes and frozen pensions to a stiff, over 50 percent rise on the price of natural gas heating Ukrainian homes. The “Ukrainian people” won’t be able to pay their utility bills this coming winter.
Predictably, the massive loan is not for the benefit of “the Ukrainian people.” Kiev is essentially bankrupt. Creditors range from Western banks to Gazprom – which is owed no less than $2.7 billion. The “loan” will pay back these creditors; not to mention that $5 billion of the total is earmarked for payments of – what else – previous IMF loans. It goes without saying that a lot of the funds will be duly pocketed – Afghanistan-style – by the current bunch of oligarchs aligned with the “Yats” government in Kiev.
The IMF has already warned that Ukraine is in recession and may need an extension of the $17 billion loan. IMF newspeak qualifies it as “a significant recalibration of the program.” This will happen, according to the IMF, if Kiev loses control of Eastern and Southern Ukraine – something already in progress.
Eastern Ukraine is the country’s industrial heartland – with the highest GDP per capita and home of key factories and mines, mostly in the Donetsk region, which happens to be largely mobilized against the neo-fascist/neo-nazi-aligned regime changers in Kiev. If the current conflagration persists, this means both industrial exports and tax revenues will go down. [...]
-Odessa tragedy survivor: ‘Many people strangled after escaping the fire’-
SvaraRaderaMay 07, 2014
Radicals set the building with innocent people inside on fire in Odessa, then strangled the survivors and finished them with bats, while police did nothing to prevent the bloodshed. That’s the scary picture a survivor of the massacre told RT.
“First of all, nobody expected such cruelty, and secondly, it was too late to escape,” Tatyana Ivananko told RT’s correspondent Alexey Yaroshevsky about the Odessa tragedy on May 2, after which at least 46 people died in flames, when radicals set ablaze the local House of
Trade Unions with anti-government protesters trapped inside.
According to the witness, pro-autonomy activists wanted to hide from the radicals by barricading themselves in the building.
“On our way up the stairs, we were taking plywood sheets inside so that we could block the doors and prevent them from getting into the building,” she says.
However, the crowd of pro-government supporters who were trying to enter the building was quickly becoming bigger.
“They were coming from everywhere,” she added.
According to Tatyana, the radicals started hurling Molotov cocktails, after which the first and the third floors of the House of Trade Unions burst into flames.
Tatyana also recalled that the outraged crowd outside was shouting that they wouldn't let anybody out.
“They were also throwing firecrackers, so people in the halls were sitting on the floor, blinded.” She added, “At that moment you realize there is no way to help these people so you'd better rescue yourself.”
Public services such as police and fire brigade were not rushing to rescue the injured people.
“The police were idle not doing anything,” she recalls. “When firefighters arrived it was too late – too many people had already died, even though the closest fire station is 700 meters away from the site.”
According to the numerous videos released in the Internet, many victims of the Odessa massacre received bullet wounds. On some of the videos a man in a bulletproof vest who introduces himself as sotnik Mykola (“sotnik” is what Maidan group leaders in Kiev call themselves) is shooting several times in the direction of the burning House of Trade Unions.[...]
Händelserna i Odessa den 2 maj som resulterade i tiotals dödsoffer var en planerad aktion som förbereddes av den sittande ukrainska regeringens representanter, säger tillförordnade riksåklagaren Oleg Machnitskij.
--Ukrainsk kommunfullmäktige: 116 döda i Odessa--
Kievregeringen döljer fakta om antalet döda federalister i Odessa som omkom i branden i Fackföreningshuset.
Odessas kommunfullmäktige Vadim Savenko säger att 116 personer den 2 maj dog i branden efter att extremister satte eld på byggnaden i stadens centrala del.
Savenko lägger märke till att de flesta döda har brännskador på huvudet och armarna, vilket betyder att kropparna brändes ner för att man inte ska kunna identifiera dem.
Enligt officiella uppgifter har tragedin krävt 46 offer, medan fler än 200 personer skadats.