The PROFESSORS' BLOG avslöjade nyligen att den svenska avdelningen för Amnesty medvetet blundar när Israel torterar Palestinas barn. - Svenska Amnesty anser inte heller att fallen med Edward Snowden och Julian Assange är värda att bry sig om...
PUSSY RIOT däremot ansåg svenska Amnesty omedelbart vara mycket viktiga samvetsfångar.
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Bradley Chelsea Manning har den svenska avdelningen för "selektiva mänskliga rättigheter" (Amnesty SWE) inte ens efter 5 års tortyr och fängelse brytt sig om att erkänna som en samvetsfånge...

Texten under är några klipp från Människorättsbloggen:
Corresponding perfectly to the paradigm shift in the Swedish government’s geopolitics from “Neutrality” to blunt US-NATO subservience, Amnesty International Sweden ceased of being a critical human rights organization – to be converted in yet another Swedish vassal institution aimed to the implementation of the US government’s agenda.[...]
RT 2014-05-13
Israel is placing more and more Palestinian children in solitary confinement as part of the interrogation process, a new study reveals. The children are often blindfolded, bound and sleep deprived. Neither they nor parents know the reasons for arrest.
“Solitary confinement for detained Palestinian children was used in 21.4 percent of cases in 2013,” says the report released by Defense for Children International Palestine (DCI-Palestine), a national section of the international non-governmental child rights organization and movement. The numbers have shown a 2-percent rise since 2012.[...]
Torterade Barn i Palestina - Rapport PDF:

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Bradley Chelsea Manning har den svenska avdelningen för "selektiva mänskliga rättigheter" (Amnesty SWE) inte ens efter 5 års tortyr och fängelse brytt sig om att erkänna som en samvetsfånge...

Texten under är några klipp från Människorättsbloggen:

[...]That the delegates reject initiatives by the grass-roots asking Amnesty-Sweden to work for that the responsible of the war-crimes in Gaza be taken to the International Court of Justice, ICJ.
That the delegates reject initiatives by the grass-roots asking Amnesty-Sweden to work for denouncing the mistreatment and tortures of Palestine children detained at the Israeli legal system.[...]
[...]- And one more question: How come that after five years still whistleblower Chelsea Manning is not recognized by Amnesty Sweden as Prisoner of Conscience in the US, while they took only a couple of weeks to declare “Pussy riot”Prisoner of Conscience in Russia? [...]
RT 2014-05-13
Israel is placing more and more Palestinian children in solitary confinement as part of the interrogation process, a new study reveals. The children are often blindfolded, bound and sleep deprived. Neither they nor parents know the reasons for arrest.
“Solitary confinement for detained Palestinian children was used in 21.4 percent of cases in 2013,” says the report released by Defense for Children International Palestine (DCI-Palestine), a national section of the international non-governmental child rights organization and movement. The numbers have shown a 2-percent rise since 2012.[...]
Torterade Barn i Palestina - Rapport PDF:
Den svenska avdelningen för Amnesty blundar när Israel torterar Palestinas barn
-Spying Is Meant to Crush Citizens’ Dissent, Not Catch Terrorists-
SvaraRaderaBLN 2014-05-16
While many Americans understand why the NSA is conducting mass surveillance of U.S. citizens, some are still confused about what’s really going on.[...]
--Brazil Using Terrorism Law To Stifle Ahead Of World Cup Protests--
SvaraRaderaBLN 2014-05-16
One month ahead of the start of the World Cup, Amnesty International has warned of a crackdown on freedom of expression as Brazil moves to pass a ‘terrorism’ law that could criminalise peaceful protest before the tournament starts there in June. The new law, which is due to be voted on in the Brazilian Senate any day now, would see the creation of the crime of ‘disorder’ in order to control protests.[...]
-New Snowden Document Implies NSA May Be Putting Israel’s Security Ahead of America’s-
SvaraRaderaBLN 2014-05-16
Balancing the SIGINT exchange equally between US and Israeli needs has been a constant challenge in the last decade, it arguably tilted heavily in favor of Israeli security concerns. 9/11 came, and went, with NSA’s only true Third Party CT relationship being driven almost totally by the needs of the partner.[...]