Amerikanska Occupy-aktivisten Cecily McMillan, 25, försvarade sig mot polisen brutala sexövergrepp under en demonstration i USA 2012. Kvinnan dömdes nyligen för överfall mot polis och kan få 7 års fängelse, trots att polisen nästan dödsmisshandlade henne under demonstrationen...
*Cecily McMillan fördes 2012 medvetslös till sjukhus med brutna revben och skärsår över hela kroppen efter att ha "trygghetsmisshandlats" av USA-polisen...
Läs om tidigare händelser i fallet HÄR:
McMillan says a police officer forcefully grabbed one of her breasts, after which she instinctively threw her hands in the air and inadvertently elbowed the officer in the face. The jury saw it differently, however, and found her guilty with a possible seven years in prison. Activists are meeting the decision with outrage and disdain for the New York City Police Department. RT's Anastasia Churkina examines the decision and speaks to some of McMillan's advocates.
RT 2014-05-05
An Occupy Wall Street demonstrator was found guilty of second-degree assault Monday in Manhattan following a months-long trial concerning a 2012 altercation she had with the New York Police Department.
Cecily McMillan, 25, now stands to face as much as seven years in prison behind bars as a result of Monday afternoon’s conviction.
According to police, moments earlier McMillan elbowed an officer in the face. She was soon hauled off in an ambulance, and eventually charged with a felony for allegedly injuring NYPD Officer Grantley Bovell. She insisted, however, that Bovell had grabbed her breast from behind, and the elbow she threw was not an attempt to assault a cop, but rather a reflexive response to the unwanted grope. Documents were shown in court of Bovell sporting a black eye after the incident.
Assistant District Attorney Erin Choi, the lead prosecutor in the case, testified during the trial that McMillan’s claims were “heinous,” the Village Voice reported, and that the woman “might as well have said that aliens came that night and assaulted her.”
“It is time for the defendant to answer for her own criminal actions,” Choi said during closing argumentson Friday, according to Joe Swaine at the Guardian. “Our founding fathers did not create a right to free assembly so people could commit crimes and hide behind their right to protest. This is a sacred right that should be preserved and protected.”
After a weekend-long break, on Monday afternoon McMillan was pronounced guilty after lunch. Next she is expected to be transferred to an area women’s prison ahead of her sentencing.
“Shame!” protesters yelled out after the verdict was announced, Swaine reported from the courthouse on Monday. No fewer than two people were removed from the courtroom by the police after refusing to leave, Swaine said.
According to another eyewitness, 22 police officers with plastic handcuffs walked into the court after the verdict was announced to join the more than two-dozen others who were there to maintain the peace.
In a statement read outside of the courthouse moments later, a group of supporters who have raised awareness of the case under the branding of #Justice4Cecily said they were “devastated” by the verdict, which they said was the result of legal proceedings that were far from fair and open. .
“In the two years awaiting trial, Cecily was never offered anything less than a felony charge, a charge that would stay with her for the rest of her life. While awaiting a trial, Cecily has lived in limbo for two years, not knowing what her future would be, forced to re-live her trauma every one of those days," they wrote.
Beyond the sexual assault and physical injuries she sustained, Cecily suffered PTSD and has had difficulty finishing her master’s degree and continuing her work as a union organizer and activist,” the statement continued. “Despite the chilling precedent this verdict puts forth for activists, we will not be deterred from seeking social and economic justice, as evidenced in the courtroom today.”
*Cecily McMillan fördes 2012 medvetslös till sjukhus med brutna revben och skärsår över hela kroppen efter att ha "trygghetsmisshandlats" av USA-polisen...
Läs om tidigare händelser i fallet HÄR:
Publicerad den 6 maj 2014
Occupy Wall Street activist Cecily McMillan was found guilty Monday of felony assault on a police officer. McMillan says a police officer forcefully grabbed one of her breasts, after which she instinctively threw her hands in the air and inadvertently elbowed the officer in the face. The jury saw it differently, however, and found her guilty with a possible seven years in prison. Activists are meeting the decision with outrage and disdain for the New York City Police Department. RT's Anastasia Churkina examines the decision and speaks to some of McMillan's advocates.
Occupy activist Cecily McMillan found guilty of assaulting NYPD officer
RT 2014-05-05
An Occupy Wall Street demonstrator was found guilty of second-degree assault Monday in Manhattan following a months-long trial concerning a 2012 altercation she had with the New York Police Department.
Cecily McMillan, 25, now stands to face as much as seven years in prison behind bars as a result of Monday afternoon’s conviction.
- As RT reported earlier this year, McMillan was participating in an OWS demonstration in New York City during the spring of 2012 when she was manhandled by the NYPD while being detained, and received multiples cuts and bruised ribs as a result.
- While handcuffed, McMillan — then 23 — suffered from a seizure for upwards of seven minutes before reportedly fainting.
According to police, moments earlier McMillan elbowed an officer in the face. She was soon hauled off in an ambulance, and eventually charged with a felony for allegedly injuring NYPD Officer Grantley Bovell. She insisted, however, that Bovell had grabbed her breast from behind, and the elbow she threw was not an attempt to assault a cop, but rather a reflexive response to the unwanted grope. Documents were shown in court of Bovell sporting a black eye after the incident.
Assistant District Attorney Erin Choi, the lead prosecutor in the case, testified during the trial that McMillan’s claims were “heinous,” the Village Voice reported, and that the woman “might as well have said that aliens came that night and assaulted her.”
“It is time for the defendant to answer for her own criminal actions,” Choi said during closing argumentson Friday, according to Joe Swaine at the Guardian. “Our founding fathers did not create a right to free assembly so people could commit crimes and hide behind their right to protest. This is a sacred right that should be preserved and protected.”
After a weekend-long break, on Monday afternoon McMillan was pronounced guilty after lunch. Next she is expected to be transferred to an area women’s prison ahead of her sentencing.
“Shame!” protesters yelled out after the verdict was announced, Swaine reported from the courthouse on Monday. No fewer than two people were removed from the courtroom by the police after refusing to leave, Swaine said.
According to another eyewitness, 22 police officers with plastic handcuffs walked into the court after the verdict was announced to join the more than two-dozen others who were there to maintain the peace.

In a statement read outside of the courthouse moments later, a group of supporters who have raised awareness of the case under the branding of #Justice4Cecily said they were “devastated” by the verdict, which they said was the result of legal proceedings that were far from fair and open. .
“In the two years awaiting trial, Cecily was never offered anything less than a felony charge, a charge that would stay with her for the rest of her life. While awaiting a trial, Cecily has lived in limbo for two years, not knowing what her future would be, forced to re-live her trauma every one of those days," they wrote.
Beyond the sexual assault and physical injuries she sustained, Cecily suffered PTSD and has had difficulty finishing her master’s degree and continuing her work as a union organizer and activist,” the statement continued. “Despite the chilling precedent this verdict puts forth for activists, we will not be deterred from seeking social and economic justice, as evidenced in the courtroom today.”
Fredliga aktivist-tjejer från Occupy Wall Street som trygghets-pepparsprayats av USA-polisen.
Citizens of Albuquerque Attempt Arrest of Police Chief
USA:s kriminella och korrupta polismyndighet har sin motsvarighet på en plats nära dig...
Publicerad den 7 maj 2014
The hyper-selective retelling of
events mirrors the popular narrative of Occupy Wall Street -- and how
one woman may serve seven years while the NYPD goes free
Citizens of Albuquerque Attempt Arrest of Police Chief

Aktivist försvarade sig mot polisens sexövergrepp - kan få 7 års fängelse trots nästan dödad av polis
-McMillan case: Two kinds of protesters-
SvaraRaderaRT May 06, 2014
Cecily McMillan, a young Occupy Wall Street activist has just been found guilty of 2nd Degree assault on a police officer.
The "assault" was a startled reaction after a police officer violently grabbed her breast in 2011, squeezing it so hard he left a hand shaped bruise.
McMillan began having a seizure after being arrested, and the NYPD blocked emergency medical technicians from treating her.
***When McMillan was released from the hospital she was limping, barely able to walk, after being beaten so badly. Her body was covered in bruises.***
On May 19th McMillan will receive a sentence of between 2 and 7 years in prison for her startled reaction to a violent police sexual assault. She now sits in New York's infamous Riker's Island correctional facility awaiting her sentence.
During the trial, Police officers spoke of "smelly protesters" in their testimony. Prosecutor Amy Choe alleged that McMillan had injured herself, and mockingly dismissed any allegations of police brutality, comparing it to belief in "space aliens.
***" The Jury was not allowed to hear testimony about the NYPD's record of brutality against Occupy Protesters. ***
*A great deal of video of what happened to McMillan was prevented from being shown as well.
*The prosecution insinuated that McMillan was mentally ill and criminal for protesting at all.
*Articles from Rolling Stone Magazine, where she was quoted denouncing capitalism were presented as evidence.
As Cecily McMillan was being convicted, one of the top stories on the news was a group of nudists in China. The US and western media have raved on and on about the "bravery" of wealthy Chinese people who "heroically" engage in public indecency on a beach.
This is just the latest trendy group of protesters the Western media has decided to embrace.[...]
-Cop Who Karate Chopped NY Judge In Throat Gets Off Scot-Free-
SvaraRaderaAug 24 2012 Chris | InformationLiberation
Remember the Judge who came upon an "unruly" crowd angry over police abusing a suspect and called 911 to "help" police get backup, only to be singled out himself by a raging cop who proceeded to assault him by chopping him in the throat?
If you remember, he was a huge supporter of police, “I’ve always had profound respect for what they do,” he told the New York Times.
Turns out, now that he's the one in the victim's seat, he's had a change of heart. In fact, he says he's now "amazed" how multiple police lied about what took place, he says his beating and the ensuing cover-up is "really changing my view of the force."
Via The Huffington Post:
No criminal charges will be filed against an NYPD officer accused of violently striking a New York state Supreme Court justice in the throat in an unprovoked attack earlier this summer, the Queens district attorney said Wednesday.
Judge Thomas Raffaele, who reported the alleged assault, called the DA's decision "shocking" and accused the NYPD officers involved of lying to cover up their misconduct.
-- "For this to happen, for me to be attacked by a cop -- and for the cops to do this huge cover up -- it's really changing my view of the force," Raffaele told The Huffington Post.--
Raffaele said he is strongly considering filing a lawsuit against the police department over the alleged attack. "It may be that there is no other option," he said.
In a statement, Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said his office lacked the evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the officer "intentionally and unjustifiably" struck the judge.
"We find that there is insufficient evidence of criminality to support a charge that the police officer acted with intent to injure," Brown said.[...]
--Cecily McMillan’s Guilty Verdict Demonstrates How American Dissention Will Not Be Tolerated--
SvaraRaderaBen Swann May 6, 2014
Her story is one that so few in the media have talked about and yet the ramifications of her guilty verdict in a New York courtroom Monday will have a powerful affect on the right to protest, and the rights of protestors.
Cecily McMillan, 25, now stands to face as much as seven years in prison behind bars for elbowing a New York City Police officer in the face during an Occupy Wall Street protest 2 years ago.[...]
-9 of 12 Jurors who Convicted Protestor for Elbowing Cop Sign Letter Asking for her to Avoid Prison Time-
SvaraRaderaAll Gov May 11, 2014
Cecily McMillan was the last of the Occupy Wall Street protestors to move through the New York City court system. She was convicted May 6 of assaulting a police officer in Zuccotti Park on March 17, 2012. Now, most of those who found her guilty have told the trial judge in a letter that McMillan should not be jailed for her crime.
Jurors were convinced of McMillan’s guilt after a video of the incident was played for them in court of McMillan elbowing Officer Grantley Bovell in the face after police were ordered to clear the park for cleaning.
Jurors were prohibited from researching anything having to do with the case, including possible sentences, while they were empaneled. Immediately after the conclusion of the case, however, they found that McMillan faces up to seven years in prison. Upon learning this, nine of the 12 jurors have sent a letter to Judge Ronald Zweibel asking that McMillan get community service and probation instead of prison.
“We feel that the felony mark on Cecily's record is punishment enough for this case and that it serves no purpose to Cecily or to society to incarcerate her for any amount of time,” according to the letter signed by Charles Woodard, Juror No. 2. “We also ask that you factor in your deliberation process that this request is coming from 9 of the 12 member jury.”
The jurors were surprised at the severity of the possible sentence. “[N]ow what I’m hearing is seven years in jail? That’s ludicrous. Even a year in jail is ridiculous,” one juror told The Guardian.
McMillan is due to be sentenced on May 19. She earlier turned down a plea bargain that would have convicted her of a felony, but given the judge a recommendation that she not be jailed.
-Steve Straehley