Bill Clintons namn dök nyligen upp i en stor utredning om internationella pedofilringar vilka nyttjas av den globala makteliten. Pedofilspåren leder även rakt in i kungahusen.... (video m.m.)
Publicerades den 22 mar 2014
New questions have surfaced about Bill Clinton's sexual deviancy as well as a protester crashing a live BBC news broadcast to warn of "institutional pedophile rings".We look at the multi-national, bi-partisan evil of sex slavery and pedophile rings. From the UK to the UN to the United States' CIA, NSA, Republican and Democrat — the evil is pervasive and persistent.

Tales of orgies and young girls being shipped to the island, called Little St. James, have been revealed as part of an ongoing lawsuit between Epstein and his former lawyers Scott Rothstein and Bradley Edwards.
It is unclear what the basis of the suit is, but they go on to call witness testimony from some of the frequent guests at Epstein's island to talk about the wild parties that were held there in the early 2000s.
Flight logs pinpoint Clinton's trips on Epstein's jet between the years 2002 and 2005, while he was working on his philanthropic post-presidential career and while his wife Hillary was a Senator for their adopted state of New York.
'I remember asking Jeffrey what's Bill Clinton doing here kind fo thing, and he laughed it off and said well he owes me a favor,' one unidentified woman said in the lawsuit, which was filed in Palm Beach Circuit Court.
The woman went on to say how orgies were a regular occurrence and she recalled two young girls from New York who were always seen around the five-house compound but their personal backstories were never revealed.
At least one woman on the compound was there unwillingly, as the suit identifies a woman as Jane Doe 102.
- She 'was forced to live as one of Epstein's underage sex slaves for years and was forced to have sex with... politicians, businessmen, royalty, academicians, etc,' the lawsuit says according to The Enquirer.
Epstein's sexual exploits have been documented since 2005, when a woman in Palm Beach contacted police saying that her 14-year-old daughter had been paid $300 to massage him and then have sex.
The claim prompted a nearly year-long investigation that led to the eventual charge of soliciting prostitution which came as part of a plea deal. He spent 13 months of a 18-month sentence in jail and remains a registered sex offender.
InfoWars 2014-06-02
At least 500 victims as young as two were abused by the shamed
television presenter Jimmy Savile during his reign as one of the
country’s most prolific sex offenders, new research shows.
A study by the NSPCC, commissioned for BBC Panorama, reveals
confidential documents examining the extent of Savile’s offending and
his unprecedented access to Broadmoor hospital, where some of his abuse
took place.The report said the scale of Savile’s offending inside Broadmoor is higher than previously thought, with Thames Valley Police having received 16 reports of abuse by him inside the special hospital.
Read more
Maktelitens Omfattande Pedofilringar
Jimmy Savile: ‘It couldn't happen again.’ Yes it could and it's probably happening right now
Will the Savile scandal be the last top establishment cover-up to see the light of day?
We heard this week yet more horrors about the BBC presenter, 'volunteer hospital porter' and prolific child abuser Jimmy Savile having molested living patients at 28 separate hospitals, as well as testimony that he gained access to at least one mortuary to sexually abuse corpses.
But despite Savile having up to a thousand victims, it was only due to the immense courage and persistence of a handful of selfless journalists that the devastating story of Britain’s most prolific ever pedophile and child abuser saw the light of day.
Since the scandal broke in October 2012, the London media have criticized police, royalty, government officials, health service managers and BBC staff for covering up Savile’s crimes, but few if any of these media commentators has admitted to their own vital role in hushing up Britain's 'worst kept secret' for decades.
After the shameful sacking last month of Richard Ingrams, who broke the Savile story in his magazine 'The Oldie', is there anyone left to break such a scandal again?
Friends in the highest of high places...
Many have been shocked at Savile’s ability to keep his child sexual abuse secret for nearly fifty years, while mingling with royalty and others at the top of British society.
Those he abused were told they better never breathe a word about it because he had ‘friends in high places,’ which he did. [...]