Det amerikanska etablissemanget beslutade nyligen via senatens säkerhetskommitté, att utöka NSA:s befogenheter och maktbas ytterligare, genom att lägga grunden för en ny hårt kritiserad lag - CISA. Lagen är ungefär samma som den tidigare CISPA vilken drogs tillbaka efter allmänhetens stora vrede...
Senate committee approves broadening of NSA's authority
Publicerades den 8 jul 2014
The Senate Intelligence Committee passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act in a 12-3 vote late Tuesday evening. Written by Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif) and Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga), civil liberties and privacy advocates fear the bill may potentially expand the controversial National Security Agency's power to collect information on Americans.
The legislation is modeled on 2013's CISPA bill, which was defeated in Congress after a public outcry.
RT's Ameera David has more on the unexpected passage.

"The US is out of control and will continue to infringe the rights of privacy"
Publicerades den 9 jul 2014
A German intel staff has been arrested for spying for the US, the second double-agent exposure in a week. RT asks ex-MI5 officer Annie Machon what NSA is looking for in other countries mobile phone records and will Germans push back against their allies.***
CISA threat:
- How cybersecurity may harm Americans privacy and hit whistleblowers
RT July 11, 2014
Two years after CISPA, the controversial bill allowing govt access to corporate customer data, was defeated its new incarnation hit the senate. Critics say CISA lost not only one letter in the name but also the privacy safeguards of its predecessor.
The draft legislation coauthored by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein and Senate Intelligence Committee Vice Chairman Saxby Chambliss as approved by closed session committee.
The bill allows companies to voluntary share information on cyber-threats with government and exempts them from liability for harm done to their customers in doing so.
Opponents of the bill say in many regards it’s worse than its predecessor and are mounting a public resistance campaign, hoping it will send the draft into CISPA-like oblivion. [...]

Trots Snowdens läckor: NSA:s befogenheter kan UTÖKAS med ny cybersäkerhetslag: - CISA
CISPA's Privacy-Killing Successor Just Cleared Its First Hurdle
SvaraRaderaJuly 9, 2014
CISPA's successor, which civil liberties groups say is still awful for privacy and could threaten net neutrality, is moving forward despite those concerns—the Senate Intelligence Committee passed it yesterday, meaning it'll likely be voted on by the full chamber.
We've given you the rundown on the Cybersecurity Information Act of 2014 a couple times before, but Sen. Dianne Feinstein's bill was approved by a 12-3 vote yesterday.
The bill has been changed since its original form—Feinstein says the amendments should assuage the concerns of privacy advocates that say the bill could funnel information about consumers directly to law enforcement, regardless of their involvement in any hacking schemes.
Those privacy advocates disagree.
"The committee's description of the amendments that were adopted suggests that the big ticket items remain unaddressed," Greg Nojeim, a lawyer with the Center for Democracy and Technology, told me.
"Users' communications information will continue to flow to the NSA under a cybersecurity umbrella even when it is irrelevant to a cyber threat. This is unacceptable."
Nojeim's organization is one of more than 20 civil liberties groups to strongly oppose the bill.
Germany expels CIA Berlin chief over NSA spying
SvaraRaderaJuly 10, 2014
Germany is expelling the CIA chief in Berlin in retaliation for the latest espionage scandals 'in addition to existing issues'. Two suspected US agents have been exposed in the past week, prompting criticism from German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
The expulsion comes shortly after the alleged US agents were unmasked, suspected of acting as double agents within the state security apparatus, and passing secrets to US intelligence contacts.
The move was “a reaction to persistent failure to work together in efforts towards clarification,” according to the chief of the Parliamentary Control Panel. [...]
Urgent: Congress is rushing to a vote on CISA, the new CISPA. Click here to stop it.
CISPA is back with a new name, and it’s even more dangerous to Americans’ privacy
SvaraRaderaJuly 11, 2014
Remember CISPA? It was the internet spying bill that would give the NSA even more access to American’s private internet conversations without search warrants. The bill got stalled in Congress after major outrage from privacy groups (both left and right) as well as hundreds of major internet corporations who went to bat for their customers.
Well, CISPA is back…and with a new name: CISA (aren’t they just so creative?)[...]