Den amerikanske mannen nickade till en kort stund i tunnelbanan av trötthet när han var på väg hem från jobbet. Då ryckte USA-polisen in och misshandlade och arresterade den trötte mannen, för hans egen trygghet, såklart...
Publicerades den 2 jul 2014
Intense video of a man is recorded as he violently fights officers inside of a New York City train after police attempt to arrest the man for apparently falling asleep.
The video shows a male and female officer attempting to arrest a large black man in the train when he begins to resist. The suspect is so large that even though having one hand cuffed, is able to throw the officers around like rag dolls.
The man continues to fight officers refusing to provide ID and stating the officer WILL need back up to arrest him. At one point, a passenger attempts to help the officers but is berated by the suspect who asks "Primo, are you a cop?" and "Why are you helping them primo?"
It isn't until two additional officers show up that the man is subdued. While police arrest the man, the woman recording rushes up to the officers and demands their badge numbers. It is unclear but one of the officers seems to slap the phone out of the woman's hand telling her to "get out of here".
It isn't until two additional officers show up that the man is subdued. While police arrest the man, the woman recording rushes up to the officers and demands their badge numbers. It is unclear but one of the officers seems to slap the phone out of the woman's hand telling her to "get out of here".
The woman can then be heard telling the officers "don't you put your (expletive) hand on me" as she reads out badge numbers "28230″ and "30408″. The suspect then says "We gunna eat." suggesting winning a possible settlement against the police department for brutality.
According to the man being arrested in the video, he was on his way back from work when he fell asleep and was mistaken for a homeless person.
According to the man being arrested in the video, he was on his way back from work when he fell asleep and was mistaken for a homeless person.
RT 2014-07-03
A video has recorded a violent altercation erupting between a man on a New York City subway and police officers, who apparently arrested him for the crime of nodding off while commuting home for work.
The incident occurs at the 57th street station stop in Manhattan in a mostly-empty carriage.
The video posted to YouTube on Tuesday does not show what sparked the police confrontation, though from the man’s reaction and those who viewed and filmed the scene, he was confronted by police for sleeping on the train.
“- For what? I didn’t do s***! I’m sleeping,” he cries out during the arrest, before repeating that he was going home.
The arresting officers, while speaking to him throughout the incident, are mostly inaudible.
As the police struggle to gain control of the man’s arms, he repeatedly screams “for what?” as the officers tell him to “relax.”
“Ain’t no relax, ain’t no relax,” he replied. “Yo, somebody record this, record all of this” he yells out, though the camera has long since been rolling.
He manages to sit down, at which point he can be heard saying I’m coming home from work. The officers, who say he’s under arrest, get him back on his feet, at which point the struggle to subdue him heats up.
Backup eventually arrives, and as his efforts to resist intensify, a female officer appears to start hitting him over the back with a baton. Despite his determined efforts to keep from being handcuffed, he never strikes out at the officers.
“- Record all of this please! I’m coming home from work, and they’re f***ing with me because I’m sleeping, and bums gotta sleep on the train.”
After more officers arrive, an officer grabs him in a clinch and manages to pull him to the ground.
The woman filming starts asking for the officers badge number, and when one of them appears to swat her recording device way, she yells “don’t put your fucking hands on me!” as she reads out badge numbers "28230″ and "30408.″
The man then says "We gonna eat," a slang phrase for making money, suggesting that he will sue the NYPD, probably for false arrest and brutality.
As the man is dragged off the train, the woman filming the incident yells out: “I got all ya’ll, and I got your f***ing badge numbers!”
Another passenger passes her, saying in disbelief, “that’s f***ed up.”
Somnade på tåget på väg hem från jobbet - Blev misshandlad och arresterad av USA-polisen
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