Blandade videos och aktuell info angående det kraschade planet MH17 från Malaysia Airways. Både nyhetsvideos och ett antal välgjorda s.k. "konspirationsvideos..."
Men jämför man med mainstreammedias rapportering, så är det nog inga större konspirationer? Foliehattarna finns dessvärre i dagens MSM där de utger sig för att vara s.k. journalister..:)
*Sidan uppdateras löpande - Varning för starka bilder.... (Bilden överst visar det tidigare försvunna planet MH370 från samma flygbolag.)
Mainstreammedias näthatande och konspirerande "presstituerade" (s.k. journalister) anser med all synkroniserad tydlighet att det var "Putins missil" som orsakade katastrofen.
Vi andra som har den goda smaken att inte vilja starta ett nytt världskrig och därför gärna håller till utanför mainstreammedias onda fabler, vet att det naturligtvis lika gärna kunde ha varit ex. "Obamas missil", så länge inga bevis presenterats... (..mer än journalist-gaphalsarnas urusla konspirationsteorier i mainstreammedias korrupta ankdamm.)
- Ännu en gång så upplever vi också att diamanternas hållbarhet nuförtiden bara överträffas av hållbarheten i ID-handlingar och pass, vilka förvånansvärt ofta klarar sig relativt oskadda från de mest brutala terror-katastrofer (ex. 9/11), för att sedan lägligt kunna visas upp i mainstreammedia...
- Varför bygger man egentligen inte flygplan och skottsäkra västar i samma material som pass & ID-handlingar? ...satir? (sidan uppdateras när något nytt tillkommer - reds. anm.)
Läs mer:***
Also, what is this guy doing walking around the fresh crash site with a handful of intact, unscathed passports?
Or here's a conspiracy theory for you: What if the missing Malaysian plane from march (MH370) *IS* the one that was "shot down" over Ukraine today in a Jerry Bruckheimeresque stage show?
That'll make your head spin for a minute...
Of course, what do we know. We're just a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists over here.!bimJ76
RT 2014-07-21
The Russian military detected a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet gaining height towards the MH17 Boeing on the day of the catastrophe. Kiev must explain why the military jet was tracking the passenger airplane, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
Follow Malaysia Airlines MH17 plane crash in Ukraine LIVE UPDATES
“A Ukraine Air Force military jet was detected gaining height, it’s distance from the Malaysian Boeing was 3 to 5km,” said the head of the Main Operations Directorate of the HQ of Russia’s military forces, Lieutenant-General Andrey Kartopolov speaking at a media conference in Moscow on Monday.
“[We] would like to get an explanation as to why the military jet was flying along a civil aviation corridor at almost the same time and at the same level as a passenger plane,” he stated.
“The SU-25 fighter jet can gain an altitude of 10km, according to its specification,” he added. “It’s equipped with air-to-air R-60 missiles that can hit a target at a distance up to 12km, up to 5km for sure.”
The presence of the Ukrainian military jet can be confirmed by video shots made by the Rostov monitoring center, Kartopolov stated.
- At the moment of the MH17 crash an American satellite was flying over the area of eastern Ukraine, according to Russia’s Defense Ministry.
- It urged the US to publish the space photos and data captured by it.

Läs mer:
ETN 2014-07-17
ETN received information from an air traffic controller in Kiev on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.
This Kiev air traffic controller is a citizen of Spain and was working in the Ukraine.
He was taken off duty as a civil air-traffic controller along with other foreigners immediately after a Malaysia Airlines passenger aircraft was shot down over the Eastern Ukraine killing 295 passengers and crew on board.
The air traffic controller suggested in a private evaluation and basing it on military sources in Kiev, that the Ukrainian military was behind this shoot down. Radar records were immediately confiscated after it became clear a passenger jet was shot down.
Military air traffic controllers in internal communication acknowledged the military was involved, and some military chatter said they did not know where the order to shoot down the plane originated from.
Radar screen shots also show an unexplained change of course of the Malaysian Boeing. The change of course took the aircraft directly over the Eastern Ukraine conflict region.
Some tweets received suggest this may have been a secret military uprising against the current Ukrainian president under the direction of formerly-jailed Prime Minister Timoshenko.
According to other rumors, the black box for this crashed Malaysian Airlines flight was taken by Donetsk separatists. A spokesperson for the rebel group said this black box would be sent to the Interstate Aviation Committee headquartered in Moscow.
The First Deputy Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk, Andrew Purgin, stated that the flight recorders of the crashed aircraft will be transferred to Moscow for examination.
Sources say the Rebel group leadership hopes this would confirm the Ukrainian military actually shot down this aircraft. This was reported by the news agency Interfax-Ukraine.
ETN statement: The information in this article is not independently confirmed and based on the statement of one airline controller and other tweets received.
*Bilder från olycksplatsen publicerade på "cryptome"
RT talks to Wireless Communications professor Mischa Dohler.
*Färdplanen för MH17 hade "av en händelse" ändrats av Ukrainas flygledare samma dag - och gick dagen innan inte genom krigszonen.
*Questions over why Malaysian plane flew over Ukrainian warzone
Time stamps:
BUK M1 surface to air missiles:
Ukrainian SU25 fighter near MH17:
Video of air traffic over Donetsk:
Experimental US satellite over Ukraine during time of MH17:
Issue with 'smoking gun' video & car dealership address:
*** blames Russia immediately
Was it a false flag, who benefits?
Was flight diverted over restricted airspace?
Did Ukraine falsify evidence?
Snowden Leaks THIS WEEK describe how govt manipulate online
Russia doesn't cover it at all..
RT_Exposing False Flags
*Viktig kommentar på YouTube till Infowars Lee Ann:
Läs mer:
På "Corbett Report" finns en sammanställning på tillgänglig "alternativ" info angående MH17:
July 20, 2014
This post is intended as a round-up of available information on MH17 from various sources around the web. Corbett Report members are encouraged to debate and discuss the situation in the commments thread below, ask questions, suggest links, and otherwise contribute to this investigation. The article will be updated with information as the investigation continues.
“A Boeing 777-200 passenger plane, operating Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, crashed in the Ukraine, east of Donetsk. All 298 on board were killed. Flight MH17 departed the gate at Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport, the Netherlands at 12:14 hours local time, bound for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was airborne at 12:30 (10:30 UTC) from runway 36C and reached a cruising altitude of FL310 at 12:53 (10:53 UTC). Ninety minutes into the flight, at 12:01 UTC and just prior to entering Ukrainian airspace, the flight climbed to FL330. This altitude was maintained until last contact by ADS-B receivers of flight tracking websites, about 13:21 UTC.
“At the point of last contact it was flying 1000 feet above airspace that had been restricted as a result of ongoing fighting in the area. Malaysia Airlines reported that MH17 filed a flight plan requesting FL350 throughout Ukrainian airspace. However, the flight was instructed by Ukrainian air traffic control to fly at FL330.”
Läs fortsättningen:
Var nedskjutningen av det Malaysiska planet MH17 ännu en "False Flag" för att utvidga kriget i Ukraina ytterligare? Eller kanske ett statligt sanktionerat terrordåd för att vända bort internet- & medieintresset från Israels blodiga s.k. markoperationer som "av en tillfällighet" inleddes ungefär samtidigt i GAZA..?
Indian sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik is pictured with his sand sculpture honouring victims of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 which appears to have been shot down over eastern Ukraine, at Puri beach, some 65 kilometers away from Bhubaneswar on July 18, 2014.
Men jämför man med mainstreammedias rapportering, så är det nog inga större konspirationer? Foliehattarna finns dessvärre i dagens MSM där de utger sig för att vara s.k. journalister..:)
*Sidan uppdateras löpande - Varning för starka bilder.... (Bilden överst visar det tidigare försvunna planet MH370 från samma flygbolag.)
Mainstreammedias näthatande och konspirerande "presstituerade" (s.k. journalister) anser med all synkroniserad tydlighet att det var "Putins missil" som orsakade katastrofen.
Vi andra som har den goda smaken att inte vilja starta ett nytt världskrig och därför gärna håller till utanför mainstreammedias onda fabler, vet att det naturligtvis lika gärna kunde ha varit ex. "Obamas missil", så länge inga bevis presenterats... (..mer än journalist-gaphalsarnas urusla konspirationsteorier i mainstreammedias korrupta ankdamm.)
- Ännu en gång så upplever vi också att diamanternas hållbarhet nuförtiden bara överträffas av hållbarheten i ID-handlingar och pass, vilka förvånansvärt ofta klarar sig relativt oskadda från de mest brutala terror-katastrofer (ex. 9/11), för att sedan lägligt kunna visas upp i mainstreammedia...
- Varför bygger man egentligen inte flygplan och skottsäkra västar i samma material som pass & ID-handlingar? ...satir? (sidan uppdateras när något nytt tillkommer - reds. anm.)

Läs mer:***
'Anything other than social media?'
State Dept's MH17 evidence secret
Publicerades den 22 jul 2014
State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf described Russia's statements on MH17 plane crash as "misinformation" - but when reporters asked her whether Washington would be releasing their intelligence and satellite data, Harf only replied "may be." So far the US has been backing its statements by social media and "common sense."
- Are They Wagging the Dog?
Publicerades den 17 jul 2014
If this was a mid-air missile strike, quick question: where is the smoke? Any smoke? From the missile? From the strike? From the plane? Also, what is this guy doing walking around the fresh crash site with a handful of intact, unscathed passports?
Or here's a conspiracy theory for you: What if the missing Malaysian plane from march (MH370) *IS* the one that was "shot down" over Ukraine today in a Jerry Bruckheimeresque stage show?
That'll make your head spin for a minute...
Of course, what do we know. We're just a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists over here.!bimJ76
RT 2014-07-21
The Russian military detected a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet gaining height towards the MH17 Boeing on the day of the catastrophe. Kiev must explain why the military jet was tracking the passenger airplane, the Russian Defense Ministry said.
Follow Malaysia Airlines MH17 plane crash in Ukraine LIVE UPDATES
“A Ukraine Air Force military jet was detected gaining height, it’s distance from the Malaysian Boeing was 3 to 5km,” said the head of the Main Operations Directorate of the HQ of Russia’s military forces, Lieutenant-General Andrey Kartopolov speaking at a media conference in Moscow on Monday.
“[We] would like to get an explanation as to why the military jet was flying along a civil aviation corridor at almost the same time and at the same level as a passenger plane,” he stated.
“The SU-25 fighter jet can gain an altitude of 10km, according to its specification,” he added. “It’s equipped with air-to-air R-60 missiles that can hit a target at a distance up to 12km, up to 5km for sure.”
The presence of the Ukrainian military jet can be confirmed by video shots made by the Rostov monitoring center, Kartopolov stated.
- At the moment of the MH17 crash an American satellite was flying over the area of eastern Ukraine, according to Russia’s Defense Ministry.
- It urged the US to publish the space photos and data captured by it.

Läs mer:
Ukrainian millitary escorted B777 until 3 minutes before disappearing
***ETN 2014-07-17
ETN received information from an air traffic controller in Kiev on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.
This Kiev air traffic controller is a citizen of Spain and was working in the Ukraine.
He was taken off duty as a civil air-traffic controller along with other foreigners immediately after a Malaysia Airlines passenger aircraft was shot down over the Eastern Ukraine killing 295 passengers and crew on board.
The air traffic controller suggested in a private evaluation and basing it on military sources in Kiev, that the Ukrainian military was behind this shoot down. Radar records were immediately confiscated after it became clear a passenger jet was shot down.
Military air traffic controllers in internal communication acknowledged the military was involved, and some military chatter said they did not know where the order to shoot down the plane originated from.
- Obviously it happened after a series of errors, since the very same plane was escorted by two Ukrainian fighter jets until 3 minutes before it disappeared from radar.

Radar screen shots also show an unexplained change of course of the Malaysian Boeing. The change of course took the aircraft directly over the Eastern Ukraine conflict region.
Some tweets received suggest this may have been a secret military uprising against the current Ukrainian president under the direction of formerly-jailed Prime Minister Timoshenko.
According to other rumors, the black box for this crashed Malaysian Airlines flight was taken by Donetsk separatists. A spokesperson for the rebel group said this black box would be sent to the Interstate Aviation Committee headquartered in Moscow.
The First Deputy Prime Minister of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk, Andrew Purgin, stated that the flight recorders of the crashed aircraft will be transferred to Moscow for examination.
Sources say the Rebel group leadership hopes this would confirm the Ukrainian military actually shot down this aircraft. This was reported by the news agency Interfax-Ukraine.
ETN statement: The information in this article is not independently confirmed and based on the statement of one airline controller and other tweets received.

*Bilder från olycksplatsen publicerade på "cryptome"
BREAKING: Malaysian airliner crashes in E. Ukraine, over 280 people on board
Publicerades den 17 jul 2014
A Malaysian Airlines' Boeing-777 has crashed over Ukraine, close to the border with Russia.***
Evidence to Frame Russia For MH17 Shoot Down Fabricated?
Evidence presented by Ukraine to implicate Russia in the shoot down of the Malaysian Airlines plane appears to have been fabricated.
Malaysia #MH17 crash site witness: bodies, debris, passports scattered
Publicerades den 17 jul 2014
A Malaysian Airlines plane en route from Amsterdam to Malaysia has crashed in eastern Ukraine. There were 285 people and 15 crew members on board the Boeing-777 aircraft.FOLLOW LIVE UPDATES:
BUSTED! Ukraine Caught Trying to 'Frame Russia' for Shooting Down Malaysia Flight MH17!
I have to say, They were gonna fool a whole lot of people with this one!
I have to say, They were gonna fool a whole lot of people with this one!
Thankfully, they have been caught!
The Ukraine Government supported a youtube clip that they say proves Russia had involvement and that Rebels shot down Malaysia Flight MH17.
However, Due to their sloppy work, They have been caught! They have since tried to delete the file, but not before it was downloaded over 800 times!
'It is suspicious the plane has deviated from the route it usually takes'
Publicerades den 18 jul 2014
As the world mourns the tragic loss of 298 people in Malaysian Airlines plane crash over Ukraine, questions have arisen over unusual circumstances of the tragedy.RT talks to Wireless Communications professor Mischa Dohler.

*Questions over why Malaysian plane flew over Ukrainian warzone
'Obama agrees with Putin on MH17 and vice versa. Poroshenko isolated'
Publicerades den 19 jul 2014
Barack Obama claims the US has firm evidence that the plane was shot down by a missile, fired from an area controlled by anti-Kiev fighters. He also accuses Russia of supporting them. Nevertheless US president agrees to Putin's calls to conduct transparent investigation and says it's too early to say who and why shot down the plane. Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern see the situation as isolation for President Poroshenko.
Military Satellites Likely Saw Missile Strike on Malaysian Airlines Flight malaysia-airlines-missile-mh17.html
Ukraine says Russia helping destroy crash evidence ng-destroy-092634765.html
U.S. Govt. Lied to Pretend that Accidental Russian Shootdown of Commercial Plane Was Intentional ... Three Decades Ago pretend-that-accidental-russian-shootdow n-of-commercial-plane-was-intentional-th ree-decades-ago/
Rebel Leader Says Many of the Dead Bodies in MH17 Weren't "Fresh" of-the-dead-bodies-in-mh17-werent-fresh/
Hillary: EU Should Exploit MH17 Tragedy as Natural Gas Opportunity
MH17: World Sees Tragedy, US Sees "Game Changer" -us-sees-game-changer/
Malaysia Flight MH17 False Flag The Conspiracy Deepens
HRABOVE, Ukraine (AP) -- Ukraine accused Russia on Saturday of helping separatist rebels destroy evidence at the crash site of a Malaysia Airlines plane shot down in rebel-held territory — a charge the rebels denied.Military Satellites Likely Saw Missile Strike on Malaysian Airlines Flight
Ukraine says Russia helping destroy crash evidence
U.S. Govt. Lied to Pretend that Accidental Russian Shootdown of Commercial Plane Was Intentional ... Three Decades Ago
Rebel Leader Says Many of the Dead Bodies in MH17 Weren't "Fresh"
Hillary: EU Should Exploit MH17 Tragedy as Natural Gas Opportunity
MH17: World Sees Tragedy, US Sees "Game Changer"
Moscow raises questions surrounding MH17 crash
Publicerades den 19 jul 2014
There are still more questions than answers on the catastrophe. And Russia's Defense Ministry is demanding information from Kiev. RT's Maria Finoshina reports.***
Malaysian Airlines plane crash: Russian military unveil data on MH17 incident over Ukraine (FULL)
Publicerades den 21 jul 2014
The Russian Defense Ministry holds a press conference on the details of MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine. Defense Ministry reports that on the day of the catastrophe, a Ukrainian SU-25 fighter jet gaining height towards the Boeing 777. Calling for Kiev to explain why the fighter jet was tracking the airplane.Time stamps:
BUK M1 surface to air missiles:
Ukrainian SU25 fighter near MH17:
Video of air traffic over Donetsk:
Experimental US satellite over Ukraine during time of MH17:
Issue with 'smoking gun' video & car dealership address:
Publicerades den 19 jul 2014 TheAlexJonesChannel
Less than 24 hours after the devastating attack that downed Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17, Neocons and their state-run media would have us believe the case is closed...before an investigation has even been launched. We break down the repetitive false-flag narrative. blames Russia immediately
Was it a false flag, who benefits?
Was flight diverted over restricted airspace?
Did Ukraine falsify evidence?
Snowden Leaks THIS WEEK describe how govt manipulate online
Russia doesn't cover it at all..
RT_Exposing False Flags
*Viktig kommentar på YouTube till Infowars Lee Ann:
What Really Happened to MH17? An Open Source Investigation
by James Corbett corbettreport.comJuly 20, 2014
This post is intended as a round-up of available information on MH17 from various sources around the web. Corbett Report members are encouraged to debate and discuss the situation in the commments thread below, ask questions, suggest links, and otherwise contribute to this investigation. The article will be updated with information as the investigation continues.
“A Boeing 777-200 passenger plane, operating Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, crashed in the Ukraine, east of Donetsk. All 298 on board were killed. Flight MH17 departed the gate at Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport, the Netherlands at 12:14 hours local time, bound for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was airborne at 12:30 (10:30 UTC) from runway 36C and reached a cruising altitude of FL310 at 12:53 (10:53 UTC). Ninety minutes into the flight, at 12:01 UTC and just prior to entering Ukrainian airspace, the flight climbed to FL330. This altitude was maintained until last contact by ADS-B receivers of flight tracking websites, about 13:21 UTC.
“At the point of last contact it was flying 1000 feet above airspace that had been restricted as a result of ongoing fighting in the area. Malaysia Airlines reported that MH17 filed a flight plan requesting FL350 throughout Ukrainian airspace. However, the flight was instructed by Ukrainian air traffic control to fly at FL330.”
Läs fortsättningen:
The Truthseeker: Media 'staged' Syria chem attack (E36)
Publicerades den 23 mar 2014
BBC 'total fabrication from
beginning to end' of Syria 'atrocity'; call to revoke visas for intel
agents posing as reporters in NATO targets; CIA caught infiltrating CNN,
and Operation Mockingbird is back.***Mark Knopfler - Wag The Dog
Avslöjat: - "False Flag Terror" - Guiden till Myndigheternas Terror mot de egna folken
Indian sand artist Sudarsan Pattnaik is pictured with his sand sculpture honouring victims of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 which appears to have been shot down over eastern Ukraine, at Puri beach, some 65 kilometers away from Bhubaneswar on July 18, 2014.
OBAMAS MISSIL? - Malaysian Airlines MH17 i Ukraina - Konspirationer & Fakta om tragedin
Läs också:
SvaraRadera"Whistleblower-webbsajt: Alla dokument från Snowden ska släppas - " för att förhindra krig"
Whistleblower-webbsajten "Cryptome" uppger att Snowdens samtliga dokument snart kan komma att att släppas för att förhindra ett globalt storkrig, vilket elitens krigsaktivister planerar dra igång under juli 2014...
Framing Russia, Fabricating a Pretext to Wage War: Flight MH-17 and “Operation Northwoods”
SvaraRaderaJuly 24, 2014 By R. Teichmann
While in Gaza it is plain for all to see who are the perpetrators behind the slaughter, the case of the almost 300 victims of the MH 17 Malaysian airlines crash is giving us more questions than answers.
As I write this my thoughts are with the innocent victims in Gaza as well as those who died in the event dubbed the ‘MH-17 incident’ as well as their families.
Both issues dominate the news everywhere.
While in Gaza it is plain for all to see who perpetrates the slaughter, the case of the almost 300 victims of the MH 17 incident is giving us more questions than answers.
As we look for answers we must not forget an important operation which was planned by the US Joint Chief of Staff in 1962, a plot to manufacture a casus belli (reason to go to war) with Cuba. It was called ‘Operation Northwoods’.
It sprang to my mind as the propaganda war after the the airplane tragedy in eastern Ukraine was unleashed. While at the time the Northwoods document was produced by the US military its implementation was rejected by then US President John F. Kennedy, circumstances have changed and I cannot help but ask myself if the MH-17 incident is a re-run of ‘Operation Northwoods’ with today’s technology on a bigger scale.
This time not trying to frame Cuba but Russia.[...]
This is the Israeli Military Calling: Civilizing War Has Failed
SvaraRaderaBy David Swanson Global Research, July 24, 2014
War is a Crime
Probably the biggest news story of 1928 was the war-making nations of the world coming together on August 27th and legally outlawing war. It’s a story that’s not told in our history books, but it’s not secret CIA history. There was no CIA. There was virtually no weapons industry as we know it. There weren’t two political parties in the United States uniting in support of war after war. In fact, the four biggest political parties in the United States all backed abolishing war.
Cue whining, polysyllabic screech: “But it didn’t wooooooooork!”
Civilizing war for the benefit of the world has been an abysmal failure. We now have wars launched on unarmed defenseless people thousands of miles away in the name of “defense.”
We now have wars depicted as U.N.-authorized because the U.N. once passed a resolution related to the nation being destroyed. And just seconds before the Israeli military blows up your house in Gaza, they ring you up on the telephone to give you a proper warning.
"Smell the rat"-
MD-83 -
Detta för att avlägga uppmärksamhet från Malaysiska plan false flag operation, då hela planet vart lastat med redan döda kroppar och satt på autopilot...... USA/CIA har hela käften med blod
Nya bilder ökar misstanken att MH370 och inte MH17 sköts ner över Ukraina