En f.d. socialtjänstarbetare i Storbritannien avslöjar att elitpedofilernas nätverk tidigare ignorerades p.g.a. att det var för stort för att kunna utredas. - Det fanns helt enkelt för många elitpedofiler i Westminster och Whitehall och det var en "naturlig" del av kulturen hos etablissemanget...

RT 2014-07-12
A former official from the UK’s social services has said that an alleged pedophile network in Westminster and Whitehall was ignored because “there are too many of them over there.”
David Tombs, a former official who ran Hereford and Worcester social services for 20 years, warned the government about the possible pedophile network after the arrest of notorious pedophile Peter Righton in 1992.
Tombs claims he became aware of the pedophile behavior through a police investigation.
“I had no particular names, but that was the impression I was getting,” he told a BBC Radio current affairs program.
“It was coming across to me at the time that there were names linked into the establishment, if you like,” he said.
Tombs said he thought the issue was serious and of national concern, and that he wanted to make people who made policy decisions aware of what was going on.
But despite his best efforts, Tombs found doors closed in his face.
At least 40 UK politicians complicit in alleged Westminster 'pedophile ring' – report
“I was angry. I was furious. It seemed to me that the one place I should be able to come to, to alert the nation to this issue, was the Department of Health,” he said.
But Tim Yeo, who was a junior health minister in the early 90s, said the allegations were “extraordinary” and that he was “not aware” of a culture of child sex abuse.
“I think it’s incredible, the idea that any remotely credible evidence had been shown to a civil servant at the Department of Health would have been ignored,” he told the same BBC program.
Yeo also questioned why Tombs didn’t raise the issue with his local MP.
The latest bombshell comes after news that 114 “potentially relevant files” relating to the alleged child abuse network were lost by the Home Office, prompting fears of a cover-up. A file on the alleged network, which had been put together by the now deceased MP Geofrey Dickens, mysteriously went missing after he handed it to then-Home Secretary Lord Brittan in 1983.
114 files missing from 'Westminster Pedophile ring' dossier - Home Office admits
Peter Mckelvie, a retired child protection team manager, spent more than 20 years compiling evidence of current and former politicians who were allegedly involved in child abuse stretching back to the 1980s. He believes that as many as 40 MPs and peers were either involved or turned a blind eye.
Home Secretary Theresa May has been under considerable pressure to address the situation. On Monday, she announced in parliament that an independent, transparent, and comprehensive inquiry into the allegations is imminent.
She said the inquiry would investigate why the government did not adequately deal with the claims of child sex abuse when they were first made in the 1980s, and if state bodies breached their duty to care for vulnerable children.
Murdered TV presenter Jill Dando tried to expose paedo ring involving “big-name” BBC stars
August 12, 2014 Source: Daily Star
According to the retired BBC worker, the Crimewatch host was told that DJs, stars and corporation staff were involved in organised abuse.
But when she tried to get bosses to investigate the alleged ring and other abuse complaints inside the BBC “no one wanted to know”, the former friend said.
Undeterred, Jill is said to have then raised the claims with senior management in the mid-1990s but no investigation took place.
Her ex-colleague, who asked to remain anonymous, said: “I don’t recall the names of all the stars now and don’t really want to implicate anyone but Jill said they were surprisingly big names.
“I think she was quite shocked when told about images of children and that information on how to join this horrible paedophile ring was freely available.
“Jill said others had complained to her about sexual matters and that some fellow female workmates also claimed they had been groped or assaulted.
“Nothing had been done and there seemed to be a policy of turning a blind eye.” [...]

Bill Clintons namn dök nyligen upp i en stor utredning om internationella pedofilringar vilka nyttjas av den globala makteliten. Pedofilspåren leder även rakt in i kungahusen.... (video m.m.)http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2014/05/maktelitens-omfattande-pedofilringar.html
Peter Mckelvie har under 20 års tid samlat bevis om
myndigheternas och elitens pedofilringar i Storbritannien. Minst 10
parlamentsledamöter och politiker som är aktiva idag, samt ett 30-tal
från tidigare regeringar, utpekas i en rapport om etablissemangets
gigantiska pedofil-verksamhet...http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2014/07/rapport-over-40-engelska-politiker-och.html
Engelsk polis "råkade slarva bort mängder av viktiga bevis" i fallet mot de engelska elitpedofilernas gigantiska nätverk. 114 dokument som bevisar elitpedofilernas övergrepp mot barn är nu spårlöst borta på "UK Home Office"...

‘Too many of them’: Warnings on pedophiles operating in Westminster were ‘ignored’
***RT 2014-07-12
A former official from the UK’s social services has said that an alleged pedophile network in Westminster and Whitehall was ignored because “there are too many of them over there.”
David Tombs, a former official who ran Hereford and Worcester social services for 20 years, warned the government about the possible pedophile network after the arrest of notorious pedophile Peter Righton in 1992.
Tombs claims he became aware of the pedophile behavior through a police investigation.
“I had no particular names, but that was the impression I was getting,” he told a BBC Radio current affairs program.
“It was coming across to me at the time that there were names linked into the establishment, if you like,” he said.
- But when he approached representatives from the Department of Health, he was told that he was “probably wasting his time” as there were “too many of them over there” in Westminster and Whitehall.
Tombs said he thought the issue was serious and of national concern, and that he wanted to make people who made policy decisions aware of what was going on.
But despite his best efforts, Tombs found doors closed in his face.
At least 40 UK politicians complicit in alleged Westminster 'pedophile ring' – report
“I was angry. I was furious. It seemed to me that the one place I should be able to come to, to alert the nation to this issue, was the Department of Health,” he said.
But Tim Yeo, who was a junior health minister in the early 90s, said the allegations were “extraordinary” and that he was “not aware” of a culture of child sex abuse.
“I think it’s incredible, the idea that any remotely credible evidence had been shown to a civil servant at the Department of Health would have been ignored,” he told the same BBC program.
Yeo also questioned why Tombs didn’t raise the issue with his local MP.
The latest bombshell comes after news that 114 “potentially relevant files” relating to the alleged child abuse network were lost by the Home Office, prompting fears of a cover-up. A file on the alleged network, which had been put together by the now deceased MP Geofrey Dickens, mysteriously went missing after he handed it to then-Home Secretary Lord Brittan in 1983.
114 files missing from 'Westminster Pedophile ring' dossier - Home Office admits
Peter Mckelvie, a retired child protection team manager, spent more than 20 years compiling evidence of current and former politicians who were allegedly involved in child abuse stretching back to the 1980s. He believes that as many as 40 MPs and peers were either involved or turned a blind eye.
Home Secretary Theresa May has been under considerable pressure to address the situation. On Monday, she announced in parliament that an independent, transparent, and comprehensive inquiry into the allegations is imminent.
She said the inquiry would investigate why the government did not adequately deal with the claims of child sex abuse when they were first made in the 1980s, and if state bodies breached their duty to care for vulnerable children.
Murdered TV presenter Jill Dando tried to expose paedo ring involving “big-name” BBC stars
August 12, 2014 Source: Daily Star
According to the retired BBC worker, the Crimewatch host was told that DJs, stars and corporation staff were involved in organised abuse.
But when she tried to get bosses to investigate the alleged ring and other abuse complaints inside the BBC “no one wanted to know”, the former friend said.
Undeterred, Jill is said to have then raised the claims with senior management in the mid-1990s but no investigation took place.
- The TV host was shot dead a few years later on the doorstep of her London home.
- The 37-year-old’s murder remains unsolved.
Her ex-colleague, who asked to remain anonymous, said: “I don’t recall the names of all the stars now and don’t really want to implicate anyone but Jill said they were surprisingly big names.
“I think she was quite shocked when told about images of children and that information on how to join this horrible paedophile ring was freely available.
“Jill said others had complained to her about sexual matters and that some fellow female workmates also claimed they had been groped or assaulted.
“Nothing had been done and there seemed to be a policy of turning a blind eye.” [...]
Maktelitens Omfattande Pedofilringar

Bill Clintons namn dök nyligen upp i en stor utredning om internationella pedofilringar vilka nyttjas av den globala makteliten. Pedofilspåren leder även rakt in i kungahusen.... (video m.m.)http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2014/05/maktelitens-omfattande-pedofilringar.html
Rapport: Över 40 Engelska Politiker och Parlamentsledamöter i Gigantiska Pedofilringar
Engelsk polis "råkade slarva bort" 114 bevis mot Elitpedofilernas Gigantiska Nätverk
Därför ignorerades varningarna: "Englands elitpedofiler - för många för att kunna utredas"
No Charges For Cop Who Shot & Killed Boy 'Armed' With Wiimote
SvaraRaderaJul 17 2014 Chris | InformationLiberation
Experiencing fear is reason enough to execute someone if you're a cop, even if it was just a child holding a toy in his hand, at least according to a grand jury out of Bartow County, Georgia.[...]
--Extensive War Crimes in Eastern Ukraine. The Voices of the Innocent: “We Haven’t Got Anywhere to Run…”--
SvaraRaderaJuly 17, 2014 By Lana Zoricheva
Today, not only the Russian mass media has raised the issue of the investigation of war crimes in Ukraine, but delegates of European media as well. Journalistic investigation led me to the Russian refugee camp, located not far from the place of military events.
There is another world, though the planet is the same – the Earth. Water, food, light, absence of firing, a manifestation of humanity in everyday life allow people to feel safe again and with gratitude to accept the help and care in the neighboring state. All that they have lost overnight, continuing to remain citizens of Ukraine.
Before me there are those, who saw the war in the XXI century with their own eyes. I’m listening to them and internally I shudder at the thought that all this is experienced by the people whom 23 years ago we were unified with.
- For three days the relatives who remained in Lugansk haven’t slept. Happily you can still sleep at night as the sleep is impossible. Now there is a tank battle and a grenade attack. My mother called, crying.
Correspondent: Tell me, please, if the civilians tried to hang out any identification marks – the red cross flag or any flags so that they were not being bombed or shot.
- It`s useless! We tried it many times. The grandfather took a white flag when he went with children.
They were all shot.
They do not respond to any signs.