Peter Mckelvie har under 20 års tid samlat bevis om myndigheternas och elitens pedofilringar i Storbritannien. Minst 10 parlamentsledamöter och politiker som är aktiva idag, samt ett 30-tal från tidigare regeringar, utpekas i en rapport om etablissemangets gigantiska pedofil-verksamhet...
RT 2014-07-05
A whistleblower who kicked off UK police pedophile probe Operation Fernbridge believes as many as 40 British MPs and peers were involved in or turned a blind eye to child abuse.
Peter Mckelvie, a retired child protection team manager, who has spent more than 20 years compiling evidence of alleged child abuse by people in authority, believes ten current and former politicians are on the list and that there is enough evidence to arrest at least one senior politician, reports the Daily Telegraph.
MPs and peers from all three main political parties are on the list including Cyril Smith and Sir Peter Morrison, who are now dead.
McKelvie was behind bringing Peter Righton, a notorious pedophile, to justice when he worked for Hereford and Worcester child protection team and believes that up to 20 MPs and Lords should be investigated.
Although he does not suggest that any of the public servants either MPs or Lords colluded with each other.
It was Tom Watson MP who first raised the issue of child abuse by MPs and peers at Prime Minister’s Questions in October 2012 as a result of information that McKelvie had passed to him.
Watson spoke of “clear intelligence suggesting a powerful pedophile network linked to parliament and number 10.”
It was after Watson’s intervention that the Metropolitan Police began Operation Fernbridge, an ongoing investigation about alleged child abuse at the Elms Guest House in Barns, South London.
It is understood that a Tory MP abused a child under the age of 10 at the guesthouse in the 1980s, but the alleged victim has so far refused to give a sworn witness statement to police.
Earlier this week it emerged that a separate file on an alleged Westminster pedophile network, which had been put together by the now deceased MP Geofrey Dickens, mysteriously gone missing after he handed it to the then Home Secretary Lord Brittan in 1983.
Labor MP Simon Danczuk, along with six other MPs, has written to the Home Secretary Theresa May demanding a public inquiry into the missing dossier and the people who had been named in it.
Mrs May said she has not ruled out an inquiry after the police finish their investigations and Prime Minister Cameron also tried to give reassurance that the issue would not be swept under the carpet.
“I’ve asked the permanent secretary at the Home Office to do everything he can to find answers to all of these questions and to make sure we can reassure people about these events. Its right these investigations are made. We mustn’t do anything, of course, that could prejudice or prevent proper action by the police,” he said.
Separately it was reported Friday by the Telegraph that a senior Tory who is being investigated as part of Operation Fernbridge, was stopped by customs officials with child pornography in the 1980s but was never arrested.
MPs or peers from all three main political parties are on the list, which includes former ministers and household names.
Several, including Cyril Smith and Sir Peter Morrison, are no longer alive, but others are still active in Parliament.
The existence of the list was disclosed by Peter McKelvie, the whistleblower whose claims prompted Operation Fernbridge, the Scotland Yard investigation into allegations of a paedophile network with links to Downing Street.
Mr McKelvie, a retired child protection team manager who has spent more than 20 years compiling evidence of alleged abuse by authority figures, said he believed there was enough evidence to arrest at least one senior politician.[...]
Infowars 2014-07-05
Whistleblower Peter McKelvie, whose claims prompted Operation Fernbridge, disclosed in his the latest report that up to 40 members of parliament and peers knew about or took part in the child abuse network.
Operation Fernbridge is a Scotland Yard investigation into allegations of a pedophile network with links to Downing Street.
Lawmakers – including former ministers and household names – from all three main political parties are included on the list.
“I believe there are sufficient grounds to carry out a formal investigation into allegations of up to 20 MPs and Lords over the last three to four decades, some still alive and some dead. The list is there,” McKelvie said.
At least one witness has told police that he was abused by a Tory MP when he was under 10 years old in the 1980s.
Prime Minister David Cameron has ordered Mark Sedwill, the permanent secretary for the UK’s Home Office, to conduct an internal investigation into what happened to the dossier.
Other cases of child sexual abuse have been reported in the country.
Several high-profile figures have been arrested in connection with the multiple investigations into the abuse scandal surrounding Jimmy Savile, a disgraced former TV host with the state-funded British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). He died in 2011, but, following his death, hundreds of allegations of sex abuse and rape of minors became public. [...]
UPPDATERAD. 2014-03-06. Patrick Rock har tjänstgjort som speciell rådgivare åt Storbritanniens premiärminister David Cameron. Patrick Rock har även spelat en avgörande roll i utformningen av Storbritanniens internetcensur och landets nya skandalösa s.k. porrfilter...(+Video)
Bill Clintons namn dök nyligen upp i en stor utredning om internationella pedofilringar vilka nyttjas av den globala makteliten. Pedofilspåren leder även rakt in i kungahusen.... (video m.m.)
At least 40 UK politicians complicit in alleged Westminster 'pedophile ring' – report
***RT 2014-07-05
A whistleblower who kicked off UK police pedophile probe Operation Fernbridge believes as many as 40 British MPs and peers were involved in or turned a blind eye to child abuse.
Peter Mckelvie, a retired child protection team manager, who has spent more than 20 years compiling evidence of alleged child abuse by people in authority, believes ten current and former politicians are on the list and that there is enough evidence to arrest at least one senior politician, reports the Daily Telegraph.
MPs and peers from all three main political parties are on the list including Cyril Smith and Sir Peter Morrison, who are now dead.
McKelvie was behind bringing Peter Righton, a notorious pedophile, to justice when he worked for Hereford and Worcester child protection team and believes that up to 20 MPs and Lords should be investigated.
“- I believe there are sufficient grounds to carry out a formal investigation into allegations of up to 20 MPs and Lords over the last three decades, some still alive and some dead.
- The list is there,” he said.
And in a letter to his local MP Tony Baldry last month, McKelvie suggested that a further 20 may be implicated in covering up child abuse.
Although he does not suggest that any of the public servants either MPs or Lords colluded with each other.
It was Tom Watson MP who first raised the issue of child abuse by MPs and peers at Prime Minister’s Questions in October 2012 as a result of information that McKelvie had passed to him.
Watson spoke of “clear intelligence suggesting a powerful pedophile network linked to parliament and number 10.”
It was after Watson’s intervention that the Metropolitan Police began Operation Fernbridge, an ongoing investigation about alleged child abuse at the Elms Guest House in Barns, South London.
It is understood that a Tory MP abused a child under the age of 10 at the guesthouse in the 1980s, but the alleged victim has so far refused to give a sworn witness statement to police.
Earlier this week it emerged that a separate file on an alleged Westminster pedophile network, which had been put together by the now deceased MP Geofrey Dickens, mysteriously gone missing after he handed it to the then Home Secretary Lord Brittan in 1983.
Labor MP Simon Danczuk, along with six other MPs, has written to the Home Secretary Theresa May demanding a public inquiry into the missing dossier and the people who had been named in it.
Mrs May said she has not ruled out an inquiry after the police finish their investigations and Prime Minister Cameron also tried to give reassurance that the issue would not be swept under the carpet.
“I’ve asked the permanent secretary at the Home Office to do everything he can to find answers to all of these questions and to make sure we can reassure people about these events. Its right these investigations are made. We mustn’t do anything, of course, that could prejudice or prevent proper action by the police,” he said.
Separately it was reported Friday by the Telegraph that a senior Tory who is being investigated as part of Operation Fernbridge, was stopped by customs officials with child pornography in the 1980s but was never arrested.
More than 10 current and former politicians are on a list of alleged child abusers held by police investigating claims of a Westminster paedophile ring.
MPs or peers from all three main political parties are on the list, which includes former ministers and household names.
Several, including Cyril Smith and Sir Peter Morrison, are no longer alive, but others are still active in Parliament.
The existence of the list was disclosed by Peter McKelvie, the whistleblower whose claims prompted Operation Fernbridge, the Scotland Yard investigation into allegations of a paedophile network with links to Downing Street.
Mr McKelvie, a retired child protection team manager who has spent more than 20 years compiling evidence of alleged abuse by authority figures, said he believed there was enough evidence to arrest at least one senior politician.[...]
Infowars 2014-07-05
UK police have opened an investigation into claims of a Westminster pedophile ring, saying they have a list of about 40 alleged child abusers, including over 10 current and former British politicians.
Whistleblower Peter McKelvie, whose claims prompted Operation Fernbridge, disclosed in his the latest report that up to 40 members of parliament and peers knew about or took part in the child abuse network.Operation Fernbridge is a Scotland Yard investigation into allegations of a pedophile network with links to Downing Street.
Lawmakers – including former ministers and household names – from all three main political parties are included on the list.
- Some of the alleged child abusers remain active in the UK parliament, while several others, including Cyril Smith and Peter Morrison, have already died.
“I believe there are sufficient grounds to carry out a formal investigation into allegations of up to 20 MPs and Lords over the last three to four decades, some still alive and some dead. The list is there,” McKelvie said.
At least one witness has told police that he was abused by a Tory MP when he was under 10 years old in the 1980s.
Prime Minister David Cameron has ordered Mark Sedwill, the permanent secretary for the UK’s Home Office, to conduct an internal investigation into what happened to the dossier.
Other cases of child sexual abuse have been reported in the country.
Several high-profile figures have been arrested in connection with the multiple investigations into the abuse scandal surrounding Jimmy Savile, a disgraced former TV host with the state-funded British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). He died in 2011, but, following his death, hundreds of allegations of sex abuse and rape of minors became public. [...]
Camerons Porrfilter-rådgivare arresterad för egna bilder på sexuella övergrepp mot barn
Maktelitens Omfattande Pedofilringar
Myndigheternas favoritsajt avslöjad
Rapport: Över 40 Engelska Politiker och Parlamentsledamöter i Gigantiska Pedofilringar
--Home Office under fire over ‘lost’ dossier on Westminster pedophiles--
SvaraRaderaJuly 03, 2014
An alleged network of pedophile politicians active in the 1980s must be investigated say MPs as the Home Office is blasted over 'lost' dossier.
MPs are calling for an alleged network of pedophile politicians active in the 1980s to be investigated.
Those calling for an inquiry believe individuals close to 10 Downing Street helped cover up the sexual abuse of children by politicians and other public figures three decades ago.
Simon Danczuk, Labour MP for Rochdale, who recently published a book about a former Rochdale MP and abuser of young boys Cyril Smith, claims a missing dossier of allegations about pedophiles was presented to then-Conservative Home Secretary Leon Brittan, who served in Margaret Thatcher’s government in the role from 1983-85.
Danczuk wants an inquiry into the historical allegations to help identify perpetrators other than Smith. At a home affair select committee hearing this week, he called politics “the last refuge of child sex abuse deniers”.
Brittan, now Lord Brittan, was called upon to make public what he knew about allegations of a network of pedophile politicians operating in Westminster.
Brittan issued a statement Thursday, claiming the dossier compiled and issued to him by Conservative backbench MP Geoffrey Dickens was handled according to usual ministerial practice.
“I told Mr Dickens that I would ensure that the papers were looked at carefully by the Home Office and acted on as necessary,” Brittan said in his statement. “Following the meeting, I asked my officials to look carefully at the material contained in the papers provided and report back to me if they considered that any action needed to be taken by the Home Office.
“In addition I asked my officials to consider a referral to another Government Department, such as the Attorney General's Department, if that was appropriate. This was the normal procedure for handling material presented to the Home Secretary.
“I do not recall being contacted further about these matters by Home Office officials or by Mr Dickens or by anyone else,” he added.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said during his LBC radio show on Thursday that the police were “best placed” to investigate the allegations and warned against attempts to “cut across” existing investigations. He said he wanted “justice to be done”.
The abuse allegations resurfaced in the wake of multiple high-profile rape and abuse cases against public figures including BBC DJ and TV presenter Jimmy Savile, entertainer Rolf Harris and publicist Max Clifford.