Blackwater/Academi är ett företag som bl.a. hyr ut legoknektar till krigshärdar. Deras projektmanager hotade 2007 att döda en hög chef från USA:s statsdepartement som undersökte säkerhetsföretagets oegentligheter i Irak...
Blackwaters grundare, Eric Prince, anser sig vara guds utsände tempelriddare i ett heligt krig mot muslimer. Vi är således "inte i Kansas längre", utan i den nya vilda västern där Blackwaters Cowboys och tempelriddare härjar... (+videos)

Daniel Carroll reportedly told State Department investigator Jean Richter that he could kill him and get away with it because they were in Iraq. The exchange and subsequent dropping of the investigation occurred just weeks before the controversial killing of 17 Iraqi civilians by Blackwater guards. RT's Manila Chan discusses the newly revealed incident and other issues surrounding security contractors with former Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman (D--NY).
However, each year of contracting has brought with it scandals, civilian deaths and operations violations. RT Correspondent Meghan Lopez walks us through a few of the most notorious scandals the firm was involved in and what came out of them.
Blackwaters grundare, Eric Prince, anser sig vara guds utsände tempelriddare i ett heligt krig mot muslimer. Vi är således "inte i Kansas längre", utan i den nya vilda västern där Blackwaters Cowboys och tempelriddare härjar... (+videos)

Publicerades den 30 jun 2014
Abby Martin discusses a New York Times revelation concerning officials at Blackwater threatening to murder State Department officials, and how this is just the latest example of Blackwater's criminal, murderous and unaccountable legacy.***
Publicerades den 30 jun 2014
The State Department dropped a 2007 investigation of security contractor Blackwater after the lead investigator was threatened by the company's project manager. Daniel Carroll reportedly told State Department investigator Jean Richter that he could kill him and get away with it because they were in Iraq. The exchange and subsequent dropping of the investigation occurred just weeks before the controversial killing of 17 Iraqi civilians by Blackwater guards. RT's Manila Chan discusses the newly revealed incident and other issues surrounding security contractors with former Rep. Elizabeth Holtzman (D--NY).
Publicerades den 30 jun 2014
Over the past decade, the private military contractor formerly known as Blackwater has provided security and backup for U.S. diplomats in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, each year of contracting has brought with it scandals, civilian deaths and operations violations. RT Correspondent Meghan Lopez walks us through a few of the most notorious scandals the firm was involved in and what came out of them.
Publicerades den 1 jul 2014
It's come to light that the top
commander of the American mercenary company Blackwater, threatened to
kill government officials sent to investigate the firm. The incident
allegedly took place just weeks before one Blackwater unit killed 17
civilians in the Iraqi capital. Despite rebranding and renaming, the
company has failed to escape its past - as Marina Portnaya explains.Publicerades den 1 jul 2014
Blackwater hotade döda nyfikna representanter för USA:s regering - såg Irak som vilda västern
--Blackwater Iraqi chief threatened to kill US govt. inspector - newspaper--
SvaraRaderaPublished time: June 30, 2014
A senior official of the notorious private security company Blackwater allegedly threatened to kill a government investigator probing the firm’s Iraqi operation. The US embassy sided with him and forced the inspector to cut the visit short.
The shocking insight into the relations between the US State Department and the company hired to protect government employees in Iraq wasreported by the New York Time on Sunday. The newspaper cites documents which were turned over to plaintiffs in a lawsuit against Blackwater, including a memo describing the incident submitted by the investigator, Jean C. Richter, to his superiors in Washington.
Diplomatic Security special agent Richter was part of the two-man team together with State Department management analyst Donald Thomas Jr. that arrived in Baghdad on August 1, 2007 to inspect Blackwater operations in the country. The company was awarded a $1 billion contract to provide security for the State Department and the CIA in Iraq.
According to the documents, the investigators found numerous violations, including changing of security details without the State Department’s approval, reducing the number of guard details and storing of automatic weapons and ammunition in Blackwater employees’ private rooms.
There were also discipline problems, with guards having parties with heavy drinking and female visitors, including one episode in which an armored Blackwater car was requisitioned by four drunken employees, who drove to a private party and crashed the $180,000 vehicle into a concrete barrier.[...]
--400 US mercenaries 'deployed on ground' in Ukraine military op--
Blackwater Awarded Over $1bn from State Dept. Since Threat on Investigator’s Life
SvaraRaderaJuly 12, 2014
Source: RT
The Huffington Post reported that the notorious security contractor Blackwater, its subsequent incarnations, and its subsidiaries have received more than $1.3 billion since the fall of 2007 for training and operations the world over.
In August 2007, State Department investigator Jean C. Richter said a Blackwater project manager, Daniel Carroll, told Richter “that he could kill me at that very moment and no one could or would do anything about it as we were in Iraq,” where the investigator was observing – and criticizing – the company’s operations. The New York Times reported the details of the threat last month.
Richter and his partner in the probe were later asked by officials at the American embassy in Baghdad to leave. The next month, Blackwater guards infamously shot and killed 17 Iraqi civilians at Nisour Square.
The incident sparked outrage with American presence in Iraq among the local population. The US iscurrently trying to prosecute four of the five guards involved in the incident after a first failed attempt to do it in 2009.
Despite the threat to a government investigator and the Nisour Square killings, the security firm continued to receive crucial, lucrative government contracts. Since the date of the threat – August 21, 2007 – and the end of the next month, the State Department awarded Blackwater over $269 million, according to government spending records analyzed by the Huffington Post, for department services in Iraq, Afghanistan, China, and the US. Some of the more major of those awards were approved after the Nisour Square shooting, though they were associated with agreements signed prior to the incident.