15 000 människor demonstrerade under lördagen i London mot "terrorstaten" Israels pågående folkmord i Gaza. - Stora protester hölls i storstäderna över hela världen... (video)
RT 2014-07-20
London streets were swarmed by a pro-Palestinian demonstration which gathered nearly 15,000 participants Saturday. Marching down to the Israeli Embassy from Downing Street, they chanted “Israel is a terror state,” slamming Tel Aviv’s offensive in Gaza.
David Cameron’s office is located about 5km (3 miles) from the embassy. While the march itself was peaceful, several key roads downtown were closed.
The death toll from the operation launched by Israel, including the ground offensive of two days ago, has now reached 400 people by Palestinian health ministry’s accounts, the overwhelming majority of them civilians.
Similar to other major cities across the world, demonstrators held signs and banners asking the Jewish State to “Stop the bombing, free Palestine”, “Stop Israeli terror,” and so on. Some called it the “apartheid” state, according to the AP.[...]

RT 2014-07-20
London streets were swarmed by a pro-Palestinian demonstration which gathered nearly 15,000 participants Saturday. Marching down to the Israeli Embassy from Downing Street, they chanted “Israel is a terror state,” slamming Tel Aviv’s offensive in Gaza.
David Cameron’s office is located about 5km (3 miles) from the embassy. While the march itself was peaceful, several key roads downtown were closed.
The death toll from the operation launched by Israel, including the ground offensive of two days ago, has now reached 400 people by Palestinian health ministry’s accounts, the overwhelming majority of them civilians.
Similar to other major cities across the world, demonstrators held signs and banners asking the Jewish State to “Stop the bombing, free Palestine”, “Stop Israeli terror,” and so on. Some called it the “apartheid” state, according to the AP.[...]

'Free Palestine!' World marches to protest Gaza victims
Publicerades den 20 jul 2014
- Over350450 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's ongoing operation to root out Hamas fighters.
- Tens of thousands march across the globe to protest the victims of the invasion, almost 80% of whom are civilians.***
*MASSAKERN I ShejaiaWARNING: Graphic video of the shelling aftermath in Shejaia
“At least 60 dead in Shejaia alone, and hundreds wounded,” Medhat Abbas, Director General of the Ministry of Health in Gaza told mondoweiss.net. He added, “I don’t have the number now because there is no electricity, no nothing.”

Israel har mördat fler människor i Gaza på några dagar - än offer i Ukrainas flygkatastrof
Israel har på några få dagar mördat fler människor i Gaza än antalet offer vid Ukrainas senaste flygkatastrof. 80% av de mördade i Gaza är civila och då mestadels BARN och kvinnor...http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2014/07/israel-har-mordat-fler-manniskor-i-gaza.html

Bilderna från GAZA som Media & Israel absolut INTE vill att du ser - titta inte på det här... del 2
Bilderna från GAZA som Media & Israel absolut INTE vill att du ser - titta inte på det här... del 1

Krig? Israels etniska utrensning i Gaza - sker med hjälp av svensk medias s.k. journalister
Genom att medvetet manipulera opinionen med en falsk bild av verkligheten hjälper de stolta svenska journalisterna Israel att mörda palestinska barn i Gaza. Abby Martin talar om Israels etniska utrensning och förintelse av Palestinier på Gazaremsan - vilket västmedia & svensk media överlag presenterar som; "ett krig med jämbördiga motståndare..."

15 000 demonstrerade i London mot Israels GAZA-folkmord - Stora protester i hela världen
'British Bulls**t Corporation': Protest in Belfast accuses BBC of 'biased' Gaza coverage
SvaraRaderaPublished time: July 21, 2014
Hundreds of protesters have gathered outside the BBC Broadcasting House in Belfast, expressing their concerns over what they see as "biased" reporting by the BBC on the current Israeli military offensive in Gaza.
At 8pm local time (19:00 GMT), a vigil was held to commemorate the victims of the violence, with the number of the dead currently over 450 people. [...]
The protesters say that the BBC is pro-Israel in its reports. For instance, they say that the company provides little coverage of Palestinian solidarity protests in the UK.
Banners branded the BBC as “British Bulls**t Corporation” and called Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu “Antichrist.”