De senaste siffrorna (ca: 600) visar att Israel på några få dagar mördat dubbelt så många människor i Gaza - som antalet offer vid Ukrainas senaste flygkatastrof. - 80% av de mördade i Gaza är civila och då mestadels BARN och kvinnor...

RT 2014-07-19
Over 600 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s ongoing operation to root out Hamas fighters it says are hiding in Gaza tunnels. Meanwhile, tens of thousands came out to protest the victims of the invasion, almost 80 percent of whom are civilians.
LIVE UPDATES: Israel launches ground incursion in Gaza Strip
The United Nations mission in Gaza says that more than 60,000 people have been displaced as a result of the escalating conflict. Israel has warned Palestinians living in over half of the country that they may come under fire either from the ground, air or sea.
READ MORE: Up to 80% of fatalities in Israel’s bombing of Gaza are civilians – UN


Gaza death toll passes 600 as world protests Israeli incursion
***RT 2014-07-19
Over 600 Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s ongoing operation to root out Hamas fighters it says are hiding in Gaza tunnels. Meanwhile, tens of thousands came out to protest the victims of the invasion, almost 80 percent of whom are civilians.
LIVE UPDATES: Israel launches ground incursion in Gaza Strip
The United Nations mission in Gaza says that more than 60,000 people have been displaced as a result of the escalating conflict. Israel has warned Palestinians living in over half of the country that they may come under fire either from the ground, air or sea.
- Together with the mounting death toll, the Palestinian health authorities say that over 2,000 people have been injured.
- Around a quarter of the reported victims have been children.
READ MORE: Up to 80% of fatalities in Israel’s bombing of Gaza are civilians – UN

Bilderna från GAZA som Media & Israel absolut INTE vill att du ser - titta inte på det här... del 2
Bilderna från GAZA som Media & Israel absolut INTE vill att du ser - titta inte på det här... del 1

Krig? Israels etniska utrensning i Gaza - sker med hjälp av svensk medias s.k. journalister
Genom att medvetet manipulera opinionen med en falsk bild av verkligheten hjälper de stolta svenska journalisterna Israel att mörda palestinska barn i Gaza. Abby Martin talar om Israels etniska utrensning och förintelse av Palestinier på Gazaremsan - vilket västmedia & svensk media överlag presenterar som; "ett krig med jämbördiga motståndare..."
Bilder från bombningar av Gaza från:
Israel har mördat fler människor i Gaza på några dagar - än offer i Ukrainas flygkatastrof
Bilder från bombningar av Gaza från:
Israel har mördat fler människor i Gaza på några dagar - än offer i Ukrainas flygkatastrof
‘Stop the genocide!’ S. American leaders condemn Israeli operation in Gaza
SvaraRaderaPublished time: July 20, 2014
The presidents of Venezuela and Bolivia have decried the IDF’s incursion into Gaza as genocide and called for the UN to condemn Israel.
President Nicolas Maduro likened the latest operation, which has claimed over 350 lives, to an “extermination.”
Israel launches ground incursion in Gaza Strip LIVE UPDATES
Venezuela called for an emergency session of the UN’s Human Rights Council to address Israel’s ongoing military incursion in Gaza, on Saturday.
The South American nation’s government reiterated its support for the Palestinian people and warned the Israel had “initiated a higher phase of its policy of genocide and extermination with the ground invasion of Palestinian territory, killing innocent men, women, girls and boys.”
“President Nicolas Maduro has instructed the Ambassador to the UN Jorge Valera to call for an emergency session of the Human Rights Council,” said an official statement on Saturday, adding the UN should address the “systematic violation of the Human Rights of the Palestinian population in Gaza by the State of Israel and adopt the necessary measures to halt those violations.”
Venezuela has been a staunch supporter of Palestinian statehood, with the previous president, the late Hugo Chavez, severing relations with Israel after he compared its 2009 military incursion into Gaza to the Holocaust.
--It’s the new ‘self defence’--
SvaraRaderaJuly 21st, 2014
Carry on slaughtering the men, women and children you illegally occupy and daily humiliate…
by Stuart Littlewood
Britain’s newly-minted foreign secretary Philip Hammond has lost his shine already. A few days ago he warmly welcomed Egypt’s bogus ceasfire proposal which hadn’t even been shown to Hamas.
Yesterday he was asked three times on the the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show whether Israel’s military operations in Gaza were a proportionate response and he ducked the question every time
However he did say: “We will be looking very carefully at what is happening on the ground to make sure that it is proportionate, that civilian lives are being protected in a proper way.”
The continuing carnage suggests otherwise. Would Mr Hammond care to tell the world what action he has actually taken to “make sure”? Perhaps blood-letting doesn’t bother him. After all, he voted with the warmongers for the Iraq war.
Of course, he recited the obligatory mantra that Israel has the right to protect itself. The best way to avoid Palestinian loss of life in Gaza, he said, would be for Hamas to stop firing rockets from Gaza and “in those circumstances the world would not expect any kind of Israeli action against Gaza.”
Gaza Invasion Resulted in Carloads with Maimed, Torn Apart, Bleeding, Dying Innocent Civilians, Says Norwegian Doctor
The Assault on Gaza: A Historic Crime
Editorial Position of the New York Times: “Thumbs Up for Gaza Slaughter”