Den amerikanska polisen har lyckats döda över 5000 civila amerikaner i USA efter 9/11-dådet. Den vanlige amerikanen löper idag åtta gånger större risk att dödas av sin egen polis än av de s.k. terroristerna...
Publicerades den 28 okt 2013 av: Charles Shaw
500 innocent Americans are murdered by police every year (USDOJ). 5,000 since 9/11, equal to the number of US soldiers lost in Iraq. In 1994 the US Government passed a law authorizing the Pentagon to donate surplus Cold War era military equipment to local police departments.
In the 20 years since, weaponry designed for use on a foreign battlefield, has been handed over for use on American streets...against American citizens.
The "War on Drugs" and the "War on Terror" replaced the Cold War with billions in funding and dozens of laws geared towards this new "war" against its own citizens.
This militarization of the police force has created what is being called an "epidemic of police brutality" sweeping the nation.[...]
US Police Have Killed Over 5,000 Civilians Since 9/11
US Police Have Killed Over 5,000 Civilians Since 9/11
The Daily Sheeple 2014-06-28
Though Americans commonly believe law enforcement’s role in society is to protect them and ensure peace and stability within the community, the sad reality is that police departments are often more focused on enforcing laws, making arrests and issuing citations.
Though Americans commonly believe law enforcement’s role in society is to protect them and ensure peace and stability within the community, the sad reality is that police departments are often more focused on enforcing laws, making arrests and issuing citations.
As a result of this as well as an increase in militarized policing techniques, Americans are eight times more likely to be killed by a police officer than by a terrorist, estimates a Washington’s Blog report based on official statistical data.
Though the U.S. government does not have a database collecting information about the total number of police involved shootings each year, it’s estimated that between 500 and 1,000 Americans are killed by police officers each year.
- Since 9/11, about 5,000 Americans have been killed by U.S. police officers, which is almost equivalent to the number of U.S. soldiers who have been killed in the line of duty in Iraq.
Because individual police departments are not required to submit information regarding the use of deadly force by its officers, some bloggers have taken it upon themselves to aggregate that data. Wikipedia also has a list of “justifiable homicides” in the U.S., which was created by documenting publicized deaths.
Mike Prysner, one of the local directors of the Los Angeles chapter for ANSWER — an advocacy group that asks the public to Act Now to Stop War and End Racism — told Mint Press Newsearlier this year that the “epidemic” of police harassment and violence is a nationwide issue.
He said groups like ANSWER are trying to hold officers accountable for abuse of power. “[Police brutality] has been an issue for a very long time,” Prysner said, explaining that in May, 13 people were killed in Southern California by police.
As Mint Press News previously reported, each year there are thousands of claims of police misconduct. According to the CATO Institute’s National Police Misconduct Reporting Project, in 2010 there were 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct involving 6,613 sworn officers and 6,826 alleged victims.
Most of those allegations of police brutality involved officers who punched or hit victims with batons, but about one-quarter of the reported cases involved firearms or stun guns.
Racist policing
A big element in the police killings, Prysner says, is racism. “A big majority of those killed are Latinos and Black people,” while the police officers are mostly White, he said. “It’s a badge of honor to shoot gang members so [the police] go out and shoot people who look like gang members,” Prysner argued, giving the example of 34-year-old Rigoberto Arceo, who was killed by police on May 11.
According to a report from the Los Angeles Times, Arceo, who was a biomedical technician at St. Francis Medical Center, was shot and killed after getting out of his sister’s van. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department says Arceo “advanced on the deputy and attempted to take the deputy’s gun.” However, Arceo’s sister and 53-year-old Armando Garcia — who was barbecuing in his yard when the incident happened — say that Arceo had his hands above his head the entire time.
Prysner is not alone in his assertion that race is a major factor in officer-related violence. This past May, astudy from the the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, an anti-racist activist organization, found that police officers, security guards or self-appointed vigilantes killed at least 313 Black people in 2012 — meaning one Black person was killed in the U.S. by law enforcement roughly every 28 hours.
Prysner said the relationship between police departments and community members needs to change and that when police shoot an unarmed person with their arms in the air over their head, the officer should be punished.
Culture of misconduct
“You cannot have a police force that is investigating and punishing itself,” Prysner said, adding that taxpayer money should be invested into the community instead of given to police to buy more guns, assault rifles and body armor.
Dissatisfied with police departments’ internal review policies, some citizens have formed volunteer police watch groups to prevent the so-called “Blue Code of Silence” effect and encourage police officers to speak out against misconduct occurring within their department.
As Mint Press News previously reported, a report released earlier this year found that of the 439 cases of police misconduct that then had been brought before the Minneapolis’s year-old misconduct review board, not one of the police officers involved has been disciplined.
Although the city of Minneapolis spent $14 million in payouts for alleged police misconduct between 2006 and 2012, despite the fact that the Minneapolis Police Department often concluded that the officers involved in those cases did nothing wrong.
Other departments have begun banning equipment such as Tasers, but those decisions were likely more about protecting the individual departments from lawsuits than ensuring that officers are not equipped with weapons that cause serious and sometimes fatal injuries when used.
To ensure officers are properly educated on how to use their weapons and are aware of police ethics, conflict resolution and varying cultures within a community, police departments have historically heldtraining programs for all officers. But due to tighter budgets and a shift in priorities, many departments have not provided the proper continuing education training programs for their officers.
Charles Ramsey, president of both the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the Police Executive Research
Forum, called that a big mistake, explaining that it is essential officers are trained and prepared for high-stress situations:
“Not everybody is going to be able to make those kinds of good decisions under pressure, but I do think that the more reality-based training that we provide, the more we put people in stressful situations to make them respond and make them react.”
Läs fortsättningen här:
In 2011, 27-year-old Christopher Torres was shot in his backyard by officers who claimed to have acted in self-defense. Judge Shannon Bacon disagreed with the officers' reasoning though, finding they did not do their due diligence. RT's Manila Chan discusses the case and the heavily criticized Albuquerque Police Department with civil rights attorney Shannon Kennedy.
James Boyd, a 38-year-old homeless man thought to be schizophrenic, was shot by the Albuquerque PD on Sunday, March 16 after he became engaged in an hours-long standoff with officers who caught him illegally camping in the Sandi foothills. He was pronounced dead the next day.
For more go to: http://on.rt.com/gojqmj
Video courtesy of Albuquerque Police Department.
In one notable instance, the family of an 18-year-old schizophrenic teen is demanding answers after officers shot and killed their son. Meanwhile, a new report suggests 99 percent of police brutality cases go uninvestigated in New Jersey. RT correspondent Meghan Lopez takes a closer look as a few of these cases. ***
Publicerades den 12 okt 2012 av: TheTocqualamond
This video was created as an example of the importance of filming the police. Video provides transparency, accountability, and an accurate account of incidents that occur.
It is no secret that the United States has a serious problem with police abuse, brutality, and corruption. It is essential for civilians to document their encounters with police officers to ensure transparency, accountability, and safety to all of those involved.
Police departments have, for too long, tried to bully, intimidate, threaten, arrest, or otherwise harass law abiding citizens from recording the activities of law enforcement in public. Enough is enough! It is time for all of us to take a stand and expose police brutality when we witness it.
Even if the officers behavior is correct, and justifiable, we still encourage the recording of the police activities for the transparency and accountability that is desperately needed in many departments.
- If you see something, film something, the freedom of press begins with you!
If You See Something, Film Something (P1: You Have The Right To Film The Police)
If You See Something, Film Something (P2: Recording Police is a Dangerous but Necessary Thing to Do)
If You See Something, Film Something (P3: Where is the Outrage and the Accountability?)
More information about the clips in order of appearance:
ORIGINAL FOOTAGE Suspect with Crowbar Shot Outside Carls Jr Monterey Park
New Footage of Oscar Grant Shooting (with sound)
Cops on Camera (multiple segments)
Citizen attacks Baltimore Police -- caught on tape
Houston Police BEATING Teen Suspect Chad Holley
Police Brutality: NYPD Beat Man's Legs w/ Baton For Not Getting Up!
MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O'Donnell with "The Last Word"
Raw Video: Police Beating Caught on Tape
Paris Texas Police Officer Throws Teen on Car
Raw Video: Deputy Shown Kicking Teen Girl
#OWSwest #J20 #SFPD Attacks Innocent Protesters; Officer M. Ali #619 Breaks My Cam
Raw Video: Ala. Officers Fired After Beating Man
Cop Punching Handcuffed Man Video Now Has Sound
Surveillance video: Iraq War veteran beaten
Sante Fe cop caught beating handcuffed teen; fired, rehired!
officer beating 66-year-old man suffering from dementia
Female Cop Tirelessly Beats Man with her Baton
Police Brutality: Dog Walker w/ Camera Beaten By Cops!
ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators
Publicerades den 19 jun 2014
A judge in New Mexico ordered the city of Albuquerque to pay $6 million to settle a lawsuit over the death of a schizophrenic man at the hands of police. In 2011, 27-year-old Christopher Torres was shot in his backyard by officers who claimed to have acted in self-defense. Judge Shannon Bacon disagreed with the officers' reasoning though, finding they did not do their due diligence. RT's Manila Chan discusses the case and the heavily criticized Albuquerque Police Department with civil rights attorney Shannon Kennedy.
Publicerades den 25 mar 2014
The Albuquerque Police Department in the state of New Mexico is coming under fire following the release of video footage taken from the helmet-mounted camera of an officer who shot and killed a man earlier this month for camping.James Boyd, a 38-year-old homeless man thought to be schizophrenic, was shot by the Albuquerque PD on Sunday, March 16 after he became engaged in an hours-long standoff with officers who caught him illegally camping in the Sandi foothills. He was pronounced dead the next day.
For more go to: http://on.rt.com/gojqmj
Video courtesy of Albuquerque Police Department.
Publicerades den 8 jan 2014
Several instances of police officers using excessive force have gripped national headlines in the new year. In one notable instance, the family of an 18-year-old schizophrenic teen is demanding answers after officers shot and killed their son. Meanwhile, a new report suggests 99 percent of police brutality cases go uninvestigated in New Jersey. RT correspondent Meghan Lopez takes a closer look as a few of these cases. ***
Publicerades den 12 okt 2012 av: TheTocqualamond
This video was created as an example of the importance of filming the police. Video provides transparency, accountability, and an accurate account of incidents that occur.
It is no secret that the United States has a serious problem with police abuse, brutality, and corruption. It is essential for civilians to document their encounters with police officers to ensure transparency, accountability, and safety to all of those involved.
Police departments have, for too long, tried to bully, intimidate, threaten, arrest, or otherwise harass law abiding citizens from recording the activities of law enforcement in public. Enough is enough! It is time for all of us to take a stand and expose police brutality when we witness it.
Even if the officers behavior is correct, and justifiable, we still encourage the recording of the police activities for the transparency and accountability that is desperately needed in many departments.
- If you see something, film something, the freedom of press begins with you!
If You See Something, Film Something (P1: You Have The Right To Film The Police)
If You See Something, Film Something (P2: Recording Police is a Dangerous but Necessary Thing to Do)
If You See Something, Film Something (P3: Where is the Outrage and the Accountability?)
More information about the clips in order of appearance:
ORIGINAL FOOTAGE Suspect with Crowbar Shot Outside Carls Jr Monterey Park
New Footage of Oscar Grant Shooting (with sound)
Cops on Camera (multiple segments)
Citizen attacks Baltimore Police -- caught on tape
Houston Police BEATING Teen Suspect Chad Holley
Police Brutality: NYPD Beat Man's Legs w/ Baton For Not Getting Up!
MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O'Donnell with "The Last Word"
Raw Video: Police Beating Caught on Tape
Paris Texas Police Officer Throws Teen on Car
Raw Video: Deputy Shown Kicking Teen Girl
#OWSwest #J20 #SFPD Attacks Innocent Protesters; Officer M. Ali #619 Breaks My Cam
Raw Video: Ala. Officers Fired After Beating Man
Cop Punching Handcuffed Man Video Now Has Sound
Surveillance video: Iraq War veteran beaten
Sante Fe cop caught beating handcuffed teen; fired, rehired!
officer beating 66-year-old man suffering from dementia
Female Cop Tirelessly Beats Man with her Baton
Police Brutality: Dog Walker w/ Camera Beaten By Cops!
ABC Reporter Arrested in Denver Taking Pictures of Senators
Amerikansk polis har dödat över 5000 civila amerikaner i USA efter 9/11
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