Abby Martin rapporterar om den senaste våldsspiralen i Israel och intervjuar journalisten och författaren Max Blumenthal. Här berättar de vad som hände i verkligheten utanför ankdammsmedias obligatoriska lögner och mörkläggningar...
Varför skulle ankdammsmedia
rapportera om några döda bruna barn i Palestina? Det har ju absolut
inget nyhetsvärde eftersom... Och den som på något sätt ifrågasätter den
tidigare tydliga förklaringen är sannolikt en avskyvärd antisemitisk
konspirationsteoretiker, därför att.... Så det så! ( - Detta meddelande kommer att självförstöras innan det når mainstream, om sekunder......pfft. - Reds. Anm.)

RT 2014-04-06
More than 1,500 Palestinian children have died at the hands of Israeli forces since 2000, the Palestinian Authority's minister of social affairs, Kamal Sharafi, said Saturday, on Palestinian Children's Day.
Publicerades den 2 jul 2014
Abby Martin reports on the latest
violence in Israel, and speaks with author and journalist Max Blumenthal
about the aspects of the story that aren't being discussed in the
corporate media.***
Israels armé har mördat över 1500 palestinska BARN sen 2000 - oviktigt för Ankdammsmedia

Over 1,500 Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces since 2000 – PA minister
***RT 2014-04-06
More than 1,500 Palestinian children have died at the hands of Israeli forces since 2000, the Palestinian Authority's minister of social affairs, Kamal Sharafi, said Saturday, on Palestinian Children's Day.
--Mainstream Media Hails New Vaccine Safety Study…by the RAND Corporation--
SvaraRaderaJuly 2nd, 2014 Melissa Melton - The Daily Sheeple
Are you paying attention, kids? THIS is how propaganda works.
The mainstream media is falling all over themselves to hail the latest vaccine safety study. That’s right. This study proves that vaccines are safe as safe can be, so we should all go out and shoot ourselves and our kids up right away.
Just check out some of these reassuring headlines and excerpts:
LA Times: Vaccines are safe and problems are ‘extremely rare,’ study says
“Public health experts have taken a fresh look at the safety records of childhood vaccines and once again pronounced them safe.”
TIME: Childhood Vaccines Are Safe, Says Pediatrics Group
“It’s especially helpful as more parents are either skeptical about vaccines, and need reassurance that getting their children is the safe, and responsible thing to do, or are adamantly convinced that vaccines do more harm than good.”
Huffington Post: There Is No Link Between Vaccines And Autism, Sweeping Review Concludes
(Oooh, it’s not just a study, but a sweeping review!)
The findings “should be reassuring to parents of young children and to the clinicians who care for them,” said Dr. Carrie Byington, of the University of Utah’s Department of Pediatrics, writing in an editorial accompanying the review.
By the way, that’s despite the fact that they did also admit a little further down that, “Although uncommon, some vaccines were linked with adverse reactions: the MMR vaccine was linked with an increased risk of fever-triggered seizures; flu vaccines were linked with an increased risk of gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea; chickenpox vaccines were linked with an increased risk of complications for children with immune deficiencies; and the rotavirus vaccine was linked with an increased risk of a serious intestinal disorder called intussusception.”
But it certainly was a sweeping review.
I know I feel totally reassured. [...]