RR 2013-06-23
En medlem i Floridauniversitetets fotbollslag, Antonio Morrison, har gripits för att han skällde på en polishund... FBI:s nyligt släppta data visar att USA:s polis arresterade sammanlagt över 12 miljoner människor 2012...
Incidenten inträffade tidigt en julimorgon när en polisman med hund inspekterade en bil där 19-åringen befann sig. Enligt polisen började den 19-årige Morrison plötsligt skälla vid inspektionen....
Incidenten inträffade tidigt en julimorgon när en polisman med hund inspekterade en bil där 19-åringen befann sig. Enligt polisen började den 19-årige Morrison plötsligt skälla vid inspektionen....
Enligt Floridas lagar räknas varje försök att störa en polishund och alla handlingar som distraherar den från arbetet som lagöverträdelse.
Antonio Morrison påstår bestämt att det var hunden som först började skälla och att han bara svarade.
Universitetslagets tränare har lovat myndigheterna att den skyldige spelaren kommer att stängas av minst två matcher.
FBI data: American police made a total of 12,196,959 arrests last year
Land of the Free: American Police Make an Arrest Every 2 Seconds in 2012
While the numbers have not changed much from the year before, the absolute numbers are stunning and I doubt most Americans are aware of how elevated and skewed they actually are.
The most stunning figure is that law enforcement made an estimated 12.2 million arrests in 2012. That’s an arrest almost every two seconds of every single day. That’s straight up horrifying. Of these arrests, only 521,196 were for violent crimes.
This is where the war on drugs really proves itself as a complete and total ridiculous failure and waste of money and resources, not to mention the fact that it destroys the lives of individuals and communities for no good reason.
Let’s get into some details on the drug war. The total number of drug arrests in 2012 was 1.56 million, and an an absolutely absurd 82% of those arrests were for possession alone, as opposed to sales/manufacturing.
It gets even crazier. Of the total drug related arrests, a shocking 42% were for mere marijuana possession, a substance that my adopted home state of Colorado has just legalized along with Washington. So an American is arrested for marijuana possession every 48 seconds in this country.
- This is a complete and total disgrace and needs to change immediately. It’s also a large reason why the United States has 5% of the World’s Population, yet 25% of its Prisoners.
For access to the FBI’s raw data on this, click here.
In Liberty,
- Police Made One Marijuana Arrest Every 42 Seconds in 2012
Publicerad den 17 sep 2013
On his way to burn Korans to
commemorate 9/11, Pastor Terry Jones was arrested in Florida for
unlawful conveyance of fuel, unlawful open-carry of a firearm, and not
having a valid registration. The cops couldn't arrest him for burning
the Korans like they wanted to, so they arrested him for something else
as a way to silence him. This happens all the time in the US.***
USA-student arresterad för att han skällde på polishund - en arrestering varannan sekund
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