911 FALSE FLAG? - Enligt en ny undersökning i USA anser numera varannan amerikan att myndigheternas förklaring av 9/11 inte håller...
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- Press Release: New Poll Finds Most Americans Open to Alternative 9/11 Theories (PDF)
New Poll Finds Most Americans Open to Alternative 9/11 Theories
One in Two Surveyed Have Doubts About Government’s Account of 9/11.
46% Suspect Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 after Viewing Video Footage of Collapse.
On the 12th anniversary of 9/11, a new national survey by the polling firm YouGov reveals that one in two Americans have doubts about the government’s account of 9/11, and after viewing video footage of World Trade Center Building 7’s collapse, 46% suspect that it was caused by a controlled demolition. Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper, collapsed into its own footprint late in the afternoon on 9/11.
The poll was sponsored by ReThink911, a global public awareness campaign launched on September 1. The campaign includes a 54-foot billboard in Times Square and a variety of transit and outdoor advertising in 11 other cities, all posing the question, “Did you know a third tower fell on 9/11?”
Among the poll’s findings:
- 38% of Americans have some doubts about the official account of 9/11, 10% do not believe it at all, and 12% are unsure about it;
- 46%, nearly one in two, are not aware that a third tower collapsed on 9/11. Of those who are aware of Building 7’s collapse, only 19% know the building’s name;
- After seeing video footage of Building 7′s collapse:
- 46% are sure or suspect it was caused by controlled demolition, compared to 28% who are sure or suspect fires caused it, and 27% who don’t know;
- By a margin of nearly two to one, 41% support a new investigation of Building 7′s collapse, compared to 21% who oppose it.
30-Second Video Shown to 1,194 Survey Respondents:
“The poll shows quite clearly what we already knew. Most people who see Building 7’s collapse have trouble believing that fires brought it down,” said Richard Gage, a member of the American Institute of Architects and founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, the campaign’s major sponsor.
“It simply doesn’t look like a natural building collapse, and that’s because all the columns have been removed at once to allow it to come down symmetrically in free-fall. The evidence of controlled demolition is overwhelming. As more and more people learn about Building 7, public demand for a new investigation grows. People want the truth.”
“It simply doesn’t look like a natural building collapse, and that’s because all the columns have been removed at once to allow it to come down symmetrically in free-fall. The evidence of controlled demolition is overwhelming. As more and more people learn about Building 7, public demand for a new investigation grows. People want the truth.”
According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), normal office fires caused the failure of a single column, starting a chain reaction that brought Building 7 down. More than 2,000 architects and engineers have signed the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth petition that questions NIST’s explanation of the building’s collapse.
“Even the government’s own computer model disproves its theory. It looks nothing like the actual collapse,” said Tony Szamboti, a mechanical engineer from the Philadelphia area. “Not only that, they refuse to release the data that would allow us to verify their model. In the world of science, this is as bad as it gets. I’m glad most people can look at the collapse and see the obvious.”
The ReThink911 campaign calls for a new investigation into Building 7’s collapse, as well as the destruction of the Twin Towers. The YouGov poll and the ad campaign were financed with more than $225,000 in donations from thousands of supporters.
All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 1194 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 27th – 29th August 2013. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all US adults (aged 18+).

Press Release: New Poll Finds Most Americans Open to Alternative 9/11 Theories (PDF)
Download a Summary of the Poll Results (PDF)
Download the Full Poll Results (EXCEL)
Publicerad den 12 sep 2013
Nyheter från Corbett Report och Media Monarchy som går igenom den senaste tidens händelser angående 911, Syrien m.m.
Publicerad den 12 sep 2013
Nyheter från Corbett Report och Media Monarchy som går igenom den senaste tidens händelser angående 911, Syrien m.m.
Welcome to http://NewWorldNextWeek.com -- the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important
developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
Story #1: New Poll Finds Most Americans Open to Alternative 9/11 Theories
Sept. 11 'Truthers' Mark Anniversary
Nile Bowie on RT: Has Questioning 9/11 Become More Acceptable?
AT&T Makes Controversial Connection To 9/11 Anniversary
Boston Airport Apologizes For Fire Drill With Smoke And Flames On September 11
Never Forget: September 11 Is Assad's Birthday
Story #2: Putin Pens Op Ed - A Plea for Caution From Russia
The Onion Pens Op Ed - So, What's It Going To Be? By Bashar al-Assad
Story #3: Large Water Reserve In Kenya Discovered
Huge Aquifers Are Discovered in North Kenya
NWNW Update: California City Approves Eminent Domain For Negative Equity Mortgages
Media Monarchy: Interview w/ David Wolman on 'The End Of Money'
Previous Episode: Global Tax Grid, Hemisphere Project, RFID ID
developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
Story #1: New Poll Finds Most Americans Open to Alternative 9/11 Theories
Sept. 11 'Truthers' Mark Anniversary
Nile Bowie on RT: Has Questioning 9/11 Become More Acceptable?
AT&T Makes Controversial Connection To 9/11 Anniversary
Boston Airport Apologizes For Fire Drill With Smoke And Flames On September 11
Never Forget: September 11 Is Assad's Birthday
Story #2: Putin Pens Op Ed - A Plea for Caution From Russia
The Onion Pens Op Ed - So, What's It Going To Be? By Bashar al-Assad
Story #3: Large Water Reserve In Kenya Discovered
Huge Aquifers Are Discovered in North Kenya
NWNW Update: California City Approves Eminent Domain For Negative Equity Mortgages
Media Monarchy: Interview w/ David Wolman on 'The End Of Money'
Previous Episode: Global Tax Grid, Hemisphere Project, RFID ID


Allt du behöver veta om 9/11 på 5 minuter (video)

-FBI calls half of populace with 9/11 doubts potential terrorists-
SvaraRaderaRalph Lopez
September 20, 2013
The FBI is instructing local police departments and “communities against terrorism” to consider anyone who harbors “conspiracy theories” about 9/11 to be a potential terrorist, in a circular released to local police departments.
The memo thus adds 9/11-official-story skeptics to a growing list of targets described by federal law enforcement to be security threats, such as those who express “libertarian philosophies,” “Second Amendment-oriented views,” interest in “self-sufficiency,” “fears of Big Brother or big government,” and “Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties.”
A newly released national poll shows that 48 percent of Americans either have some doubts about the official account of 9/11, or do not believe it at all.
The FBI circular entitled “Potential Indicators of Terrorist Activities Related to Sleepers” says that people who should be ‘considered suspicious’ of possible involvement in “terrorist activity” include those who hold the “attitude” described as ” Conspiracy theories about Westerners.”
The circular continues: “e.g. (sic) the CIA arranged for 9/11 to legitimize the invasion of foreign lands.”