USA:s & NATO:s regelbundna terrorutspel med CIA-tillgångarna al-Qaida och okritiska mainstreammedia, sker för tillfället inför öppen ridå i Afrika. Oftast enligt ungefär samma framgångsrika formel som tidigare i Mellanöstern...
Först medveten destabilisering och kaos. Sedan militära insatser under falsk humanitär täckmantel efter synkade kampanjer i mainstreammedia för att få den ignoranta opinionens stöd att spendera några 100 miljarder av deras skattepengar på nya globala erövringståg, där naturtillgångar säkras och "hoten" mot US-Israel splittras till mindre enheter som manipuleras till att kriga sinsemellan...
- Den 2:a koloniseringen av Afrika pågår för fullt och det sker under "war on terror" som i själva verket är allt annat än ett krig mot terror...***
Pressfortruth.ca correspondent Tyrone Drummond takes a closer look at the ongoing situation in Mali with sociologist, former Canadian Soldier, and author of the book: Globalization of Nato, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya.

Publicerad den 27 aug 2013
The U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton confirmed the terrorists behind the recent deadly hostage-taking in Algeria got their weapons from Libya. The attack was staged in response to France's intervention in Mali. RT's Maria Finoshina looks at why French troops are there at all.***

Publicerad den 27 aug 2013
The French military, assisted by
local militia, has taken the city of Kidal - the last major city still
controlled by Islamist militants. Meanwhile, warplanes have continued
striking the remaining militant hideouts in the far north of the
country. The French foreign minister has hinted that the operation may
be over as early as March. But while the advance has been swift, the
conflict is already taking its toll on the civilians.Geopolitical analyst Patrick Henningsen believes the war on terror is just a pretext used by some powers to tighten its grip on Africa.

Pentagons trogna okritiska svenska media (SR/SVT) är alltid noga med att skilja på de goda och de onda terroristerna/islamisterna - beroende på vilken operation som mainstream ska sälja in åt USA och deras "partners in crime..."
- I Mali är islamisterna för tillfället onda och i Syrien är samma islamister mestadels goda...
I Libyen var al-Qaidas islamister extra goda, så de uppnådde nästan popstjärnestatus i media och utrustades med enorma mängder vapen, som sedan till stor del såldes vidare till andra islamister över hela Afrika...
En hel del av av "popstjärnorna" skeppades sedan, med CIA:s hjälp, vidare till Syrien, eller andra lämpliga ställen, för fortsatta musikaliska jihadäventyr - i demokratins namn...
Väldigt många vapen som dumpats av NATO i Libyen "råkade" hamna i Mali och användes där under destabiliseringen av landet...

Mali och den 2:a koloniseringen av Afrika - slavägarnas återkomst?
-Resource Wars: Marine Corps assigns elite units to Pacific, Middle East, Africa-
SvaraRaderaSeptember 29, 2013
Source: Phantom Report
Source: Marine Corp Times
As the war in Afghanistan winds down, the Marine Corps’ special operations community is aligning its three battalions with the U.S. military’s global combatant commands, focusing on the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East and Africa.
Officials with Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command say the shift involves all three Marine special operations battalions, or MSOBs, and entails new training and missions. First MSOB, out of Camp Pendleton, Calif., will align with Special Operations Command Pacific, while 2nd MSOB and 3rd MSOB, out of Camp Lejeune, N.C., will partner respectively with Special Operations Command Central and Special Operations Command Africa.
The initiative creates “regionally attuned, linguistically capable, and culturally knowledgeable” special operations forces, said Capt. Adrian Ambe, a MARSOC spokesman. “Regionalization … is now being implemented; it will culminate once the Afghanistan mission has ended.” [...]
Old Dog, Old Trick: US, Saudis, Qatar Attempt "Arab Spring" Retread in Sudan
SvaraRaderaSeptember 28, 2013
Source: Tony Cartalucci, BLN Contributing Writer
Protests are smokescreen for unfolding US-Saudi-Qatari backed violence seeking regime change in Sudan.
The Associated Press reveals that recent and ongoing "Arab Spring-style" unrest in Sudan's capital of Khartoum is led by Sudan's Western-backed opposition, the National Umma Party, and the various faux-NGO's and "independent media" organizations created by the West to prop it up.
This reveals yet another Western-engineered uprising designed for regime change in favor of a new, Western friendly client regime.
The AP article, "Sudanese protesters demand the regime's ouster," first claims:
Activists acknowledge they have no unified leadership or support from political parties but express hope the spontaneous nature of the current round of protests means they're gaining momentum.
However, AP then admits [emphasis added]:
One of Sudan's most prominent opposition leaders, Sadiq al-Mahdi of the National Umma Party, told worshippers at a mosque in the district of Omdurman that al-Bashir has been spending the state's budget on "consolidating power" and failed "to lift the agony off the citizens' shoulders."
After the sermon, protesters marched through the district, a longtime opposition stronghold, chanting "the people want the downfall of the regime," the slogan heard in Arab Spring uprisings that began in late 2010 and have led to the ouster of the leaders in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen.
Clearly, the "activists" indeed have a leader - Sadiq al-Mahdi of the National Umma Party who was literally leading the protesters out into the streets. And while comparisons to the "Arab Spring" invokes images of peaceful "pro-democracy" protests - AP admits that the protesters are already turning to violence:
Angry protesters torched police and dozens of gas stations and government buildings, and students marched chanting for al-Bashir's ouster. [...]