(Uppdaterad 2013-09-25) Irakiska fångar som under och före 2004 utsattes för grov tortyr och förnedrande sexuella perversiteter av sina psykopatiska amerikanska fångvaktare, får nu betala över 14 tusen dollar för det tvivelaktiga "nöjet" till USA. Detta beslutade nyligen en amerikansk federal domstol som samtidigt konstaterade att "exceptionella USA" är "immunt" mot skadeståndsanspråk...
Publicerad den 24 sep 2013
Abby Martin calls out Judge Gerald
Bruce Lee as the day's villain, for ruling in favor of the defense
contractor CACI International in a lawsuit brought by former Abu Ghraib
torture victims, citing the two tiered justice of forcing torture
victims to pay their torturers for legal fees.Publicerad den 24 sep 2013
Abu Ghraib Torture Victims Ordered To Pay U.S. Contractor’s Legal Fees
***September 15, 2013
Source: Popular Resistance
A federal judge on Wednesday ordered four Iraqis who were imprisoned at the infamous Abu Ghraib prison to pay nearly $14,000 in legal fees to defense contractor CACI, an Arlington, Va.-based company that supplied interrogators to the U.S. government during the Iraq War.
The decision in favor of CACI stemmed from a lawsuit filed by the former prisoners in 2008, alleging that CACI employees directed the torture of prisoners at Abu Ghraib. The suit was dismissed in June, when U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee ruled that because the alleged acts took place on foreign soil, CACI was “immune from suit” in U.S. court.
Lee did not, however, directly address the question of whether CACI employees took part in the mistreatment of prisoners. The treatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib exploded into an international scandal in 2004, when shocking photos emerged of prisoners being stacked on top of each other, threatened with dogs, and sexually abused.

- A little over a month after winning the dismissal this summer, CACI requested that the former prisoners be ordered to pay $15,580 to cover the company’s legal expenses.
Lawyers for the Iraqis disputed that their clients should pay CACI’s bills, partly because the Iraqis had “very limited financial means, even by non-U.S. standards, and dramatically so when compared” to CACI, according to a court filing. Moreover, they wrote, the initial claims against CACI, involving “serious claims of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and war crimes were dismissed on very close, difficult — and only recently arguable — grounds.”
Attorneys for the Iraqi prisoners have said they plan to file an appeal of the June dismissal this fall.
Medeltida praxis att betala för tortyr och avrättning. Nice
SvaraRadera...kanske då en "ny-gammal sheeple-reform" för att täcka omkostnader för dyra tortyrredskap?
RaderaJa, fred och demokrati kostar multum.
RaderaPå tal om "fred och demokrati":
RaderaAnarchy in Libya 2 years after NATO ‘humanitarian liberation’
The US lied to Russia and China with help of the (US-friendly) Gulf Cooperation Council about the Security Council Resolution on Libya and used it to illegally justify the war.
Because the US and NATO was adamant it wanted no “boots on the ground,” instead they freely gave arms to any and all rebels who would shoot at the Gaddafi government troops.
Now they still have the guns and Libya was described to me by one French journalist who had recently been there as “the world’s largest open air arms bazaar,” where for cash anyone can buy any modern NATO weapon. [...]