CIA-medarbetare: - Bevisen i CIA-rapporten som enligt USA bevisar att Syriens president Assad använt kemvapen är fabricerade av element inom spionorganisationen CIA. Hela rapporten är en uppdiktad historia för att vilseleda president Obama att anfalla Syrien...
McGovern was among the signatories to the letter from veteran intelligence professionals to Obama, warning the US president that Assad is not responsible for the chemical attack, and that “CIA Director John Brennan is perpetrating a pre-Iraq-War-type fraud on members of Congress, the media, [and] the public.”[...]
There is proof the footage of the alleged chemical attack in Syria was fabricated, Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib, mother superior of St. James Monastery in Qara, Syria, told RT. She says she is about to submit her findings to the UN.
Mother Agnes, a catholic nun, who has been living in Syria for 20 years and has been reporting actively on what has been going on in the war-ravaged country, says she carefully studied the video featuring allegedly victims of the chemical weapons attack in the Syrian village of Guta in August and now questions its authenticity.
In her interview with RT, Mother Agnes doubts so much footage could have been taken in so little time, and asks where parents of the supposedly dead children are. She promises to send her report to the UN.
The nun is indignant with the world media for apparently turning a blind eye to the Latakia massacre by rebel extremists, which left 500 civilians including women and children dead.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry has called on the international community to pay attention to revelations made by Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib.[...]

UN rights council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake: Russia
The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a Tuesday statement that international experts as well as Syrian public and religious leaders presented their evidence to the 24th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on September 9.
It also said evidence provided by numerous witnesses confirms that militants fighting against the Syrian government used chemical weapons in the Damascus suburb of western Ghouta last month.
The participants in the UN Human Rights Council session warned of the consequences of a military strike against Syria, noting that such an attack would constitute a crude violation of international law.
The US administration has been using the footage and the photos in question to lobby for a military strike on Syria.
The recent war rhetoric against Syria first gained momentum on August 21, when the militants operating inside the Middle Eastern country and the country’s foreign-backed opposition claimed that over a thousand people had been killed in a government chemical attack on the outskirts of Damascus.
The Syrian government categorically rejected the accusation.
Nevertheless, a number of Western countries, with the US being at the forefront, quickly started campaigning for war.
On August 31, US President Barack Obama said he would seek Congress authorization before the possible strikes on Syria.
However, reports indicate a majority of Congress members are either against the planned strikes on Syria or are yet undecided. The Senate has meanwhile postponed a vote on the US administration-proposed resolution to attack Syria.
Syria has been gripped by deadly unrest since 2011. The United Nations has reported that more than 100,000 people have been killed and millions displaced due to the violence.
- The intelligence gathered against Syria’s Assad was manufactured by elements within the spy community in order to mislead the US President to take punitive action, Ray McGovern, a veteran CIA analyst, told RT.
McGovern was among the signatories to the letter from veteran intelligence professionals to Obama, warning the US president that Assad is not responsible for the chemical attack, and that “CIA Director John Brennan is perpetrating a pre-Iraq-War-type fraud on members of Congress, the media, [and] the public.”[...]
There is proof the footage of the alleged chemical attack in Syria was fabricated, Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib, mother superior of St. James Monastery in Qara, Syria, told RT. She says she is about to submit her findings to the UN.
Mother Agnes, a catholic nun, who has been living in Syria for 20 years and has been reporting actively on what has been going on in the war-ravaged country, says she carefully studied the video featuring allegedly victims of the chemical weapons attack in the Syrian village of Guta in August and now questions its authenticity.

The nun is indignant with the world media for apparently turning a blind eye to the Latakia massacre by rebel extremists, which left 500 civilians including women and children dead.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry has called on the international community to pay attention to revelations made by Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib.[...]
PressTV 2013-09-10
UN rights council says Syria gas attack videos, photos fake: Russia
Russia says the United
Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) has confirmed that the videos and
photos purporting to show the victims of a chemical attack near the
Syrian capital, Damascus, were fabricated.
The Russian Foreign Ministry said in a Tuesday statement that international experts as well as Syrian public and religious leaders presented their evidence to the 24th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on September 9.
It also said evidence provided by numerous witnesses confirms that militants fighting against the Syrian government used chemical weapons in the Damascus suburb of western Ghouta last month.
The participants in the UN Human Rights Council session warned of the consequences of a military strike against Syria, noting that such an attack would constitute a crude violation of international law.
The US administration has been using the footage and the photos in question to lobby for a military strike on Syria.
The recent war rhetoric against Syria first gained momentum on August 21, when the militants operating inside the Middle Eastern country and the country’s foreign-backed opposition claimed that over a thousand people had been killed in a government chemical attack on the outskirts of Damascus.
The Syrian government categorically rejected the accusation.
Nevertheless, a number of Western countries, with the US being at the forefront, quickly started campaigning for war.
On August 31, US President Barack Obama said he would seek Congress authorization before the possible strikes on Syria.
However, reports indicate a majority of Congress members are either against the planned strikes on Syria or are yet undecided. The Senate has meanwhile postponed a vote on the US administration-proposed resolution to attack Syria.
Syria has been gripped by deadly unrest since 2011. The United Nations has reported that more than 100,000 people have been killed and millions displaced due to the violence.
Footage and photos of the alleged chemical attack in Syria, which the
US cites as the reason for a planned military intervention, had been
fabricated in advance, speakers told a UN human rights conference in
Geneva.Members of the conference were presented accounts of international experts, Syrian public figures and Russian news reporters covering the Syrian conflict, which back Russia’s opposition to the US plans, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
The speakers argued that the suspected sarin gas attack near Damascus on August 21 was likely a provocation of the rebel forces and that a military action against the President Bashar Assad government will likely result in civilian casualties and a humanitarian catastrophe affecting the entire region.
The possible attack by US military without a UN Security Council mandate would violate international law and should be prevented by the United Nations, some of the speakers said.
Evidence for the Russian case, including numerous eyewitness reports and results of investigations of the chemical weapon incident by activists, was handed over to a UN commission of experts probing the Syrian crisis, the ministry said.[...]
- Russia is convinced that the chemical incident was a provocation by rebel forces, which staged a false flag attack to drag the US into the conflict and capitalize on the damage that the Syrian army is likely to sustain in the American intervention.
An increasing number of reports is backing Russia’s position, with local witnesses, US and British former intelligence professionals and Europeans recently released from rebel captivity all speaking for a provocation scenario.
In the latest development this week a possible way to de-escalate the tension was voiced, which would involve the Assad government handing over control of his chemical arsenal to the international community. The plan was backed by Russia, China and Syria's main ally Iran, while Syria said it will review it.
Mixed signals over the plan came from the US. The US State Department initially said Secretary of State John Kerry, who initially voiced a possible disarmament, saw it as a rhetorical move and didn’t expect Bashar Assad to actually disarm. But later President Obama said such a move from Damascus would make him put the military action plan on pause.
Meanwhile RT learned that Syrian rebels might be planning a chemical weapons attack in Israel. The possible attack would be carried out from the territory supposedly controlled by the Syrian government and would trigger another round of escalation, leaving little hope of defusing the tension.
Publicerad den 9 sep 2013
Syria has agreed to Russia's proposal that it put its chemical-weapon stockpiles under international control. US Secretary of State John Kerry initially suggested such a scheme - as a way to avoid a military strike on Syria. The US State Department, though, has since issued an apparent retraction, saying it wasn't a genuine offer. RT's Sean Thomas joins us for more.Publicerad den 9 sep 2013
Read More:

CIA-medarbetare: CIA förfalskade bevisen i sin rapport om Assads påstådda kemvapenattack
Watch The FULL Interview With Syrian President Bashar al-Assad You're Not Seeing On TV
September 10, 2013"The US Used Depleted Uranium In Iraq, Israel Used White Phosphorous In Gaza, And Nobody Said Anything About "Red Lines!'"
There's a reason you're only getting snippets about Assad's supposed "chilling warning" of "repercussions" to the US if his country is invaded, it's because he calmly and succinctly exposed Obama and the US government's hypocrisy through and through.
For one, Assad says there's no evidence his regime used chemical weapons, but notes such illegal weapons were used by the US in Iraq and Israel in Gaza.
He says if the US has evidence his government carried out the chemical weapons attacks, then they should present it to the American people to judge, whom he notes are overwhelmingly against Obama's war, so they can judge the evidence for themselves.
Assad reminds Charlie the last time the US presented "evidence" of WMDs was Colin Powell at the UN making the case Iraq had WMDs (and could "nuke us within 45 minutes"), which we all know now was a fabrication.
He makes so many good points you'd almost think he wasn't another slimy politician, though I had to laugh at one point because he says how the weapons the Syrian government has are legal because "they are the government," whereas the weapons the rebels have are illegal, because they're not the government. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Watch the interview in full:
Publicerad den 9 sep 2013
President Al-Assad's interview with Charlie Rose of American CBS - Part 1 - 8 September 2013.
Publicerad den 9 sep 2013
President Al-Assad's interview with Charlie Rose of American CBS - Part 2 - 8 September 2013.

-Intl experts have strong proof images of chemical victims fabricated – Moscow-
SvaraRaderaSeptember 10
Footage and photos of the alleged chemical attack in Syria, which the US cites as the reason for a planned military intervention, had been fabricated in advance, speakers told a UN human rights conference in Geneva.
[...]An increasing number of reports is backing Russia’s position, with local witnesses, US former intelligence professionals and Europeans recently released from rebel captivity all speaking for a provocation scenario.[...]
planerat år tillbaka. ingen militär aktion kan genomföras ad hoc. Lavrovs senaste utspel om Syriens kem. vapen borde omfatta också Israels WMD men det kommer förstås inte att ske. Dags att tämja en viss argsint pittbull. Ben Gurions doktrin löd ungefär så; splittra alla arabiska stater i provinser, upprätthålla fientligheter mellan muslimska sekter, finansiera alla så att Israel kan kontrollera hela Mellanöster.
SvaraRaderaHär är en tidigare publicerad artikel som tyder på en viss planering:
Radera-F.d. amerikansk general: - USA planerar sju invasionskrig i Mellanöstern-
-Syria Intelligence Being Manipulated EVEN MORE than in Iraq War-
SvaraRaderaSeptember 10, 2013
Source: Washington’s Blog
White House – Not U.S. Intelligence Agencies – Prepared Report about Syrian Chemical Weapons
The Obama administration is manipulating intelligence about Syria in exactly the same ways that the Bush administration did to justify the Iraq war:
Specifically, the Obama administration is copying Bush’s playbook of trying to kick UN weapons inspectors out of the target country so they can’t finish their investigation:
The Bush administration also famously “stove piped” information from the war hawks directly to the president – cutting out the normal vetting process by intelligence agencies:
Likewise, IPS reports today:
Contrary to the general impression in Congress and the news media, the Syria chemical warfare intelligence summary released by the Barack Obama administration Aug. 30did not represent an intelligence community assessment, an IPS analysis and interviews with former intelligence officials reveals.
The evidence indicates that Director of National Intelligence James Clapper culled intelligence analyses from various agencies and by the White House itself, but that the White House itself had the final say in the contents of the document.
Former intelligence officials told IPS that that the paper does not represent a genuine intelligence community assessment but rather one reflecting a predominantly Obama administration influence.
In essence, the White House selected those elements of the intelligence community assessments that supported the administration’s policy of planning a strike against the Syrian government force and omitted those that didn’t.
IP: September 10, 2013 02:24:10 PM
SvaraRaderaISP: Resilans AB
Organization: Tidningarnas Telegrambyra
Landed: UNDER MATTAN: Gigantiskt DNA-utbyte när Sverige och EU samkör miljon...
IP: September 10, 2013 10:25:56 AM
ISP: Cjsc Globus-telecom - Moscow City - Russian Federation
Organization: CJSC Caspian Pipeline Consortium - R
Landed: UNDER MATTAN: AP:s korrespondent: Rebeller erkänner kemvapenattack - ...
IP: September 10, 2013 10:20:01 AM
ISP: Swedbank AB
Landed: UNDER MATTAN: Storbritannien sålde nervgas till Syrien - 10 månader ...
Watch The FULL Interview With Syrian President Bashar al-Assad You're Not Seeing On TV
SvaraRadera Kerry said that Assad could avoid American air strikes by giving up all his chemical weapons within a week.
The Syrian government agrees to Russia’s proposal to hand its chemical arsenal over to international control .
" Joe Biden in 2012: If Romney wins, we will go to war with Syria.