Reuters 2013-09-03.
Obama har startat en omfattande lobbying-kampanj för att få igång det eftertraktade kriget mot Syrien. Presidenten har använt alla till buds stående medel för att övertyga "krig-för-freds -kritiker" att USA måste angripa Syrien. Fredspristagaren har exempelvis personligen kontaktat många medlemmar i USA:s senat för att få deras stöd för ett angrepp. Obama har dock sagt att om han inte skulle få stöd i USA-kongressens kommande omröstning, så kommer han sannolikt ändå att starta ett krig mot Syrien (eftersom han är president)...
Publicerad den 9 sep 2013 - President Obama needs your help starting World War III! Find out how you can help! -
Ryssland och Kina är på helspänn och har haft ett antal stora militärövningar den senaste tiden. Även ett antal andra militära grupper och spelare har mobiliserat och skramlat med vapen i Mellanöstern tillsammans med Iran, nyligen. Om Obama anfaller Syrien, så anser en del geopolitiska bedömare att kriget snabbt kan få en spridning som kan liknas vid ett nytt världskrig.
I alla fall bör Nobelkommittén redan nu fundera på att återta fredspriset från den krigstokige president Obama, innan de framstår som ännu större idioter än de gör för tillfället...
(Reuters) - After putting a decision to launch military strikes on Syria into the hands of Congress, President Barack Obama is doing what his critics have long accused him of failing to do: reaching out, personally and aggressively, to lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
While top lieutenants including Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry lobby their former congressional colleagues, Obama is making individual calls himself to members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to press his case for action.
What Obama has not done since he made his announcement on Saturday is appeal to the public, which both Democrats and Republicans say will be crucial as polls show little enthusiasm for U.S. military action anywhere.
The stakes for the president are high - and the arguments being made in support of a 'yes' vote from Congress are making them even higher.[...]
*** September 2, 2013

Obama har startat en omfattande lobbying-kampanj för att få igång det eftertraktade kriget mot Syrien. Presidenten har använt alla till buds stående medel för att övertyga "krig-för-freds -kritiker" att USA måste angripa Syrien. Fredspristagaren har exempelvis personligen kontaktat många medlemmar i USA:s senat för att få deras stöd för ett angrepp. Obama har dock sagt att om han inte skulle få stöd i USA-kongressens kommande omröstning, så kommer han sannolikt ändå att starta ett krig mot Syrien (eftersom han är president)...
Publicerad den 4 sep 2013
Abby Martin dissects the establishment propaganda about Syria's chemical weapons and questions the interests driving the call for war.***
- Gör din plikt och stöd kampanjen - för din egen trygghet, så klart!Publicerad den 9 sep 2013 - President Obama needs your help starting World War III! Find out how you can help! -
Ryssland och Kina är på helspänn och har haft ett antal stora militärövningar den senaste tiden. Även ett antal andra militära grupper och spelare har mobiliserat och skramlat med vapen i Mellanöstern tillsammans med Iran, nyligen. Om Obama anfaller Syrien, så anser en del geopolitiska bedömare att kriget snabbt kan få en spridning som kan liknas vid ett nytt världskrig.
I alla fall bör Nobelkommittén redan nu fundera på att återta fredspriset från den krigstokige president Obama, innan de framstår som ännu större idioter än de gör för tillfället...
(Reuters) - After putting a decision to launch military strikes on Syria into the hands of Congress, President Barack Obama is doing what his critics have long accused him of failing to do: reaching out, personally and aggressively, to lawmakers on Capitol Hill.
While top lieutenants including Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry lobby their former congressional colleagues, Obama is making individual calls himself to members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to press his case for action.
What Obama has not done since he made his announcement on Saturday is appeal to the public, which both Democrats and Republicans say will be crucial as polls show little enthusiasm for U.S. military action anywhere.
The stakes for the president are high - and the arguments being made in support of a 'yes' vote from Congress are making them even higher.[...]
Publicerad den 3 sep 2013
President Barack Obama met with key congressional lawmakers on Tuesday to try to sell them on a strike against the Assad regime after chemical weapons were used in Syria last month. Secretary of State John Kerry and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey testified on the Hill to sway more legislators to vote for intervention. In the meantime, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad threatened that the Middle East is a "powder keg," and that an American strike would set off a chain reaction. RT's Sam Sacks gives the latest update on the Syria situation.Publicerad den 3 sep 2013
Publicerad den 3 sep 2013
Images have emerged on social media purporting to show U.S. servicemen speaking out against a looming strike against Damascus. People wearing military uniform are seen posing in front of cameras with posters saying they did not join-up to fight with al-Qaeda in Syria. Those pictures cannot be verified but the Pentagon is reportedly already looking into the identities of those involved. RT speaks to Gordon Duff, a marine veteran and the editor of the independent news website Veterans Today. Publicerad den 3 sep 2013
Military Revolt Against Obama’s Attack on Syria
Both top brass and regular servicemembers express opposition to US involvement*** September 2, 2013


Bildt mötte Obama på Arlanda
Obama tvekar inte: USA måste angripa Assad*
Publicerad den 3 sep 2013
On Tuesday, Secretary of State John Kerry plead his case on why the US should launch limited attacks on Syria in retaliation for Pres. Bashar al-Assad's alleged use of chemical weapons on his own people. According to Kerry, not stepping in would only embolden other countries with weapons of mass destruction, and senators expressed their concerns that getting involved in Syria would only lead to another endless war in the Middle East. Sam Sacks is on Capitol Hill with a summary of the day's events.***
Gör fredspristagaren Obama sitt yttersta för att starta ett nytt världskrig?
-White House lobbied 185 lawmakers to back Syria strike-
SvaraRaderaAamer Madhani
USA Today
September 5, 2013
Top administration officials — including President Obama himself—have now reached out to 185 lawmakers as part of the White House effort to win congressional support for a military strike against Syria, according to a White House official.
The official, who was not authorized to comment and spoke on condition of anonymity, said senior White House officials have held meetings or taken part in calls with 60 senators and 125 House members as part of their outreach effort on Syria.
On Wednesday, White House chief of staff Denis McDonough held calls with members of the Progressive Caucus and Hispanic Caucus, some of whom have expressed reluctance to vote in favor of the use-of-force authorization.
Read more:
-Report: China Sends Warships to Coast of Syria-
SvaraRaderaPLA dispatches vessels to “observe” US maneuvers
Paul Joseph Watson
September 5, 2013
China has reportedly sent warships to the coast of Syria to “observe” the actions of US and Russian ships as tensions build in preparation for a potential military strike on Syria which could come as soon as next week.
According to the Russian news outlet, the People’s Liberation Army dispatched the Jinggangshan amphibious dock landing ship and the vessel was seen passing through the Red Sea towards the Suez Canal, the waterway in Egypt that leads to the Mediterranean Sea and waters off the coast of Israel, Lebanon and Syria.
According to the report, the ship has not been sent to engage in any aggressive actions but is merely there to “observe” the actions of Russian and US warships.
However, the Jinggangshan is equipped for combat, has conventional armaments and secondary cannons, and was utilized as part of a “show of force” in maneuvers aimed at defending the South China Sea earlier this year.
The report states that additional PLA warships have also been sent to the region but that their identity is unknown.
Yesterday it was reported that Russia was sending three more ships – two destroyers and a missile cruiser – to the eastern Mediterranean to bolster its forces which already include three other warships dispatched over the last two weeks.[...]
-Is This Why Obama is So Desperate for a Nice Little War?-
SvaraRaderaSeptember 12, 2013
Source: Daniel McAdams, Lew Rockwell Blog
The president and his coterie of humanitarian interventionist laptop bombers have been so desperate to push the US into another war in the Middle East they have resorted to cooking the US Intelligence Community books and cherry picking second-hand intercepts and other intelligence to a degree that would even have made President George W. Bush blush.
The “evidence” provided was nothing more than unsupported assertions masked by manufactured outrage and the suggestion that anyone who did not believe them was devoid of a moral compass and quite probably a supporter of Hitler.
So why all the drama? Why the desperation to focus our attention externally, to monsters abroad in need of slaying?
Could it be the mushrooming NSA scandal, that all of a sudden has grown exponentially more serious with today’s Guardian Snowden-leak sourced report that the “NSA shares raw intelligence including Americans’ data with Israel.”
According to the Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald, the National Security Agency routinely sends raw intelligence information to Israeli intelligence without first removing information about American citizens.
In effect, rather than serving to protect the safety of Americans and national security of the United States the NSA has seemingly become an agent of Israeli intelligence.
Understanding how Israel treats those perceived as its enemies, can we know that our own government is not providing its own citizens as targets for assassination by a foreign power?
Isn’t there a word for such anti-American acts?
No wonder they so desperate for another war.