fredag 20 september 2013

Resultatet av USA:s 13-åriga krig i Afghanistan: Den globala opiummarknaden säkrad

USA och NATO har krigat under 13 år i Afghanistan... - Vad handlar det egentligen om..? (video)
Resultatet av USA:s 13-åriga krig i Afghanistan: Den globala opiummarknaden säkrad


Failure to Withdraw: The CIA, the Taliban, and the Strategy of Tension in Afghanistan 

Publicerad den 17 sep 2013

By any reasonable standard, the US-led NATO-powered invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, now entering its 13th year, has been an unmitigated failure. Of course, NATO does not measure the outcome of its mission by reasonable standards. They have their own entirely different yardstick by which they gauge their operations, and by that standard, the Afghan war has been an unqualified success.

- Find out about NATO's interest in Afghanistan and why they are working with the Taliban to make sure that occupation continues beyond 2014 in this week's Eyeopener report from

Resultatet av USA:s 13-åriga krig i Afghanistan: Den globala opiummarknaden säkrad

6 kommentarer:

  1. -CIA’s secret global business of narcotics smuggling and weapons trade-

    September 19, 2013

    Source: Pakistan Today

    Drug trade goes on unchecked in Afghanistan

    If one goes by the American measurement, the saying goes that they do not start a venture unless they are sure about its cost not going from their own kitty.

    The Afghan venture does not seemingly pay them as does Iraq’s but permitting poppy cultivation to the Afghan warlords and bigwigs favouring the US intervention was the bid to justify finances of their stay in that country.

    It is now an open secret, and everyone knows it, as to who runs the largest global business of narcotics smuggling and weapons trade.

    Dig down just a little of these areas and you’ll find the American CIA sitting behind the scenes, smiling broadly and exposing widely its ugly teeth.

    There are certain local aides in various countries, which also play as the front men. We all know as to who urged and supported the Afghans to restart growing poppy after the fall of Taliban regime.

    The American intelligence is known for continuously playing dirty games in the South American countries which are considered as heavens for production and trade of narcotics.

    No one can judge as the Americans fund Pakistan’s Anti-Narcotics Force, coupled with diplomatic pressures, to stop drug trafficking in the country, but when it comes to ISAF and the government in Kabul, the story comes out far more different.

    The fact that poppy cultivation in Afghanistan has increased and its income is being utilised by terrorists to buy weapons surprises many in the world.

    Poppy cultivation is increasing in 28 of the country’s 32 provinces. Today, between 90 to 95 percent of the world’s supply of opium comes from Afghanistan.[...]

  2. Officiella konspitationsteoretiker har hjärntvättat populus i snart 30+ år att War on Drugs är i syfte att skydda oss från knark. Vad hände med info om att HSBC tvättar knarkpengar? Garanterat att både Wall Street och City of London hålls vid liv tack vare "War on Drugs". CIA har ju inhandlar alla Syd- och Centralamerikanska kokainkarteller. Bush klanen och Clintons har gjort en bra business i handel. Listan över knarkbaroner i USA, GB och EU är säkert jättelång.

    1. Finns säkert även en del svenska namn på den EU-listan..?

      *Narcotics have the same share in world trade as oil and gas.

      *Since NATO began its campaign in Afghanistan in 2001, more than 1 million people have died as a result of Afghan heroin.

      *Heroin production in Afghanistan has increased 40 times since NATO began its ‘War on Terror’ in 2001, according to FSKN.

  3. IP: September 20, 2013 12:47:08 PM
    ISP: Ministry of Health - Israel
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    IP: September 20, 2013 08:07:02 AM
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    IP: September 20, 2013 06:17:16 AM
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    IP: September 20, 2013 07:45:50 AM
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    IP: September 20, 2013 12:32:35 PM
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    Organization: HIT-NET Infrastructure
    Landed: UNDER MATTAN: USA har börjat Censurera RT (Russia Today - Internation...

  4. Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel seeks deal to keep 10,000 troops in Afghanistan

    September 30, 2013

    Source: AFP

    US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said Monday he hoped an accord on the future US military presence in Afghanistan would be in place by November, despite President Hamid Karzai’s refusal to be rushed.

    “I hope we’ll have that agreement by the end of October, because we just can’t move without it,” Hagel told US soldiers participating in a live-fire exercise in South Korea.

    The United States plans to pull out the bulk of its 57,000 troops in Afghanistan by the end of 2014 and has tentative plans to retain a smaller force of around 10,000 forces after that.

    But a new security agreement is needed to allow for the post-2014 presence, including provisions allowing the United States access to various bases.



    Sverige ( wallenberg) med regering ( "skådespelare" anställda av wallenberg, du betalar) pröjsar ordentligt med din skatt ( som du betalat till wallenbergs SE-banken) till opium-odlande bönder i afghanistan samt skyddar knarket med svensk trupp.

    Det för att vapnen köps med knarkpengar från Wallenbergs bofors ( utvecklade via skattepengar) som används av ellehanda CIA/mossad beväpnade terrorgrupper för destabilisering i olika zooner, främst MENA regionen.

    Flyktingarna som Wallenberg skapar på det viset kommer då till Sverige och får BIDRAG ( din skatt igen svensson) och dessa bidrag ihop med nya skatter och mer statsskuld ( lån till wallenbergs polares banker ) håller liv i valutasyetmet.

    Wallenbergs kumpaner Bonniers hjärntvättar sen dig att bli arg på herr flykting och få dig att rösta på sina extremhöger partier ( Wallenberg äger alla partier) som kommer med polisstat och kontrollsamhälle som lösning.

    Hur känns det att vara grundlurad Svensson?



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