En kompakt, informationsrik och välgjord video som på 5 minuter går igenom ett antal märkliga händelser kring 9/11...

Uppladdad den 11 September 2011
Transcript and sources: http://www.corbettreport.com/?p=2594
- Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes...
- Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes...

Uploaded on Oct 22, 2010
Uploaded on Oct 22, 2010
Newly obtained video that was reluctantly released by NIST after a lawsuit by the International Center for 9/11 Studies shows two firefighters on 9/11 discussing how secondary explosions occurred immediately before the collapse of the twin towers, providing damning new evidence that explosive devices were used to bring down the buildings.
Firemen discuss how bombs were going off in the lobby of WTC1 as they were staging to move up the building. They explain how the building had already been hit by the plane and fires were already burning.
After two explosions in the lobby, a third went off and the whole lobby collapsed. I'm sorry 9/11 truth deniers, you now have another smoking gun that you can't deny!
Firemen discuss how bombs were going off in the lobby of WTC1 as they were staging to move up the building. They explain how the building had already been hit by the plane and fires were already burning.
After two explosions in the lobby, a third went off and the whole lobby collapsed. I'm sorry 9/11 truth deniers, you now have another smoking gun that you can't deny!
Publicerad den 5 sep 2011
This week GRTV talks to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary Treasury, former editor of the Wall Street Journal, author and researcher, about the significance of 9/11 on the brink of the tenth anniversary of those events.
We discuss the many points at which the official explanation of 9/11 do not mesh with the available evidence, the many experts who have raised their voices in dissent (and been silenced), and what our response to 9/11 teaches us about where we are heading as a society.
We discuss the many points at which the official explanation of 9/11 do not mesh with the available evidence, the many experts who have raised their voices in dissent (and been silenced), and what our response to 9/11 teaches us about where we are heading as a society.
--Ron Paul says Bush was thrilled with 9/11--
SvaraRaderaDecember 09, 2011
Ron Paul stopped in Ames, Iowa on the campaign trail on Thursday, and used some harsh words to explain President George W Bush’s reaction to the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Specifically, the Texas congressman said that the former president was pretty happy about the events. After all, said Paul, the attacks served as pretext to finally put American troops overseas in what instantly became a justifiable reason for war.
“Think of what happened after 9/11,” Paul told a crowd of around 1,000 in Ames this week. “The minute before there was any assessment, there was glee in the administration because now we can invade Iraq, and so the war drums beat.”
What’s more, said the presidential hopeful, is that a decade later, the current administration is creating excitement themselves over what is erupting with enemy forces overseas.
“That’s exactly what they’re doing now with Iran,” said Paul.[...]
“I think extremists have taken over,” said Paul. “They’re the ones that run the foreign policy and that convinced us as a country to go along with all these wars.”
US “Death Squad Envoy” Arrives in Egypt – And the Slaughter Begins
The U.S. military is heavily dependent on Egypt to move personnel and equipment to Afghanistan and around volatile parts of the Middle East, http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2013/08/17/egypt-morsi-obama-hagel-gulf-heritage-brookings/2665903/
SvaraRaderahttp://www.zippittydodah.com/2013/08/pretend-youre-egyptian-when-you-loot.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2396100/Egypt-Looters-ransack-Egyptian-antiques-museum-snatch-priceless-artefacts.html
Israel won the war [WW I]; we made it, we thrived on it, we profited from it. It was our supreme revenge on Christianity." -- The Jewish Ambassador from Austria to the UK in London, Count Mensdorf.
IP: August 20, 2013 08:28:04 AM
SvaraRaderaISP: Resilans AB
Organization: Expressen AB
IP: August 20, 2013 08:22:26
ISP: Resilans AB
Organization: Expressen AB
Page Viewed: UNDER MATTAN: ASSANGE - Protokoll från Häktesförhandling 2010
View Time: 00:05:38
IP: August 19, 2013 02:27:26 PM
ISP: TeliaSonera AB
Organization: Adv.Firman Ericksson och Haggquist
Landed: UNDER MATTAN: SVENSKA POLISENS DÅLIGA DAGAR... DEL 2 (repris) undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/05/svenska-polisens-daliga-dagar-del-2.h...
IP: August 19, 2013 01:52:16 PM
ISP: Svenska Dagbladet
Landed: UNDER MATTAN: CAREMA tog livet av Inga-Britta, 77år undermattans.blogspot.se/2011/12/carema-tog-livet-av-inga-britta-77ar....
IP: August 19, 2013 10:14:34 AM
ISP: Resilans AB
Organization: Naturvardsverket
Landed: UNDER MATTAN: Utan Media kan du inte starta ett krig undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/06/utan-media-kan-du-inte-starta-ett-kri...
utan mordet på JFK skulle 911 inte ha skett. Statskuppen 1963 markerar slutet för all form av frihet och oberoende och har förvandlat officiellt kallad fria väst till en non stop diktatur som bara fortsätter och fördjupas. The Deep State aka the Wolf State sprider sina giftiga celler med oförminskad fart.
AKA - "Den STÖRRE bilden"
SvaraRaderaProfessionals for 9/11 Truth
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Firefighters for 9/11 Truth
Lawyers for 9/11 Truth
Media Professionals for 9/11 Truth
Medical Professionals for 9/11 Truth
Patriots Question 9/11
Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth
Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth
Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice
Scientific Method 9/11
Scientists for 9/11 Truth
Scientists - Journal of 9/11 Studies
The Science of 9/11
Researchers - Complete 9/11 Timeline
min favorit tidning; http://www.thedailysheeple.com/6727-military-personnel-killed-fighting-how-many-more-mr-president_092013
SvaraRadera-Poll: More Americans Believe WTC 7 Was Demolished than Believe the Government’s Explanation-
SvaraRaderaSeptember 11, 2013
Source: Washington’s Blog
What Do You Believe?
Preface: Americans have learned in the past decade that our government lied to us about:
- Iraq weapons of mass destruction:
- The case for war against Syria:
and see this:
- Its involvement in false flag terror in Iran in the 1950s:
- Pervasive spying by the NSA:
- Manipulation of the markets by big banks:
- And various other important topics:
But do Americans think that the government lied about 9/11?
A new poll shows that they do. At least about World Trade Center Building 7.
We’re not talking about the Twin Towers … although Building 7 was part of the same complex. No planes hit Building 7, no one was killed when Building 7 fell, no wars were launched on the basis of Building 7, and no civil rights were lost because of the destruction of Building 7.
In other words, Building 7 is a “safe topic” we can discuss without heated emotion. And numerous high-level architects and engineers have already debunked the government’s claims:
Following is a press release from ReThink911
...and Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth – a group of more than 2,000 architects and engineers – concerning a new poll by YouGov:
9/11" CBS - Senator cut off in the middle of 9/11 prior knowledge discussion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=novsn0xlioI -
SvaraRaderaJust a coment on the Jack the Ripper ref. Jack the Ripper was not caught because while everbody was talking about the ripper they where not talking about the poverty .There were riots in the East end of London just before the Ripper murders. But whilst he was in the middle of his killing the public were distracted for their plight.The Ripper was therefore welcomed by the ruling elite.