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Ett sociogram (teckning) som gör skillnad på starka och svaga relationer. De tydliga linjerna är starka relationer, och de svaga linjerna är svaga relationer

Sociogram används bland annat av lärare för att synliggöra elever som är utanför socialt.
Sociogrammet, som är en typ av nätdiagram, utvecklades av den österrikisk-amerikanske socialpsykologen Jacob Moreno (1889-1974) för att studera valet av egenskaper i en grupp.[1] Sociogram kan användas för att studera många olika saker: struktur och mönster i en grupps agerande till varandra, sätt att få inflytande socialt, kommunikationsvägar och så vidare.
Sociogram inom underrättelsetjänst
Sociogram används inom underrättelsetjänst och annan övervakning för att analysera personers kontaktnät, bland annat genom att åskådliggöra vem som har kontakt med vem. I den svenska diskussionen kring FRA-lagen 2008 uppmärksammades denna aspekt av signalspaning med hjälp av trafikdata.[3]
NSA uses metadata 'to create sophisticated graphs' of US citizens’ social connections
RT 2013-09-27
The US National Security Agency has been exploiting US citizens' personal information drawn from its large collection of metadata to create complex graphs of social connections for foreign intelligence purposes, the latest Snowden leaks have revealed.
Documents obtained by the New York Times from the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden say that the practice has been going on since November 2010, after restrictions prohibiting the agency from working with US citizens’ data were “lifted” by NSA officials.
The NSA was then authorized to conduct “large-scale graph analysis on very large sets of communications metadata without having to check foreignness” of the e-mail addresses, phone numbers or any other identifiers, the documents reportedly said.
The policy shift was intended to help the agency “discover and track” connections between intelligence targets overseas and people in the US, a January 2011 NSA memorandum cited in the documents explained.
According to the report, the agency has been allowed to “enrich” their communications data with materials obtained from public, commercial and other sources while preparing the graphs.
- Such sources reportedly include Facebook profiles, bank codes, insurance information, passenger manifests, voter registration rolls and GPS location information, as well as property records and unspecified tax data.
The sophisticated graphs provide the agents with direct and indirect “contact chains” between an unspecified number of Americans and people or organizations overseas that are of foreign intelligence interest, the report says.
- Not only do they identify the list of possible associates, but also note their locations at certain times, their traveling companions and other personal information, it adds.
The documents provided no information on the results of the NSA surveillance. According to the NYT, the agency’s officials declined to say how many Americans have been caught up in the effort.[...]

Snowden: NSA använder metadata - kartlägger privatpersoners umgängeskrets i sociogram
-New Snowden leak: NSA is monitoring the Internet histories of millions of Americans-
SvaraRaderaSeptember 30
The National Security Agency is collecting information on the Internet habits of millions of innocent Americans never suspected of criminal involvement, new NSA documents leaked by former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden suggest.
Britain’s Guardian newspaper reported Monday that top-secret documents included in the trove of files supplied by the NSA contractor-turned-leaker Edward Snowden reveal that the US intelligence community obtains and keeps information on American citizens accumulated off the Internet without ever issuing a search warrant or opening an investigation into that person.
The information is obtained using a program codenamed Marina, the documents suggest, and is kept by the government for up to a full year without investigators ever having to explain why the subject is being surveilled.
“Marina has the ability to look back on the last 365 days' worth of DNI metadata seen by the Sigint collection system, regardless whether or not it was tasked for collection,” the Guardian’s James Ball quotes from the documents.
According to a guide for intelligence analysts supplied by Mr. Snowden, “The Marina metadata application tracks a user's browser experience, gathers contact information/content and develops summaries of target.”
"This tool offers the ability to export the data in a variety of formats, as well as create various charts to assist in pattern-of-life development,” it continues.
Ball writes that the program collects “almost anything” a Web user does online, “from browsing history – such as map searches and websites visited – to account details, email activity, and even some account passwords.”
Only days earlier, separate disclosures attributed to Snowden revealed that the NSA was using a massive collection of metadata to create complex graphs of social connections for foreign intelligence purposes, although that program had pulled in intelligence about Americans as well. [...]