onsdag 25 september 2013

25% av världens fångar finns i Amerikanska fängelser - moderna slavläger för minoriteter

Uppdaterat 2013-09-27. Abby Martin intervjuar Eugene Puryear om fängelsekulturen i USA. Social kontroll och massinlåsning av minoriteter i Amerika har skapat världens i särklass största antal fångar, större än exempelvis både i Kina och Iran. USA:s fängelser drivs ofta av privata företag som moderna slavarbetsläger, för både militär och civil produktion....

21st Century Slavery: Mass Incarceration in America - Interview with Eugene Puryear

Publicerad den 24 sep 2013
Abby Martin speaks with Eugene Puryear, author of 'Shackled and Chained: Mass Incarceration in Capitalist America', about how the US became the country holding a quarter of the world's prisoners, the privatization of prisons, and the racial bias inherent in the criminal justice system.


How Prisoners Are Making Corporate America Obscene Profits

Publicerad den 16 september 2013
"The private equity-backed prison phone call industry is making plans to fight an FCC vote last month that will slash long-distance rates for inmates. After a decade of delay, the FCC voted 2-1 in August to set maximum rates for collect and prison debit card calls. The new maximum rate for a collect call will be 25 cents a minute -- still far above the average for a traditional landline, but a serious reduction." Cenk Uygur host of The Young Turks discusses this amazing story.

Read more: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09...


- USA har idag fler fångar i sina fängelser än Kina och Ryssland har tillsammans..!

US Has more People in Jail than China and Russia Combined. What’s Wrong With that Picture?

September 27, 2013

Source: Before It’s News

Prisons for Profit?

Why not? Anything for profit if you don’t mind that fact that the love of money is root of all evil – life-long debt, a Permanent War Policy, killer vaccinations and addictive prescription drugs, lone nuts on Ritalin shooting up schools,

US senators treated like royalty, all their money in Defense Bonds, no prosperity in sight for anyone at all fifty million Americans on food stamps, the rest trained to regard them as ‘takers’ when the rest outsourced their jobs… for  money.

Well, that’s just the way it is, folks. Here’s another taste of freedom in the Land of the Free, the Home of the Brave – Tom Dennen.





AVSLÖJAT:  USA sätter fler i fängelse än KINA och IRAN!

- USA sätter fler i fängelse än både KINA och IRAN! USA har den i särklass största andelen fångar i världen, i förhållande till folkmängd. 

- OM du råkar vara en afroamerikan i USA som inte avslutat motsvarande gymnasieutbildning, så är sannolikheten statistiskt sett faktiskt större att du hamnar i fängelse - än att du får ett jobb

Den privata fängelseindustrin i USA kallas av många för den moderna slavarbetarindustrin eftersom fångarna ofta tvingas att arbeta för slavlöner med att bl.a. tillverka utrustning till den amerikanska krigsindustrin.

25% av världens fångar finns i Amerikanska fängelser - moderna slavläger för minoriteter 

4 kommentarer:

  1. Privata fängelse. En uppdaterad form av Gulag i N. Amerika.

    1. Kommer väl förmodligen även till Sverige snart? Allt går ju att privatisera...

  2. New World Order börjar med minoriteter, men om de bli inte stoppade blir detta system för hela befolkningen- droger+psy-p+inplantant+ zombier -förslavning- om sionist-nazzister skall fortsätta...

  3. -Criminalized poor are swelling Britain's ‘labor camps’-

    September 20

    The privatization of the criminal justice system is a strategy of malice. It is about dehumanizing the people who most need society's help. The greedy simply scapegoating the weak. They're turning our cities into 'people farms' where only the fit deserve to survive, justice is ditched, and money is the only law in the human jungle.

    Britain's Justice minister, Chris Grayling, announced ten year jail sentences for those who claim too much state benefit.

    The latest statistics from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) show that £1.3bn was fraudulently claimed in 2012/13. Tax Justice Network figures estimating tax fraud by the super-rich at £60bn, which is around 50 times greater, seem to have 'evaded' Grayling; as has the estimated five times greater figure of £10bn in unclaimed benefits.

    At 15% Britain has more private prisons than anywhere else in Europe. This particular US policy of containment, where 2.4 million, one quarter of the world's 'criminals' are incarcerated, means the more people go to jail the bigger the bags of cash for cold-blooded private interests.

    This was illustrated in the US in 2009 when Pennsylvania Judges Mark A. Ciavarella & Judge Michael Conahan were discovered taking $2.6m from private prison firms and convicted of racketeering. The only surprise about that case was that they were caught and convicted. Those who gain from such backroom handshaking deals are more careful now. [...]




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