Två dussin skolbarn i 13-årsåldern som på Facebook klagade på klädkoden i skolan, ansågs utgöra ett terroristhot. - Barnen har nu stängts av från vidare undervisning i USA: skolsystem...

Infowars 2014-06-05
Two dozen Spalding County middle school students were suspended after a Facebook post which encouraged classmates to break the dress code was characterized as a “terroristic threat” by the principle.
The post asked other students at Cowan Road Middle School to flout the rules for the final week of term by wearing red on Monday. Despite the fact that most of the students simply shared or commented on the Facebook post and didn’t actually break the dress code, they were suspended anyway.
“And (the principal) was like, ‘OK, you’re a threat to our school,’ and then she suspended me,” a 7th grade student told WSB-TV.
“To me it was just a bunch of 13-year-olds acting crazy,” said Christopher Cagle, the father of a suspended honor roll student, who added that the principle did not inform any of the parents before suspending the students, while labeling their actions a “terroristic threat.”
The students now face a tribunal to decide if any further disciplinary action will be taken.
The story again highlights how schools across America are increasingly adopting zero tolerance policies in response to any kind of dissent as educational establishments begin to resemble prisons to a greater and greater degree.
Last month we reported on the case of a middle school student in Portland, Ore. who was not only suspended but had the cops called on him by the principle after doodling a picture of a man hanging.
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USA: Skolbarn som klagade på klädkod ansågs utgöra terroristhot - avstängda från skolan
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