onsdag 11 juni 2014

USA: - Poliser torterade naken kvinna med kemiska stridsmedel - "Trygghetsterror"

Amerikanska poliser arresterade en bilburen kvinna efter att de anklagat henne för någon bagatellförseelse i ordningslagen...
Poliserna handbojade kvinnan och släpade iväg henne till ett häkte. Därefter höll ett gäng snutar fast kvinnan och slet av henne alla kläder samtidigt som ett antal manliga poliser stod och beundrade föreställningen.

- Den nakna kvinnan lämnades chockad kvar på betonggolvet i en cell.

När kvinnan bad om kläder öppnade snutarna dörren och fyllde cellen med pepparspray (=samma kemiska stridsmedel som tårgas).

Kvinnan lämnades därefter naken i timmar i den gasfyllda cellen.

Jämförelser mad Nazityskland sker idag ofta i tid och otid. Men vad var det egentligen som Gestapo på sin tid gjorde annorlunda i sin trygghetsövervakning av medborgarna..?

Förmodligen hade de så är i efterhand bl.a. en något sämre PR-byrå. Om de haft dagens mainstreammedia hade de nog fortfarande varit igång med verksamheten. ...Eller är de fortfarande igång..?

Cops Strip, Parade, Pepper Spray Woman And Lock Her In Cell For 7 Hours

RT 2014-06-10
An Indiana woman plans to sue the Floyd County Jail in New Albany following her lawyer obtaining a video of police officers forcibly undressing her and locking her up, completely naked, in a cell full of pepper spray for seven hours.

The woman’s attorney said that it may be a routine procedure at the facility and that she has proof that other women are consistently given the same treatment.

On March 30, Tabitha Gentry, a mother of four, was detained by a police officer for disorderly conduct and resisting law enforcement, both misdemeanor charges.

She was then booked at the Floyd County Jail and, her attorney stated, grabbed around the neck. Her body was grabbed as well.

“- They hold her down,” lawyer Laura Landenwich said as cited by the local news station WDRB.

“- There are two male officers and two female officers and they forcibly remove her pants, her shoes, her underwear and her shirt and bra.”

After that, the terrified woman apparently started banging on the door. Someone came to the door, threatening to pepper spray her if she didn’t “shut up,” a threat they apparently carried out, spraying the room.

"Terrified and humiliated, she's banging on the door asking someone to give her [back] her clothing and someone comes to the door and says, 'If you don't shut up, I'm going to pepper spray you,' and sure enough, they open the door, spray pepper spray into the room and they leave - and they leave her in there for 40 minutes, naked, in a cell filled with pepper spray."

Then the cops allowed Gentry out of her cell to wash off the chemicals, parading her through the whole station. She was left naked in the cell for five more hours afterwards, according to the lawyer.

“Now this is a woman, who under our system of law, is innocent until proven guilty. She’s charged and she’s charged with a misdemeanor crime that’s not a violent crime,” Landenwich stressed.
The attorney also underlined that it appears to be standard procedure at the facility.

“- What we also see on the video is there is another inmate also being held naked prior to her entering that cell,” Landenwich told WDRB. “These are egregious constitutional violations.”

Furthermore, it is not the first time such allegations have been made against the jail.
Two years ago, another woman named Ashley Storms was allegedly undressed by sheriff’s deputies, then tased and left naked in a cell for eight hours.

That case was eventually settled out of court for a sum of money that wasn’t revealed.
However, the Floyd County Sheriff told journalists that the officers at the facility “don’t strip search” inmates as a policy.

He added that he believes in this case his officers acted appropriately and that no jail policies were breached.



Sjukligt intresse för döden 2 - Helenas JO-anmälan

  Arrestpersonal misstänks för brott

AB 2012-12-28
- Sju anställda vid polisarresten i Mölndal misstänks för brott, skriver gp.se.
  – Jag gör bedömningen att det har pågått en verksamhet där man inte kan utesluta att det har begåtts brott.http://undermattans.blogspot.se/2013/01/sjukligt-intresse-for-doden-2-jo-anmalan.html
 USA: - Poliser torterade naken kvinna med kemiska stridsmedel - "Trygghetsterror"

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