Hustrun till en kanadensisk polisman körde på 3 tonåringar ute på cykeltur. 17-årige Brandon Majewski på bilden dog och en annan tonåring blev mycket allvarligt skadad. Men, polishustrun stämde istället både den döde pojken, hans familj och även de två andra tonåringarna på 1,3 miljoner dollar för besväret...
Kvinnan anser enligt stämningen att den döde pojken och de andra tonåringarna orsakat henne "känslomässig stress" och obehag genom att vara "dåliga cyklister" i vad polisen klassat som en "olycka."
Men, det är egentligen oklart om det i verkligheten var en "olycka" eftersom kvinnan erkände i polisrapporten att hon höll avsevärt högre hastighet än tillåtet vid händelsen och att hon inte såg tonåringarna trots deras stora orangea reflexer på cyklarna.
Hennes polis-make som färdades i en egen bil alldeles bakom vid händelsen, var snabb med att se till att hustrun inte behövde genomgå någon alkotest eller förhör. Maken körde henne snabbt till deras hem utan vidare undersökning.
Polismannen ordnade också så att hustrun inte anklagades för någonting överhuvudtaget, trots sitt tidigare erkännande...
Den döde tonåringens familj har fått uppgifter om att kvinnan hade druckit och även talade i sin mobil samt inte höll hastigheten vid "olyckan."

RT 2014-04-28
A Canadian woman who hit three teenage boys – killing one and seriously injuring another – is now suing the deceased child, his family, and the two other teenagers she struck for more than $1 million.
In October 2012, 17-year-old Brandon Majewski was out with his friends Richard McLean and Jake Roberts, both 16, when they decided to hop on their bikes and go out for a hot dog. On their way, Sharlene Simon, 42, struck all three of the boys with her SUV. Majewski was severely injured, and died just two hours later.
Majewski’s father, Derek Majewski, acknowledged to the Toronto Sun that the boys shouldn’t have been out so late – it was past 1 a.m. at the time of the collision – but said they are “good kids” and should not have been hit by the vehicle.
Now that the woman behind the vehicle is suing his dead son for emotional issues, anxiety, and trauma, he was not shy about expressing his anger.
The family’s attorney, Brian Cameron, expressed similar shock over receiving news of the lawsuit.
According to the lawsuit, Simon pins the blame for the accident on the teenagers themselves, with the suit stating, “They did not apply their brakes properly. They were incompetent bicyclists.”
Simon’s lawyer, Michael Ellis, argued his client has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder due to the incident and suffers from headaches, anxiety, depression, and emotional discomfort. Simon is suing seeking $1.3 million in damages for her “great pain and suffering.”
"She relives the terror of this incident every day. Ms. Simon has been unable to return to work since the collision. She has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. She is also a victim," Ellis said, according to CTV News.
*As noted by the Sun, however, the police report describing the incident shows that Simon admitted to speeding when the accident occurred. She was driving 90 km/hr in an 80 km/hr zone, and said she did not see the teenagers or the orange-red reflectors on their bikes.
Simon was being followed in a separate car by her husband, a York Regional police officer, and did not undergo a breathalyzer test, since police did not believe she was driving under the influence. Simon’s husband drove her home after the accident and no charges were filed.
The family, however, claims Simon may have been drinking and possibly on the phone when she struck the teenagers, in addition to speeding. The family had previously filed a suit seeking $900,000 in damages related to “emotional trauma and shock.”
“I’m devastated, I’m in shock,” Brandon’s mother, Venetta Mylnczyk, said to the Sun. “She killed my child and now she wants to profit from it? She says she’s in pain? Tell her to look inside my head and she will see pain, she will see panic, she will see nightmares.”
Kvinnan anser enligt stämningen att den döde pojken och de andra tonåringarna orsakat henne "känslomässig stress" och obehag genom att vara "dåliga cyklister" i vad polisen klassat som en "olycka."
Men, det är egentligen oklart om det i verkligheten var en "olycka" eftersom kvinnan erkände i polisrapporten att hon höll avsevärt högre hastighet än tillåtet vid händelsen och att hon inte såg tonåringarna trots deras stora orangea reflexer på cyklarna.
Hennes polis-make som färdades i en egen bil alldeles bakom vid händelsen, var snabb med att se till att hustrun inte behövde genomgå någon alkotest eller förhör. Maken körde henne snabbt till deras hem utan vidare undersökning.
Polismannen ordnade också så att hustrun inte anklagades för någonting överhuvudtaget, trots sitt tidigare erkännande...
Den döde tonåringens familj har fått uppgifter om att kvinnan hade druckit och även talade i sin mobil samt inte höll hastigheten vid "olyckan."

Cop's wife kills cyclist, then sues him for ‘emotional distress’
***RT 2014-04-28
A Canadian woman who hit three teenage boys – killing one and seriously injuring another – is now suing the deceased child, his family, and the two other teenagers she struck for more than $1 million.
In October 2012, 17-year-old Brandon Majewski was out with his friends Richard McLean and Jake Roberts, both 16, when they decided to hop on their bikes and go out for a hot dog. On their way, Sharlene Simon, 42, struck all three of the boys with her SUV. Majewski was severely injured, and died just two hours later.
Majewski’s father, Derek Majewski, acknowledged to the Toronto Sun that the boys shouldn’t have been out so late – it was past 1 a.m. at the time of the collision – but said they are “good kids” and should not have been hit by the vehicle.
Now that the woman behind the vehicle is suing his dead son for emotional issues, anxiety, and trauma, he was not shy about expressing his anger.
“- I feel like someone kicked me in the stomach — I’m over the edge,” the dead boy’s father, Derek Majewski, said to the Toronto Sun. “Sometimes, it makes my blood boil.”
The family’s attorney, Brian Cameron, expressed similar shock over receiving news of the lawsuit.
"- In my 14 years of doing this, I've unfortunately represented far too many people who have lost children being hit by motorists, (and) I've never seen this," Cameron told Toronto’s CTV News Channel. "I've never even heard of this … I was shocked when I got the claim."
According to the lawsuit, Simon pins the blame for the accident on the teenagers themselves, with the suit stating, “They did not apply their brakes properly. They were incompetent bicyclists.”
Simon’s lawyer, Michael Ellis, argued his client has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder due to the incident and suffers from headaches, anxiety, depression, and emotional discomfort. Simon is suing seeking $1.3 million in damages for her “great pain and suffering.”
"She relives the terror of this incident every day. Ms. Simon has been unable to return to work since the collision. She has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. She is also a victim," Ellis said, according to CTV News.
*As noted by the Sun, however, the police report describing the incident shows that Simon admitted to speeding when the accident occurred. She was driving 90 km/hr in an 80 km/hr zone, and said she did not see the teenagers or the orange-red reflectors on their bikes.
Simon was being followed in a separate car by her husband, a York Regional police officer, and did not undergo a breathalyzer test, since police did not believe she was driving under the influence. Simon’s husband drove her home after the accident and no charges were filed.
The family, however, claims Simon may have been drinking and possibly on the phone when she struck the teenagers, in addition to speeding. The family had previously filed a suit seeking $900,000 in damages related to “emotional trauma and shock.”
“I’m devastated, I’m in shock,” Brandon’s mother, Venetta Mylnczyk, said to the Sun. “She killed my child and now she wants to profit from it? She says she’s in pain? Tell her to look inside my head and she will see pain, she will see panic, she will see nightmares.”
Polishustru körde ihjäl ung cyklist - stämde den dödes familj på miljoner för "obehagskänslor"
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