Jakten på den misstänkta bilen började när en polisman av misstag trodde att han hört ett skott avfyras från bilen när den passerade polishuset. (Förmodligen en feltändning från bilen istället.) Ett antal polispatruller började genast jaga bilen som till att börja med vägrade att stanna. Personerna i den misstänkta bilen blev sannolikt livrädda och fick panik av polisernas beteende.
När poliserna fick stopp på bilen på en skolgård så avfyrade de sammanlagt 137 skott och dödade både föraren och passageraren utan att tveka.
- Det har i efterhand visat sig att det bara var ett "pinsamt misstag" av polisen eftersom de misstänkta var obeväpnade och inte hade avfyrat något skott.
Ett antal stämningar pågår nu från de mördade personernas familjer mot amerikanska staten.

6 Cleveland Officers Indicted in Deadly Car Chase
2014-06-01 Source: Ap
A police car chase that ended in a schoolyard with two unarmed suspects dying in a hail of 137 bullets is part of a wide-ranging federal investigation into the Cleveland Police Department's use of deadly force and its pursuit policies.
Six officers in the police department were indicted Friday on charges related to the chase, Cuyohoga County prosecutor Tim McGinty said.
- Patrol officer Michael Brelo, who the prosecutor said stood on the hood of the suspects' car and fired at least 15 shots through the windshield, has been charged with two counts of manslaughter.
- Five supervisors have been charged with dereliction of duty for failing to control the chase.
McGinty cited a U.S. Supreme Court ruling this week that said police can't fire on suspects after a public safety threat has ended. He said the other officers on the scene had stopped firing after the November 2012 chase ended.
"This was now a stop-and-shoot — no longer a chase-and-shoot," McGinty said. "The law does not allow for a stop-and-shoot."
Driver Timothy Russell was shot 23 times.
Passenger Malissa Williams was shot 24 times.
No gun was found on them or in their vehicle. The chase began when an officer thought he heard a gunshot from a car speeding by the police and courts complex, jumped into his patrol car and radioed for help. Police don't know why Russell didn't stop.
USA-polis åtalas: Dödade 2 obeväpnade män - Stod på motorhuv, sköt 15 skott genom rutan
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