Den stolte Fredspristagaren Obama satsar uppenbarligen på att nå 200 000 snarast möjligt genom att skeppa över nya vapen för några miljarder till Syriens islamistrebeller. Vapen som inte sällan hamnar hos al-Qaida, ISIS, Talibaner och lokala krigsherrar över hela Afrika...
Publicerades den 27 jun 2014
The White House on Thursday asked Congress for half-a-billion dollars in aid to go towards opposition fighters in Syria at war with the regime of recently re-elected President Bashar Al-Assad. Publicerades den 27 jun 2014
READ MORE: http://on.rt.com/nx9wd4

Fredspristagare Obama begär 500 miljoner dollar för nya vapen åt Syriens Islamistrebeller
US pressured Denmark to close Kurdish TV so Rasmussen would become NATO chief – lawyer
SvaraRaderaPublished time: June 29, 2014
The US put pressure on Danish authorities to close the Kurdish Roj TV channel in order to appease Turkey. This was done so Anders Fogh Rasmussen's position as NATO secretary general would be secure, the station's lawyer told RT amid WikiLeaks revelations.
WikiLeaks documents released back in March suggest Rasmussen abused his powers during his time as Denmark's prime minister, in order to secure his future job.
In 2009, Denmark reportedly agreed to start legal action against Roj TV, a Kurdish separatist channel that was broadcasting from Copenhagen, in order to appease Turkey. In return, Ankara said it would back Rasmussen as the future NATO chief.
“There were some conflicts of political character between Denmark and Turkey. And the US intervened because they liked very much [for the] then-Danish prime minister to become secretary general. And therefore they felt confident with him as a secretary general,” Roj TV lawyer Bjorn Elmquist told RT.
“There was big pressure from the US to think in a creative manner how to indict and how to prove that Roj television was promoting terrorism. And in the end, the indictment was there. And within hours after that indictment it was announced that there was an agreement between the Turkish government and the other NATO countries to decide for the previous Danish prime minister to be secretary general.”
Roj TV began broadcasting in 2004. In 2010, it was accused in Denmark of promoting terrorist activities. It was officially shut down in February 2014.
Turkey maintained that Roj TV was a mouthpiece for the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which fights for the rights of the Kurdish minority – and is considered a terrorist organization in Turkey and the West.
CEO of the Kurdish ROJ TV Imdat Yimmaz(C), flanked by defence attorney Bjorn Elmquist(L) and chairman of the board Jamil Bozo(R) (AFP Photo / Jens Noergaard Larsen)[...]
SvaraRaderahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EO42_dPSB4&feature=em-share_video_user -
110,000 registered by UN crossing border into Russia. US won't believe those numbers.
"This is your government on drugs. Any questions?"
http://investmentwatchblog.com/urgent-isis-taking-over-iraqs-air-force-and-base/ -
...as U.S. special forces troops and intelligence analysts arrived to help Iraqi security forces counter the mounting Sunni insurgency, headed by ISIS". http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-East/2014/Jun-26/261648-maliki-rejects-calls-to-form-national-unity-government.ashx#ixzz35i149VEX
At Fort Huachuca, the internet censorship, operating to block websites worldwide that report news unfavorable to some US policies or that are critical of Israel..The Cyber Warfare specialists of Fort Huachuca, operating well outside the authority of the US Constitution, censor the internet, run “sock puppet” websites spreading propaganda and disinformation, orchestrate smear campaigns against journalists and activists who are not under total control and use electronic countermeasures to silence freedom of speech
The U.S. imprisons people at a rate of 716 people per 100,000 of population, but 22 states actually exceed that rate, with Louisiana's rate being the highest at 1,341 people per 100,000. Michigan's rate is below the national rate, at 628 inmates per 100,000, but that's still high enough to exceed every other country in the world.