Alternativ media har under den senaste tiden avslöjat att det mesta tyder på att de chockerande videoinspelningarna från Syrien om den senaste kemvapenattacken med döda barn, var delvis fejkade. Det har sannolikt skett ett allvarligt krigsbrott men inte på det sätt som mainstream här i väst presenterat det hela. Global Research TV har gjort en dokumentärvideo som avslöjar tydliga oegentligheter i videomaterialet, vilket de riktiga krigsbrottslingarna på bilden tillsammans med media, okritiskt och synkront använt som krigspropaganda för ett militärt anfall mot Syrien...
How the Syrian Chemical Weapons Videos Were Staged
Detailed Video Analysis on GRTV
Global Research, September 19, 2013
Video publicerad den 19 sep 2013
In the wake of the Syrian chemical weapons attack, shocking footage of the victims of that attack were widely circulated in an effort to raise the ire of the public and spur support for military intervention. Now, a new report on that footage finds troubling inconsistencies and manipulation with the video that calls the official narrative of the attack and its victims into question.
This is the GRTV Backgrounder on Global Research TV. [...]
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Manipulerade videos med döda barn
Ett avsevärt antal barn på bilderna undertill har enligt upphovsmännen till filmerna (rebeller) dött på olika ställe vid olika tider, trots att det är samma barn. Enligt USA har över 400 barn dött vid attacken. Då kan det verka något märkligt att man behöver flytta samma döda barn i olika arrangemang till olika platser.
Det verkar även fattas bilder på runt 400 barn och 900 vuxna offer...
Det här är svåra observationer att göra men nästan alla krig startas på lögner av eliten och krigsindustrikomplexet tillsammans med mainstreammedia. Avgör själv vad som är trovärdigt.
Med tanke på den enorma genomslagskraften mainstream har och den garanterade militära aktionen från USA som skulle följt en sådan publicering, är det lite märkligt att så inte skett. Eller finns svaret på länken undertill?
*Betänk också att om Assads regim verkligen står bakom den här attacken så har Assad i s f nästan lyckats med konststycket att gasa FN:s kemvapeninspektörer som samtidigt befann sig bara kilometer bort...
Report by:
Mother Agnes Mariam
Read this report very carefully. It says the truth. It reveals how the lives of innocent children were used as part of a criminal staged event, which was subsequently used to justify a military agenda on humanitarian grounds.
The preliminary report of The International Support Team for Mussalaha in Syria under the helm of Mother Agnes Mariam can be accessed in pdf (GR Editor, MCh)
To read the full report in pdf click here (large pdf slow download)
Läs mer:
Manipulerade videos med döda barn
Ett avsevärt antal barn på bilderna undertill har enligt upphovsmännen till filmerna (rebeller) dött på olika ställe vid olika tider, trots att det är samma barn. Enligt USA har över 400 barn dött vid attacken. Då kan det verka något märkligt att man behöver flytta samma döda barn i olika arrangemang till olika platser.
Det verkar även fattas bilder på runt 400 barn och 900 vuxna offer...
Det här är svåra observationer att göra men nästan alla krig startas på lögner av eliten och krigsindustrikomplexet tillsammans med mainstreammedia. Avgör själv vad som är trovärdigt.
Med tanke på den enorma genomslagskraften mainstream har och den garanterade militära aktionen från USA som skulle följt en sådan publicering, är det lite märkligt att så inte skett. Eller finns svaret på länken undertill?
*Betänk också att om Assads regim verkligen står bakom den här attacken så har Assad i s f nästan lyckats med konststycket att gasa FN:s kemvapeninspektörer som samtidigt befann sig bara kilometer bort...
Report by:
Mother Agnes Mariam
Read this report very carefully. It says the truth. It reveals how the lives of innocent children were used as part of a criminal staged event, which was subsequently used to justify a military agenda on humanitarian grounds.
The preliminary report of The International Support Team for Mussalaha in Syria under the helm of Mother Agnes Mariam can be accessed in pdf (GR Editor, MCh)
To read the full report in pdf click here (large pdf slow download)
Key Observations and Questions from Sibel Edmunds Boiling Frog Post
The report starts by asserting that on the basis of personal observations that the most the residents in East Ghouda had been fleeing the suburb since it was was the scene of fighting been the Syrian military and the anti-government militias; as validation, it also refers to the interview of a young Syrian boy by the name of Abdullah who responds that nobody died among his family and neighbours, because most of them were already displaced from East Ghouda.
Key findings are:
Key Observations and Questions
The report starts by asserting that on the basis of personal observations that the most the residents in East Ghouda had been fleeing the suburb since it was was the scene of fighting been the Syrian military and the anti-government militias; as validation, it also refers to the interview of a young Syrian boy by the name of Abdullah who responds that nobody died among his family and neighbours, because most of them were already displaced from East Ghouda.
Key findings are:
- See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2013/09/20/decide-with-your-own-eyes-the-videos-of-the-chemical-attacks-in-syria-show-tampered-scenes/#comments
The report starts by asserting that on the basis of personal observations that the most the residents in East Ghouda had been fleeing the suburb since it was was the scene of fighting been the Syrian military and the anti-government militias; as validation, it also refers to the interview of a young Syrian boy by the name of Abdullah who responds that nobody died among his family and neighbours, because most of them were already displaced from East Ghouda.
Key findings are:
- See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2013/09/20/decide-with-your-own-eyes-the-videos-of-the-chemical-attacks-in-syria-show-tampered-scenes/#comments
Key Observations and Questions
The report starts by asserting that on the basis of personal observations that the most the residents in East Ghouda had been fleeing the suburb since it was was the scene of fighting been the Syrian military and the anti-government militias; as validation, it also refers to the interview of a young Syrian boy by the name of Abdullah who responds that nobody died among his family and neighbours, because most of them were already displaced from East Ghouda.
Key findings are:
(1) Most the footage is of children.The report starts by asserting that on the basis of personal observations that the most the residents in East Ghouda had been fleeing the suburb since it was was the scene of fighting been the Syrian military and the anti-government militias; as validation, it also refers to the interview of a young Syrian boy by the name of Abdullah who responds that nobody died among his family and neighbours, because most of them were already displaced from East Ghouda.
Key findings are:
(1) Most the footage is of children.- See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2013/09/20/decide-with-your-own-eyes-the-videos-of-the-chemical-attacks-in-syria-show-tampered-scenes/#comments
(2) There is almost a total absence of adult corpses next to the bodies of the children.
(3) There is almost a total absence of parents, especially mothers, coming to claim the bodies of the dead children.
(4) There is virtually an absence of the sound of ambulances in the background of the videos.
(5) The testimonies being used against the Syrian government include those of individuals claiming to have smelled the chemical that was used whereas sarin is an odorless gas.
(6) The testimonies that most the victims were found in their homes are at odds with the claims by the same people that most the victims could not be identified.
(7) The same footage is used for videos with different scenarios.
(8) There is different footage that proves that the bodies were being arranged and moved around for display and specifically for filming; for example we see the body of a little boy in a red shirt that was filmed in Zamalka and then in filmed again among different bodies in Jobar and the inanimate bodies of at least nine of the children that filmed in Kafarbatna also oddly appear at makeshift morgue in Al-Majr a few hours later.
(9) The same couple appears as parents looking for their children in two different videos and each time they claim a different child as theirs among the corpses.
(10) The same groups that have been involved with posting and disseminating the videos that the US Intelligence Community has selected have also tried to pass pictures of Egyptian civilians killed in Cairo’s Rabaa Al-Adawiya Square as Syrian victims.
(11) Children that are still breathing in Zamalka are just filmed and left alone without medical treatment.
(12) In one video, where it is stated that all the bodies are those of the dead, it can be seen that some of the corpses are being injected by syringes with an unknown liquid.
(13) There is no knowledge or evidence that public funerals took place for the large number of victims that surpasses 1,460 people.
(14) In breach of all cultural norms and last rites, no public announcements about the dead or their funerals were made.
(15) There is no more than 500 people in all the videos, even when all the bodies that appear in different videos are added to the count.
(16) In two videos of the same location with a difference of about one hour and forty minutes the entire medical teams changes in the middle of an emergency.
(17) The identities of the dead have largely been left unknown, especially by the anti-government groups archiving and disseminating their pictures.
(18) In the footage of one burial only eight people are buried and three of them are not even covered in the “compulsory” ritual shrouds.
(2) There is almost a total absence of adult corpses next to the bodies of the children.
(3) There is almost a total absence of parents, especially mothers, coming to claim the bodies of the dead children.
(4) There is virtually an absence of the sound of ambulances in the background of the videos.
(5) The testimonies being used against the Syrian government include those of individuals claiming to have smelled the chemical that was used whereas sarin is an odorless gas.
(6) The testimonies that most the victims were found in their homes are at odds with the claims by the same people that most the victims could not be identified.
(7) The same footage is used for videos with different scenarios.
(8) There is different footage that proves that the bodies were being arranged and moved around for display and specifically for filming; for example we see the body of a little boy in a red shirt that was filmed in Zamalka and then in filmed again among different bodies in Jobar and the inanimate bodies of at least nine of the children that filmed in Kafarbatna also oddly appear at makeshift morgue in Al-Majr a few hours later.
(9) The same couple appears as parents looking for their children in two different videos and each time they claim a different child as theirs among the corpses.
(10) The same groups that have been involved with posting and disseminating the videos that the US Intelligence Community has selected have also tried to pass pictures of Egyptian civilians killed in Cairo’s Rabaa Al-Adawiya Square as Syrian victims.
(11) Children that are still breathing in Zamalka are just filmed and left alone without medical treatment.
(12) In one video, where it is stated that all the bodies are those of the dead, it can be seen that some of the corpses are being injected by syringes with an unknown liquid.
(13) There is no knowledge or evidence that public funerals took place for the large number of victims that surpasses 1,460 people.
(14) In breach of all cultural norms and last rites, no public announcements about the dead or their funerals were made.
(15) There is no more than 500 people in all the videos, even when all the bodies that appear in different videos are added to the count.
(16) In two videos of the same location with a difference of about one hour and forty minutes the entire medical teams changes in the middle of an emergency.
(17) The identities of the dead have largely been left unknown, especially by the anti-government groups archiving and disseminating their pictures.
(18) In the footage of one burial only eight people are buried and three of them are not even covered in the “compulsory” ritual shrouds.
As a result these questions emerge:
(1) Why such a high rate of dead children?
(2) Why are the bodies of children being displayed with a virtual absence of adult corpses?
(3) When adult corpses are seen, why are the unusually segregated?
(4) Where were the parents?
(5) If the parents died with their children, why are the bodies of adults virtually absence, especially with the bodies of the children?
(6) If the parents were not killed, then where are they? Why are they not looking for their children?
(7) According to the cultural norms and gender scripts of Syrian society, children are almost always found with their mothers. So why is there a relative absence of women and specifically mothers in the US Intelligence Community’s nominated videos?
(8) How was it possible that all these children died alone?
(9) There was virtually no outdoor movement in East Ghouda after the attack. How were all the bodies transported to the burial sites without anyone noticing?
(10) What was being injected into the dead bodies? Do you need to give medication to corpses at a makeshift morgue?
- See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2013/09/20/decide-with-your-own-eyes-the-videos-of-the-chemical-attacks-in-syria-show-tampered-scenes/
(1) Most the footage is of children.
(2) There is almost a total absence of adult corpses next to the bodies of the children.
(3) There is almost a total absence of parents, especially mothers, coming to claim the bodies of the dead children.
(4) There is virtually an absence of the sound of ambulances in the background of the videos.
(5) The testimonies being used against the Syrian government include those of individuals claiming to have smelled the chemical that was used whereas sarin is an odorless gas.
(6) The testimonies that most the victims were found in their homes are at odds with the claims by the same people that most the victims could not be identified.
(7) The same footage is used for videos with different scenarios.
(8) There is different footage that proves that the bodies were being arranged and moved around for display and specifically for filming; for example we see the body of a little boy in a red shirt that was filmed in Zamalka and then in filmed again among different bodies in Jobar and the inanimate bodies of at least nine of the children that filmed in Kafarbatna also oddly appear at makeshift morgue in Al-Majr a few hours later.
(9) The same couple appears as parents looking for their children in two different videos and each time they claim a different child as theirs among the corpses.
(10) The same groups that have been involved with posting and disseminating the videos that the US Intelligence Community has selected have also tried to pass pictures of Egyptian civilians killed in Cairo’s Rabaa Al-Adawiya Square as Syrian victims.
(11) Children that are still breathing in Zamalka are just filmed and left alone without medical treatment.
(12) In one video, where it is stated that all the bodies are those of the dead, it can be seen that some of the corpses are being injected by syringes with an unknown liquid.
(13) There is no knowledge or evidence that public funerals took place for the large number of victims that surpasses 1,460 people.
(14) In breach of all cultural norms and last rites, no public announcements about the dead or their funerals were made.
(15) There is no more than 500 people in all the videos, even when all the bodies that appear in different videos are added to the count.
(16) In two videos of the same location with a difference of about one hour and forty minutes the entire medical teams changes in the middle of an emergency.
(17) The identities of the dead have largely been left unknown, especially by the anti-government groups archiving and disseminating their pictures.
(18) In the footage of one burial only eight people are buried and three of them are not even covered in the “compulsory” ritual shrouds.
- See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2013/09/20/decide-with-your-own-eyes-the-videos-of-the-chemical-attacks-in-syria-show-tampered-scenes/#comments
(2) There is almost a total absence of adult corpses next to the bodies of the children.
(3) There is almost a total absence of parents, especially mothers, coming to claim the bodies of the dead children.
(4) There is virtually an absence of the sound of ambulances in the background of the videos.
(5) The testimonies being used against the Syrian government include those of individuals claiming to have smelled the chemical that was used whereas sarin is an odorless gas.
(6) The testimonies that most the victims were found in their homes are at odds with the claims by the same people that most the victims could not be identified.
(7) The same footage is used for videos with different scenarios.
(8) There is different footage that proves that the bodies were being arranged and moved around for display and specifically for filming; for example we see the body of a little boy in a red shirt that was filmed in Zamalka and then in filmed again among different bodies in Jobar and the inanimate bodies of at least nine of the children that filmed in Kafarbatna also oddly appear at makeshift morgue in Al-Majr a few hours later.
(9) The same couple appears as parents looking for their children in two different videos and each time they claim a different child as theirs among the corpses.
(10) The same groups that have been involved with posting and disseminating the videos that the US Intelligence Community has selected have also tried to pass pictures of Egyptian civilians killed in Cairo’s Rabaa Al-Adawiya Square as Syrian victims.
(11) Children that are still breathing in Zamalka are just filmed and left alone without medical treatment.
(12) In one video, where it is stated that all the bodies are those of the dead, it can be seen that some of the corpses are being injected by syringes with an unknown liquid.
(13) There is no knowledge or evidence that public funerals took place for the large number of victims that surpasses 1,460 people.
(14) In breach of all cultural norms and last rites, no public announcements about the dead or their funerals were made.
(15) There is no more than 500 people in all the videos, even when all the bodies that appear in different videos are added to the count.
(16) In two videos of the same location with a difference of about one hour and forty minutes the entire medical teams changes in the middle of an emergency.
(17) The identities of the dead have largely been left unknown, especially by the anti-government groups archiving and disseminating their pictures.
(18) In the footage of one burial only eight people are buried and three of them are not even covered in the “compulsory” ritual shrouds.
- See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2013/09/20/decide-with-your-own-eyes-the-videos-of-the-chemical-attacks-in-syria-show-tampered-scenes/#comments
Key Observations and Questions
The report starts by asserting that on the basis of personal observations that the most the residents in East Ghouda had been fleeing the suburb since it was was the scene of fighting been the Syrian military and the anti-government militias; as validation, it also refers to the interview of a young Syrian boy by the name of Abdullah who responds that nobody died among his family and neighbours, because most of them were already displaced from East Ghouda.
Key findings are:
The report starts by asserting that on the basis of personal observations that the most the residents in East Ghouda had been fleeing the suburb since it was was the scene of fighting been the Syrian military and the anti-government militias; as validation, it also refers to the interview of a young Syrian boy by the name of Abdullah who responds that nobody died among his family and neighbours, because most of them were already displaced from East Ghouda.
Key findings are:
(1) Most the footage is of children.As a result these questions emerge:
(2) There is almost a total absence of adult corpses next to the bodies of the children.
(3) There is almost a total absence of parents, especially mothers, coming to claim the bodies of the dead children.
(4) There is virtually an absence of the sound of ambulances in the background of the videos.
(5) The testimonies being used against the Syrian government include those of individuals claiming to have smelled the chemical that was used whereas sarin is an odorless gas.
(6) The testimonies that most the victims were found in their homes are at odds with the claims by the same people that most the victims could not be identified.
(7) The same footage is used for videos with different scenarios.
(8) There is different footage that proves that the bodies were being arranged and moved around for display and specifically for filming; for example we see the body of a little boy in a red shirt that was filmed in Zamalka and then in filmed again among different bodies in Jobar and the inanimate bodies of at least nine of the children that filmed in Kafarbatna also oddly appear at makeshift morgue in Al-Majr a few hours later.
(9) The same couple appears as parents looking for their children in two different videos and each time they claim a different child as theirs among the corpses.
(10) The same groups that have been involved with posting and disseminating the videos that the US Intelligence Community has selected have also tried to pass pictures of Egyptian civilians killed in Cairo’s Rabaa Al-Adawiya Square as Syrian victims.
(11) Children that are still breathing in Zamalka are just filmed and left alone without medical treatment.
(12) In one video, where it is stated that all the bodies are those of the dead, it can be seen that some of the corpses are being injected by syringes with an unknown liquid.
(13) There is no knowledge or evidence that public funerals took place for the large number of victims that surpasses 1,460 people.
(14) In breach of all cultural norms and last rites, no public announcements about the dead or their funerals were made.
(15) There is no more than 500 people in all the videos, even when all the bodies that appear in different videos are added to the count.
(16) In two videos of the same location with a difference of about one hour and forty minutes the entire medical teams changes in the middle of an emergency.
(17) The identities of the dead have largely been left unknown, especially by the anti-government groups archiving and disseminating their pictures.
(18) In the footage of one burial only eight people are buried and three of them are not even covered in the “compulsory” ritual shrouds.
(1) Why such a high rate of dead children?- See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2013/09/20/decide-with-your-own-eyes-the-videos-of-the-chemical-attacks-in-syria-show-tampered-scenes/#comments
(2) Why are the bodies of children being displayed with a virtual absence of adult corpses?
(3) When adult corpses are seen, why are the unusually segregated?
(4) Where were the parents?
(5) If the parents died with their children, why are the bodies of adults virtually absence, especially with the bodies of the children?
(6) If the parents were not killed, then where are they? Why are they not looking for their children?
(7) According to the cultural norms and gender scripts of Syrian society, children are almost always found with their mothers. So why is there a relative absence of women and specifically mothers in the US Intelligence Community’s nominated videos?
(8) How was it possible that all these children died alone?
(9) There was virtually no outdoor movement in East Ghouda after the attack. How were all the bodies transported to the burial sites without anyone noticing?
(10) What was being injected into the dead bodies? Do you need to give medication to corpses at a makeshift morgue?
--The International Support Team for Mussalaha in Syria--
Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib:
We are a multinational group intended to assist reconciliation in Syria, as our name suggests. We have with us representatives from a number of countries including Australia, Belgium, France, Ireland, the United States, and even Malaysia.
We also represent Arab countries, including Syria, of course. We are willing to maintain communication with anyone inside Syria who would take interest in mitigating the impact of this conflict for the civilian population.
To that end, we are willing to engage opposition groups as well as government forces. We are committed to providing whatever assistance we can to civilians who have been aggrieved, whether by the actions of opposition fighters, or those of government troops.
To be sure, we have pointed to numerous human rights violations in Syria, as those violations have been unending throughout this terrible crisis, and they have had an impact on every citizen of Syria.
We must assist refugees, the elderly, women, and children. Starting from March this year, we have received several offers of support from UN offices and a number of NGOs. And we are getting some serious support.
Complete Report of the ISTEAM: The Chemical Attacks in East Ghouta Used to Justify a Military Intervention in Syria (pdf)
See also:
The Chemical Attacks in East Ghouta Used to Justify a Military Intervention in Syria By , September 16, 2013
Syria: Fabricating Chemical Lies. Who is Behind the East Ghouta Attacks?By , September 17, 2013
Materialet finns även delvis publicerat här:
- See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2013/09/20/decide-with-your-own-eyes-the-videos-of-the-chemical-attacks-in-syria-show-tampered-scenes/
-- A Diabolical Conclusion --
Even if many of the observations and premises of the study are ignored, there are some observations that are irrefutable.
Even if many of the observations and premises of the study are ignored, there are some observations that are irrefutable.
The same corpses of children were found in different arrangements and in different places at different times in the footage used by the US Intelligence Community.
This means that corpses were being staged in arrangements for propaganda purposes. [...]
- See more at: http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2013/09/20/decide-with-your-own-eyes-the-videos-of-the-chemical-attacks-in-syria-show-tampered-scenes/
Publicerad den 11 September 2013
Publicerad den 11 September 2013
With the latest diplomatic negotiations on Syria, unilateral US military intervention has been stalled for the moment. But as part of a decade-long Pentagon plan to overthrow the Assad government, a US-led armed strike on Syria remains an ever-present threat to stability in the region. While an increasingly demoralized anti-war movement looks for a way to stop the endless chain of illegal wars of aggression, Professor Michel Chossudovsky delivers a powerful message of unity and resistance. Find out more in the GRTV Feature Interview with our special guest Professor Michel Chossudovsky.
Vidareläsning undermattan:
Hur fejkade videos från den senaste kemiska attacken i Syrien blev krigspropaganda
-US Demands Syria Destroy Chemical Weapons Lickety-Split, But Says It Needs Decades to Safely Eliminate Its Own Chems-
SvaraRaderaSeptember 23, 2013
Source: Who What Why
The US is demanding, in negotiations at the UN, that all Syrian chemical weapons, stocks and production facilities be eliminated by June 30 of next year.
This has an element of hypocrisy, because the US itself has been incredibly slow about eliminating its own stocks of chemical weapons.
US Secretary of State John Kerry has referred to Syria as having one of the largest chemical stockpiles in the world. But the US and Russia both still have stocks of chemicals many times as large. Syria’s neighbor Israel, which refuses to admit it has the weapons and has yet to ratify the treaty banning them, is suspected of also having a large arsenal.
The US caches, at 3100 tons, are three times as large as Syria’s reported 1000 tons.
-Syria researcher dismissed for falsifying credentials hired by Senator McCain-
SvaraRaderaSeptember 27
The Washington scholar who was cited by US leaders calling for a military strike on Syria, only to lose her job for fabricating her academic credentials, has been hired by the office of US Senator John McCain, Foreign Policy magazine reports.
Elizabeth O’Bagy was formerly employed by the Institute for the Study of War, where she quickly became a respected voice on the ongoing conflict between Syrian President Bashar Assad and opposition forces. McCain and US Secretary of State John Kerry once read from an editorial O’Bagy wrote in the Wall Street Journal when advocating for a military strike in front of Congress.
O’Bagy was fired from the Washington, DC based think-tank shortly thereafter, when it was revealed that she did not have a combined masters/PhD from Georgetown University as she had claimed.
“Elizabeth is a talented researcher, and I have been very impressed by her knowledge and analysis in multiple briefings over the last year,” McCain told Foreign Policy in a statement. “I look forward to her joining my office.” [...]
-Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov claims Syrian sarin gas was homemade-
SvaraRaderaSeptember 28, 2013
Source: Joshua Cook
Bashar Assad’s alleged gassing of Syrian citizens was the main argument in support of American intervention in the situation. It has consequently been the main source of controversy and most discussed example of the US’s total outsider status and lack of understanding of the country’s situation. The Western world simply does not know which side of the conflict used the gas.
Now, Russia’s Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, is saying that a study of the August 21 Damascus gas attack – the event which raised the question of foreign intervention – conducted by the Russian government shows that the gas was homemade. This would indicate that the gas was used by the rebels, rather than the Syrian government which has stockpiles of the chemical weapon.
-Rebels conduct new chemical weapons attack in Syria near Turkish border - report-
SvaraRaderaOctober 29
The rebels used chemical weapons in north-eastern Syria near the border with Turkey on Tuesday, a Lebanese TV channel Al-Mayadeen reported.
The toxic shell exploded near a Kurdish defense forces’ checkpoint close to the border with Turkey in the city of Ras al-Ayn al-Hasakah.
The attack was reported by Kurdish defense forces who are conducting military operations against the rebels in the region.
They are quoted as saying they saw toxic yellow smoke that followed the shell explosion, while some of them had symptoms of severe chemical intoxication accompanied by nausea.
The reported chemical attack comes amid the second day of fierce fighting in the town.
The Kurdish forces have successfully repelled several attacks by armed groups of extremists of the Nusra Front ( Jabhat al-Nusra), and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, killing 28 militants.
This comes as the joint mission of UN international experts and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is in Syria inspecting the sites of the toxic attacks and destroying chemical weaponry. [...]