Paul Craig: Poliser ser frekvent allmänheten som fienden.
- Mobbande busar och psykopater blir ofta poliser!
Sociopati är, till skillnad från den mer etablerade termen "psykopati", ett av den s.k. politiska psykiatrins mest kontroversiella begrepp[1] och i Sverige betraktas uttrycket numera som både ovetenskapligt och föråldrat,[2] medan det fortfarande används sporadiskt i USA. Den svenske psykiatriprofessorn Jan-Otto Ottosson skrev 1983: "Den äldre beteckningen psykopatisk föredras framför den nyare sociopatisk, som är mer värderingskänslig".[3]
Uppladdad den 3 februari 2011
Cops in America are heavily armed
and trained to be bullies, routinely hurting people.
After a number of
mistakes committed by SWAT teams breaking into the wrong home of
citizens and constant confrontations with people, are police
overstepping their boundaries? Former Reagan Administration advisor Paul
Craig Roberts says people who are attracted to police forces are
bullies and sociopaths.
Police brutality - RT -Playlist
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLagVUKF7CUTSaQsFy7RoTGEO_4vFD66cQCops arrest man for filming them and then kill his dog
av RTAmerica 88 591 visningarCourtesy: http://www.youtube.com/ricanreeper89…-
Cops force woman to shake her bra during traffic stop
av RTAmerica 36 299 visningarA routine traffic stop left Zoe Brugger with a traumatizing experience after cops decided that she and her boyfriend were hiding drugs in their vehicle. Officers demanded Zoe exit the car, lift up her shirt and shake out her bra in orde… -
Annoying a cop to become illegal in New York
av RTAmerica 8 522 visningarThe New York State Senate has passed a bill that makes annoying a police officer a crime. This bill makes it a felony to harass, annoy or threaten a cop while he or she is on duty. Many are concerned that this will only give police mo… -
Rapper "Xstrav" Beatty gets arrested for refusing to give cop his iced tea
av RTAmerica 21 844 visningarOn Monday, Christopher Beatty and friends were outside an ABC Liquor Store in North Carolina when a plain clothes police officer demanded Beatty, also known as rapper "Xstrav," hand over his can of Arizona brand iced tea. The c… -
Seattle May Day protests turn violent
av RTAmerica 15 739 visningarVideo courtesy http://www.youtube.com/seacams… -
Eight month pregnant woman tasered by cops
av RTAmerica 43 500 visningarIn Springfield, Illinois, Lucinda White was tasered by a cop after her boyfriend's dispute with another individual over a fender bender went south. The 29 year-old called the police in an effort to settle the dispute, but later the eight mont… -
LAPD Brutality Continues
av RTAmerica 7 140 visningarIn the aftermath of the Christopher Dorner manhunt, the LAPD exposed some of the ugly skeletons it has been trying to hide in its closet. While Los Angeles police claim to have left their historically, corrupt and brutish police tactics… -
Did Dorner manhunt expose police abuse?
av RTAmerica 4 702 visningarAfter nearly a week-long manhunt, officials are reporting that the ex-Los Angeles cop's remains were removed from a burned cabin in Big Bear, California where he had allegedly barricaded himself in during a stand-off with law enforce… -
SWAT team sends 12 year old to hospital
av RTAmerica 5 877 visningarRecently, an ill-planed SWAT team raid ended with a young child ending up in the emergency room. A 12-year-old girl was sent to the hospital with second-degree burns after an officer with the Billings, Montana Police Department det… -
Pepper-sprayed UC Davis students awarded $1 mln
av RTAmerica 7 891 visningarThe University of California at Davis has reached a financial agreement with the protesters who were pepper-sprayed during a campus protest last November. Images of a police officer discharging military-grade pepper-spray in the fa… -
Video of Anaheim protesters face off with the police
av RTAmerica 19 934 visningarResidents of Anaheim have clashed yet again with police following the weekend shootings that killed two men. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered in the center tossing rocks and bottles at police and ignoring warnings to disp… -
X-ray vans to hit the streets of America?
av RTAmerica 11 557 visningarHere at RT we continuously bring you the latest on the militarization of the police in the US. From armed tank-like trucks to military grade pepper spray, civilians are being treated more and more like villains, and now X-ray vans ma… -
Baton vs camera: Police open hunt for citizen journalists
av RTAmerica 25 356 visningarAs the consolidated corporate media machine fails in its function as the fourth estate, citizen journalists and independent press outlets are there to pick up the slack. But this important task is becoming increasingly threaten…
Amnesty kritiserar Sverige för bristande polisgranskning.
**Starka politiska intressen gör att ingen ställs till svars för brott mot mänskliga rättigheter. I Sverige finns ingen effektiv och oberoende instans som utreder klagomål mot polisen, menar Amnesty.
Länkar till serien
---Svenska Polisens Dåliga Dagar---
Svenska Polisens Dåliga Dagar - LÄNKAR
500 000 videos med kriminellt polisvåld mot civila på YouTube från USA - Sveriges förebild
Lawsuit: SWAT Officers Dragged 10-Year-Old from Bathtub, Made Him Stand Naked Next to 4-Year-Old Sister, Terrorized Family
SvaraRadera14 police officers with helmets and facemasks and assault rifles stormed in, family says.
-Ingen demonstrationsfrihet i Sverige enligt åkl. Elisabeth Bergström/Sara Friedman och poliser Patricia Hammarbäck/Roger Björkmyr-
SvaraRaderaDemokrati endast om du har tillstånd från polis?
Folkmordsmiljonären Carl Bildt, pedofilen Olof Palme, barnmördaren Göran Persson och heroinlangaren Fredrik Reinfeldt har länge påstått att Sverige är en demokrati där demonstrationsfrihet råder.
- Stämmer detta eller måste folk ha tillstånd av polisen?
FN säger klart och tydligt att polisen inte får blanda sig i fredliga möten eller störa demonstrationer. Samt har alla i Europa rätt att sprida åsikter och information hur dem vill.
- Har Demir från Södertälje och andra frihetskämpar rätt att bruka våld mot poliser som försöker att tysta åsikter och störa demonstrationer?